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Apr. 7th, 2013


gwen's answers )

Mar. 25th, 2013


My mom is going to kill me

So, let me make sure I have this all straight.
• I've been kidnapped
• I've been kidnapped to another planet, possibly in another reality
• I can't go home
• All you people apparently just got your memories back because something caused mass amnesia
• My boyfriend robbed a bank during the aforementioned mass-amnesia with a blonde girl

Is that about right?

Mar. 24th, 2013


Yeah, so...did anyone else wake up today and realize they did really stupid stuff? I'm pretty sure I did some really stupid stuff which includes but not specific to:

  • robbing a bank
  • buying a penthouse
  • apparently I have a motorcycle
  • and a fountain shaped like a penguin

  • Aside from all of that, anyone want to mention where I even am?

    [ private ]

    I have a black costume. I tossed my old costume for a black one.

    Well, at least black is slimming.

    Mar. 16th, 2013


    I am some sort of damn alien. I've got to be. I tried to find more information about this metal thing that is my arm and my leg and can't find any information at all. Anywhere. They don't exist.

    The only conclusion I can think of is that I'm some kind of weird as fuck alien from some place that's not here.

    Mar. 15th, 2013


    I... have no idea what is going on but half of the park is gone, I'm naked, I'm exhausted, and I seem to have blacked out the past several days I really need some pants. And a name. But mostly pants, at the moment.

    Mar. 13th, 2013


    voice post.

    Did...uh...anyone else wake up and get kicked out of a library? [ There's a slight pause as he avoids getting bumped by someone on the sidewalk. Why? Cos he has no idea what the Hell is going on...or who he is for that matter. ] Also...feeling like your brain got slurped up by a crazy straw because I got that nagging feel I left the stove on and forgot my name. And where I came from...or anything resembling a personal history.

    Well the fact that I'm not a drooling vegetable is always a good sign, right?

    I think I might be either a) a masked vigilante or b) a masked bandit though.

    Aug. 31st, 2012


    Sometimes it's easy to forget this is a real city.

    Then a douchebag picks a fight in a bar and I remember.

    I miss the days when a marine tag would be enough to make a guy second guess that sort of stupidity.

    ( Tasha )
    You back yet?

    Aug. 29th, 2012


    I had the strangest dream. And you were there. And you. And Natasha was evil. And Loki was weird. And Professor X was hot. And I was a girl. And apparently I slept with Barton. Not during the dream, I don't think. Just. At some point. Fucking hangover-induced fever dreams. Although I don't feel that hungover.

    ...wait, why is there a curling iron in my bathroom? And whose lacy underwear are ---

    Jul. 18th, 2012


    Just when I thought this place couldn't get any weirder, I learn not to think.

    Jul. 10th, 2012


    Thank God that honesty bullshit is over. Compulsive honesty may be even worse than an evil demon making us sing our feelings. And I was getting tired of pretending not to be here.

    That said, I'm proposing a blanket ban on discussing any information I may have revealed under the influence of truth serum. Especially if that information is particularly earth-shattering. Maybe if we pretend it never happend long enough, we'll start to believe it ourselves. Could happen, right?

    What'd I miss? Feel free to lie, because you can do that now.

    Jul. 9th, 2012


    I need a job. I should probably go to school here so I can find replacement friends. And also finish my degree. Or maybe my friends already here, but I can only find them by going to classes. But if the school has tuition, I will need a way to pay for it.

    I have experience as a fry cook working at my dad's falafel restaurant and at my school's cafeteria making chicken fingers. This would also be good if anyone needed me to be a crime boss in a mafia movie.

    I have also worked as a filmmaker, mostly web shorts and documentaries. And an actor, mostly in extended fast-paced escapades. Best known for my Don Draper, but my Han Solo has picked up some traction recently. And a news anchor, on closed circuit local access television. And an editor, mostly the TV Tropes website. Not paid.

    I also have some experience as Batman.


    Fuck Fucking fuck Damn it

    Nat's gone.

    Like...her stuff's gone. And her name's not on the stupid nameplate by the door. And her phone's disconnected. So...yeah. She's gone. And I'm alone again. I can't I can't fucking deal with this right now

    Thought you folks would want to know.

    Jul. 8th, 2012


    I am so incredibly bored it is not even funny. My Sudoku books are finished, the crosswords are done and there's not anything decent in this city to steal.

    Please someone come and talk to me before I find out if you can really burn a hundred and fifty calories banging your head against the wall...

    What costs nothing
    but is worth everything,
    weighs nothing, but can last a lifetime,
    that one person can't own,
    but two or more can share?

    Jul. 5th, 2012


    accidental voice post.

    Okay. Alright. You, Peter Parker, are a strong, uh, smooth individual. More the former than the latter. But that's more a stance on physicality than anything else. So, that probably doesn't count. Alright, I'm just gonna start over. [ the sound of his voice sounds somewhat hollow, and it's implicated this speech is happening in a bathroom ] You, Peter Parker, are a strong-willed ... yeah, that's good, strong-willed individual. You have a decent face and granted, you're a little bit twitchy, but you're a good guy. You can do this. You can admit to everyone that you're - No, you can't. Because you realized a long time ago that you don't need to out yourself to be well-liked. Even if you were kind of a douche and a half to everyone during that weird week, but that's in the past now, and this ...

    This is going absolutely nowhere. You know, this would be a lot easier if you weren't talking to yourself in a mirror, Peter. And now I'm referring to myself by name.

    Oh my God, was that on? Is this on? ...Motherf-

    Jun. 13th, 2012


    ...can someone please explain why I was just thrown out of a library.

    Where the hell I am might also be acceptable, as I'm quite certain this isn't Gotham. The Gotham City Library doesn't throw me out unless I'm trailing straw everywhere

    Jun. 7th, 2012


    I've had a long day. Who wants to get drunk and play ten fingers?

    Jun. 2nd, 2012


    Okay. I'm going to go scrap scrounging tomorrow. I've got four projects lined up, and I could use some people to help me sort through this stuff and see what might be useful. Anyone with an engineering background and/or super strength is invited to come. Other applicants will be evaluated on a case by case basis. I built the first Iron Man armor in a cave, so this should be cake in comparison.

    Cap, Thor, you guys are third on my list of priorities. (Congratulations, that's much higher than most people will ever be.) Mandatory technology orientation. This week or next week. First, someone's going to need to beg, borrow or steal me a larger monitor. I can't do a technology orientation on this laptop. Also, you'll both be getting new phones when I get around to making them. The name of the game, my friends, is shock absorption. Making Thor's withstand lightning is going to be interesting. But if we play it right, I guess you might never have to plug it in to charge it. And obviously they'll have to be user-friendly, since you're both dinosaurs. And I say that fondly.

    Actually, no. New holographic lab environment is number one, you guys are bumped to number four. But a number four that is very close to my heart. Fourth closest. But still close.

    After that, we're watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. That's number five. Though I wouldn't call it a project, exactly. Well, I guess your ongoing cultural education is sort of a project. If not one that will respond to scrap metal.

    Banner, I could use your help with something. Especially if you don't have a problem with larceny, but even if you do.


    Accidental Voice Post.

    [ vague exasperation as the sound of shimmering is heard over the PDA ]

    How in the world do these Midgardians deal with clothing like this? There is absolutely no security anywhere. [ the sound of a zipper being fiddled with before a huff of frustration is followed by a jacket being tossed off and clattering against the PDA ]

    Better. Not perfect but better.

    [ pause ] I look so fragile.

    May. 31st, 2012


    Well, that was a real eye-opening experience.

    I could still use a hand with a few things, but I'm feeling much better than yesterday. Sorry for the whole awkward public thing. If I could have filtered that shit, I would have.

    Bruce )

    Claire )

    Loki )

    ( OOC: Since Clint can't see right now, he's using voice recognition software that types what he says and reads back people's replies. )

    May. 30th, 2012


    ( Semi-Accidental Voice Post )

    ( It's hard to tell at first what's going on. There's no speaking, just the sound of someone struggling to breathe evenly, and occasional quiet, pained sounds and wet coughs. When Clint finally manages to say something, it takes a few tries before he manages the words, and even then they're quiet and choked. He doesn't sound quite coherent. )

    Talia? Natalia? Nat...I...please... Nat?


    Voice Post

    Get your hands off me!

    [there's a sound of some metal clanking around and then something hits the ground]

    Well at least that was a soft landing.

    [Bucky sounds more than a bit confused as he mutters under his breath and gets up.]

    Hello? Anyone in there? Great, I'm talking to tin cans.

    May. 28th, 2012


    Kitty and most of the Mansion did it, so I don't want to be left out. )


    Excuse me? Could someone please tell me what's going on?

    I've just about figured out this doohickey phone thing. It's not nearly as hard as that stuff Mr. Stark keeps pushing at me. I'm just really confused as to what's going on here. The suits of armor weren't exactly helpful, and the folks around here don't seem all that good at answering questions.

    Speaking of...there was also this list of questions, so I figure I ought to answer them, even though they seem a little strange.

    Steve's Answers )

    May. 26th, 2012


    Answers de Peter Parker )

    May. 25th, 2012


    These always yield interesting results, that's for sure.

    My answers. )

    May. 22nd, 2012


    Great Googly Moogly, is this really it? I mean, really and truly this time? Because I've gotta say, this ... isn't exactly what I was expecting. Big White Gates, maybe. More pearly than white, but minor details. Although this is definitely more dusty than pearly. Much less gatey and more ... creepy library. You know what, maybe I just took a wrong turn somewhere. I mean, come on, there wasn't even a welcoming committee waiting in the wings. I think I at least earned that, right?

    Looks like we're not in Kansas anymore, Peter.