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Apr. 26th, 2011



Apr. 25th, 2011


James? You know I'm not meant to apparate, and this is why. Though if you've arrived at the hospital and I haven't, I'm going to hurt you so bad.

Apr. 21st, 2011


Filtered to James

What's the chance we can get Sirius to bugger off to his own home?

Apr. 19th, 2011


[Accidental voice post after Regulus knocks the PDA off his bed side table. Frantic rustling can be heard for a while before someone finally speaks]


[More movement]

What filthy Order member would dare to kidnap me? REVEAL YOURSELF NOW!

[OOC: Reg has gone AU! He's now from a universe where he is an extreme purist fanatic who revels in his Death Eater status with a sick delight. Yeay! Have fun with him!]

Apr. 18th, 2011


Not exactly where I was aiming to go but I'm not complaining. The people here are most welcoming. Definitely a likable feature about this place. It's not Earth. Man, I'll miss that place. The people, the atmosphere. It’s something that certainly can't be found anywhere else.

So who’s fun to do around here?


the light wont leave me

i just want to sleep undisturbed

Apr. 17th, 2011


Apparently I was here before, I just don't remember. How strange.

Remus? Harry? I would be very grateful of a visit at some point, if you're not busy. I believe I have things to make up for, Remus.

Apr. 15th, 2011



oh god merlin i

where am i

Apr. 11th, 2011



Apr. 10th, 2011




So Black, about that thing you were going to do for me?

Also, how dare you do this to my boyfriend. {Insert a photo of James all orange and glowing yellow xD}

Apr. 9th, 2011


I didn't realise I had to put electricity into the wireless telephone, and then it stopped working! But I figured it out eventually.

Is there a good library here? Other than the one with the knights, I mean. I would quite like to read up on the past seventy years.

James! I found a clothes shop and bought some of my own, so I can give yours back now. Thank you.

Apr. 8th, 2011


hellomyname what's
hellomy name
Charlie Wea

Hello? Cananyone rea d this?Whats is this? Whats going on?

Apr. 5th, 2011


Oh thank merlin god my magic is back, I don't have to babysit James and Sirius any more.


Oh, thank Christ for that.

Parker? Tesla? Thank you very much.

Private, for John Mitchell )

Apr. 4th, 2011


I need to change/fix/whatever one of those glass-bulby things that go in the lights. 

It's bloody impossible.

I may resort to burning cardigans for light and warmth. But mostly for light.

Apr. 3rd, 2011


I have a few questions, and I hope it's alright to ask them here.

Is the date on this wireless telephone thing correct? Is it really 2011?

Where do I go to get my ration book? My wireless telephone says I have money in a bank account, which is very good because I don't have any food or clothes, other than my suit of armour.

I hate to ask, but could I borrow some clothes from someone until I get my ration book and money? I don't think the shopkeepers or bank clerks would appreciate my showing up in chainmail, but I have nothing else.

Apr. 2nd, 2011


Filtered against baddies

What would you say are the sure signs of love?

Apr. 1st, 2011


Caden Robert Winchester is here!

Caden Robert Winchester: April 1, 2011 )

Caden Robert Winchester was born just after 6pm. 21 inches, 7 lbs, 6 ounces. He's got ten perfect little fingers, and ten tiny little toes. He passed his Apgar test, and is resting peacefully. Juno's been a trouper all day, and the reward is just unbelievable. There are not words.

Dean )


Charley's gone. I mean I assume so, all of her things have just disappeared.

Back to being by myself.

Mar. 31st, 2011


I got paid today! What can I do?

Mar. 29th, 2011


Okay, you adorable bunch of fools. Who fancies going out tonight? I am going to turn Tuesday night into the new Friday night. Or Saturday night. Or whatever night it is when people with real jobs do stuff.

Anyway, you lot need to stop talking about the days of the week. Why are you all so obsessed with it?

Someone come and entertain me before I break more bones. Or make more awful jokes.

Regulus )

Mar. 28th, 2011


I think I may have the best boyfriend there is.

Filtered to Adam/Dean

I wanted to apologise. I have no real excuse for it, no matter what people say, and I'm sorry.

Filtered to Sirius

Lunch tomorrow?


Definitely not what I was expecting.

Mar. 27th, 2011


I'm still annoyed at you suddenly being older than me, but Happy Birthday James.

Mar. 26th, 2011


Filtered to Harry Potter Verse People

{OOC: Backdated to just after midnight last night}

I know it's late, but will someone be able to walk me home? I should be done soon but they wont let me leave alone.


No one let Ron cook for you.

Mar. 24th, 2011


Right. This is just lovely. It'll be like being grounded. No offense Nana.

I'd like to know where it is though. Since it's my bloody wand I could take thinking that I lived my life as Slytherin over this. This a violation of a man's, a wizard's 11 and a half, cypress. Mostly grey in colour. If you have it, just sound off.

Mar. 21st, 2011


Happy birthday, Lilu!

We'll just pretend you're still my younger sister who is actually younger than me, shall we?


Filtered to HP Verse people/Against James and Regulus

I believe we have a party to plan.


Problem: An alcoholic House Elf.



(No 'Just Hex Him' answers will be considered. And Merlin, could this be one time where it would be acceptable to just order Kreacher to stop?)

Mar. 18th, 2011


I think I might be mildly hysterical. 'Arson' is a sehr and très funny word.

Although I still don't know what the big deal is with having tiddily little campfires in the park. It's nippy outside! If anything, I'm doing park Filch a favor. He's too old and bonkers to be running around in the cold all day. But there's simply no justice in this place. And no appreciation for creative problem solving.

Anyway, I'm bored again now. And banned from the park. Help.

Mar. 16th, 2011


I finally heard back about a job! Start tomorrow.

Mar. 14th, 2011


I have an excellent idea. Do you want to hear my excellent idea? Of course you do, because it's excellent.

We need to have a Mario Kart League.

See? Excellent idea.

Mar. 10th, 2011


You know, Black, you're a lot more loveable as a dog than you are a man.

EDIT: Filtered to people who know Donna/Whoniverse/Against Donna

Most of you don't know me, but Donna was my 'mum' during that weird time back there. And I'm kind of worried about her.

Mar. 9th, 2011


I'm back. For now. Not like anyone noticed I was gone but Charley anyway Have I missed anything?


I really shouldn't forget lesson number one: Don't do magic in front of muggles. Because when I told them my name the amount of jokes for snitches, wands and brooms that came from them could out do even the more disgusting man.

Mar. 8th, 2011


I found a catalogue. You know muggles have kettles that boil water in three seconds?? AND you can get home bread makers AND ice cream makers and all sorts of crap.

Oooh! You can get toasters which double as a radio!!!!

Moony, Prongs, I'm subscribing you both to this catalogue-thingy. It's bloody excellent.

Mar. 7th, 2011



I thought you all should know.

Mar. 3rd, 2011


Is March too cold for a party on the roof? I don't care. We'll whack some charms up.

Girls and boys, we're having a party on the roof of building D tomorrow night. Think of it as a divorce party, teamed with a warm up for Moony's birthday. Bring your drinking heads, because I believe it will be quite an evening. I have stolen a pool table especially.

James and Lily, I will turn a blind eye to your underage presence as long as Prongs doesn't stab someone with those stubs he calls antlers. And Lily wears a sombrero.


Filtered to James

I could say this in some flowery, girlie way that you may be accustomed to. Stutter over my words and giggle and blush. But I'm not.

I want to go on a date. With you. And you've yet to ask so I thought I might as well be the one.

Mar. 1st, 2011


Filtered to Harry Potter Verse People

So it worked. I managed to charm and transform a broom into one just like home. And James seemed to agree that it was fine, so that must mean it's at least flyable.

If anyone wants one I'd be happy to do it.

Feb. 28th, 2011


As nice as it is to be able to move about freely, I rather miss living with sane people.

Oz, Freya, just because we're divorced and I've traded back down to Sirius, that doesn't mean you get out of seeing me.

Feb. 27th, 2011


Thank god that's over with. Everyone's missed their beds and so have I, but I find unable to just sit here even if I'm back in my own room.

I'm leaving. I'm not sure where I'll sleep or where I'll go. Just wander and walk around for a couple of days maybe? I don't know. I might not check this thing, but if you need me just shout and I'll see it eventually.

And someone look in on Charley while I'm gone, please.


Merlin I missed my bed.

Feb. 26th, 2011


Filtered to James

I can't believe I'm doing this
Why him? Out of all the boys here, why him?
I don't care if I'm meant to marry
...I'm going to have to sleep with him for Harry to come about
That doesn't disgust me as much as I thought it would


Feb. 24th, 2011




When this is over I'm having a party. Its been ages.

Feb. 20th, 2011


A woman at the museum yesterday commented how nice it was to see a father enjoying a cultural experience with his daughter. That father being my son and myself the daughter.

Feb. 19th, 2011


I want my old fake dad back. The new one's locked himself in the bathroom.

Does this mean Sirius is my uncle now?

This place is stupid.


All right, the lot of you. Laugh it up. Again. Come one come bloody all. Particularly my so-called wife and daughter.

I've been remarried, for the second time, to a man. Apparently your ex, Ginny. This should be an interesting week.

Ric, dinner and hunting definitely makes my top ten married dates. I'll remember it all very, very fondly.

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