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Mar. 3rd, 2011


Is March too cold for a party on the roof? I don't care. We'll whack some charms up.

Girls and boys, we're having a party on the roof of building D tomorrow night. Think of it as a divorce party, teamed with a warm up for Moony's birthday. Bring your drinking heads, because I believe it will be quite an evening. I have stolen a pool table especially.

James and Lily, I will turn a blind eye to your underage presence as long as Prongs doesn't stab someone with those stubs he calls antlers. And Lily wears a sombrero.

Feb. 19th, 2011


All right, the lot of you. Laugh it up. Again. Come one come bloody all. Particularly my so-called wife and daughter.

I've been remarried, for the second time, to a man. Apparently your ex, Ginny. This should be an interesting week.

Ric, dinner and hunting definitely makes my top ten married dates. I'll remember it all very, very fondly.

Feb. 12th, 2011


Everyone one needs me, I'm off on a date with my vampire hunting husband. Who happens to be best friends with a vampire. I I actually managed to type that with a straight fa I'm sure you're all very jealous. My phone will be on silent so I'll check back with anyone when we're done. Try not to antagonise Merli Remus someone into hexing you. Siriu

Don't wait up.

[Lily E.]

Are you all right?

Feb. 7th, 2011


Harry James Potter, I swear to Merlin if I find out you and your sons had something to do with this you will definitely be missing something precious because I'm hexing it off and feeding it to the cat! This was NOT what I meant when I said take me on vacation, Harry. You owe me.

Dec. 28th, 2010


[Filtered to Harry, Ginny and Ron]

I'm sick of just sitting around and taking potshots at these things from the windows. Have any of you had any success with anything else? My best approximation of lightning doesn't work, a Stunner only bounces off the shell, flames and ice don't do much of anything, and a Body-Bind doesn't have a body to latch onto.

Failing that, who wants to come and try combining bolts of lightning with me?

Dec. 25th, 2010


Filtered to people from the HP world )

Dec. 5th, 2010


What the bloody hell is going on?

I have a two year old, a three year old and a six year old that need watching and an article with a deadline! This isn't funny in the slightest.

You had better hope I decide to be nice and let my husband deal with you because you most certainly don't want to deal with me!