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Feb. 15th, 2012


Nothing says Happy Birthday like a horde of zombies.

Feb. 6th, 2012


The urge to go stab something is seriously rising. I bet if I got a beer, there would be little cartoon animals pouring me one, right? No one needs animals at the bar. Jesus Christ.

Yeah, definitely going to go stab something. If you wanna stab something too, just say the word.

Jan. 31st, 2012


Merlin's Balls!! This is bloody amazing!! I still can't believe it. I found Quidditch supplies in a secret room in the lobby of Uncle Charlie's building! Bloody Quidditch supplies!! Like everything! I was just complaining about how much I missed Quidditch and then this! Whoever Willow is or was, I want to say thank you!! I think this calls for a match. I call Keeper and Captain of one team. Who else wants in? According to these notes some of the brooms are charmed for Muggle use, so no one will be turned away.

Jan. 10th, 2012


Soooo I heard there was a girl with dragons kicking around? I mean, I'm not big on keeping up on gossip usually, so that might be way behind schedule, but whatever.

Dec. 26th, 2011


Filtered to Potters, Weasleys and Friends

Okay you lot, you're all coming round my place for New Year's Eve. I'm ordering take away; any requests or suggestions?

Dec. 18th, 2011


arthur Charli

Can anyone tell me where I am? I think theres been a mix up with the floo network.

Dec. 9th, 2011


Can I get some help, please? I need to put up a warded enclose for Bess. She's getting too big for the flat, and she'll be flying and firing up soon.

Really, she needs a site with a load of room where she won't be in the way. Maybe on the very edge of the city?

Oct. 15th, 2011


Old Lace was shot. I got the bullet out, closed the wound, and got her back to the mansion, but I don't know how to help her along through her healing. Does anyone know dinosaur physiology? Maybe even have veterinary experience?

Molly feels Old Lace's pain and she saw what happened to Mr. Winchester. I'm offering what comfort I can. Any other friends or people with expertise, please be on hand.

If giant purple robots come looking for me, tell them I'm too exhausted right now to deal with them. They'll have to come back when I haven't just manipulated a dinosaur's cellular structures.


Accidental Voice Post.

[A lot of russian, mostly cursing can be heard in the background. And then a loud scream from Alex]

No. He can't be here...


Oct. 3rd, 2011


And we're back here again. I think. What the bloody hell happened to this place?

Alex? Hugo? Pete? You lot still about?

Aug. 26th, 2011


Guess I'm going to have a lot more free time now.


For the love of Aslan! A group of teenagers, probably around my age, thought it would be funny to let the horses out of their stalls. Not only that, but I was here while it happened. I came down to feed them and walked in on them laughing as the horses ran off. They didn't see me, however and then ran off themselves.

Charlie, Ed, can you come and help me round up the horses?

Aug. 4th, 2011


This place never surprises me anymore, but how am I in the past? It should be 2019 and the calendar says 2011.

Not your best joke, Charlie.

Aug. 2nd, 2011


My Summer-Christmas present hatched! Female Antipodean Opaleye, about 13 inches snout to tail. Still missing a couple of scales and slight film over one nostril but otherwise healthy and absolutely bloody GORGEOUS.

Now she just needs a name. I'll open the floor to suggestions.

Jul. 12th, 2011


Are there any household foods that one could feed a dog?

I...saw one that looked hungry when I went for a walk and pizza doesn't seem like the best option.

Jul. 1st, 2011


I overslept. I'm so gonna be late to work.

Jun. 27th, 2011


1. Okay. I have a retro PDA
1a. Not very cool.
1b. Sort of cool.
1c. All right. Really cool but it doesn't make up for being kidnapped.
- Without my pets that were just with me.
2. The two moons might. Wyatt did better when he was
2a. Not for the missing animals.
3. And the humongous squid in freshwater. I'm going to wait for someone to tell me how that's supposed to work
4. I'm guessing this is supposed to be a semi-permanent thing? This being kidnapped? To another dimension. Dad is going to freak

[Melinda and Kat]
Hey. Mind telling me why everybody I talk to in this place act like they're brain sucked whenever I ask them a question? Also, while we're at it but hey no hurries I so didn't want to be listening to Grams go on about stuff again, why are we here? And why do Uncle Leo, Aunt Paige, and Chris feel weird?

Jun. 19th, 2011


I think I need to get out for awhile, does anyone want to come with me? Meeting new people might be a good distraction.

Jun. 18th, 2011


Since it seems that I'm going to be stunned here for awhile, I wanted to know if there is a Unicorn I can enchant in for the tiny beiges. I was attending a Muppet Unicorn back home, so I assume it won't be that diseased here.

What in the world? Why can't I erect this? ere e r a s e this?

I am looking for a U n i v e r s i t y.

Is this thing broken?

[DYAC strikes Hugo]

May. 18th, 2011


I give up on men.

Lesbians, here I come!

May. 16th, 2011


There's a squid in the lake.

There is a bloody fucking SQUID in the lake. A GIANT SQUID in the lake.

It also happened to wave at me. This bloody brilliant. The Giant Squid. Haven't seen him si

May. 12th, 2011


I figured this thing out finally. It's no more complicated than the Dragon radar was when I was a kid.

[Fail!filtered to The Collector]
Uh, Asaph? Collector guy? 

Hi, well, I'm glad you brought me here and I'm alive again and all, but why?

[ooc; the others will be able to see what he filtered to the Collector. Goku didn't lock it right.]

May. 10th, 2011


Well this is certainly a case of mass-produced hysteria if ever I've seen one interesting.

May. 7th, 2011


Anyone up for a trip out the city? I figure mountains and sea is a bit more exciting than concrete and buses. Wakeboarding, maybe? Rock climbing? Anything?

Apr. 24th, 2011


Um. So. There's this horse. And it's following me. And I can't get it to leave me alone. It hasn't learned to climb the tree yet but it still won't go away.


Apr. 10th, 2011


Uh... Hi.

So I suppose I need a job and stuff right? What's going around this place? I saw there's an animal sanctuary and stables in the park - any of them hiring?

Also, what's the deal with pets in these flats?

Apr. 8th, 2011


So, I can't believe some of you guys have been here like...two years and nobody's ever thought to do this. Or if you did, I totally didn't find it on the network. And I read like...all of it. I was bored. Anyway, it's got to get annoying explaining over and over again, so I figured this would be so much simpler. Seriously, people. I've been here less than a week and I thought this up. You're slacking hardcore here.

Right, so, I'm Caroline Forbes. And this is a welcome/explanation to anyone else who gets brought here, to save us all time and effort.

Cut for the sake of the F-Page )

I think that's about it. I'll add more later if I think of more or things change. I really, seriously can't believe that none of you thought of this before.



hellomyname what's
hellomy name
Charlie Wea

Hello? Cananyone rea d this?Whats is this? Whats going on?