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May. 6th, 2012


Make a remark. It's ridiculous to leave all the conversation to the pudding!

[OOC: Meet the Red Queen-- AU!Kate, in which Beth wasn't the only one kidnapped and turned crazy by the Religion of Crime.]

Jan. 29th, 2012


[Accidental voice post]

[Tim's voice comes through, and he sounds a little disoriented at first.]

What the hell is this? Excuse me? Can you hear me?

[The knights can be heard coming towards him, and Tim's voice becomes stern, as he strikes a defensive pose at seeing their weapons.]

Look, I don't know who any of you are, or where the hell I am, but I'd drop the swords and tell me what's going on right now.

[Tim can be heard unsheathing his bo staff, as he gets ready to fight his way out.]

Look, I'm not telling you again. Stand down.

[A brief scuffle can be heard, as Tim pulls a smoke bomb from his utility belt, and the sound of it hitting the ground can be heard, as he makes his way out of the library, and into the streets. Tim fires out a grappling line, and starts making his way across the rooftop.]

The hell is this place?

Jan. 1st, 2012


Sure I've joked about kissing guys and yeah, I've shamelessly flirted with Dick just to screw with him, but I never intended to actually kiss a guy. Not that this guy isn't good looking, but Helena was definitely my first choice. I knew we should have just stayed in bed.


Somebody want to tell me what is going on? What was with the midnight kissing? And the whole not being able to leave the side of the person I was forced to kiss without feeling like my stomach is being yanked out through my belly button?

Seriously. Someone. Anyone. WHAT is going on and how do I make it stop?!?

Dec. 28th, 2011


Add paint thinner to the list of useful household items to use against Gremlins. Well paint thinner and matches. If this were anywhere else I definitely would have just lost my security deposit though.

Dec. 21st, 2011


Either I'm seeing things or Yukon fucking Cornelius just walked into the casino.

Dec. 20th, 2011


Really missing my penthouse security systems right now. Uh... whoever decided that this Jew needed a really weirdly decorated Christmas tree for the start of Hanukkah was pretty mistaken. The menorah is there for a reason.

Very weird.

</s>I wonder if Beth got one.</s>

Dec. 14th, 2011


Apparently.. it's my birthday.

Technically this makes me 31. I think? Something like that. Shit.

I'm going to go drink. Anyone want to buy the birthday girl a drink or a lap dance?

Dec. 12th, 2011


Holy random teleportation, Batman.

At least, I think it's teleportation. The Tinman and his bosom buddies weren't feeling so chatty when they decided to escort me outside.

Sooooo. Anyone want to clue a girl in here cause I'm not seeing any yellow brick road, and I'm definitely no Dorothy.

Dec. 5th, 2011



No puedo creer lo que está sucediendo. Estoy hablando en español. No puedo evitarlo.

¿Dónde está mi hermana gemela y clonar? Necesito dormir con su marido.

Nov. 26th, 2011


Ouch. Those suckers sure can hit hard.

But I mean how else did they expect me to react and I would have gotten out of there if I had all my gear with me. But I guess a couple of concussions and a bunch of broken bones will teach them.

But now I’m locked in this cell of some library. Maybe I’ve got some books that are really overdue or something and they take that type of thing serious here where ever here is.

Nov. 21st, 2011


That was....interesting.

Nov. 16th, 2011


And here I thought the locals in Sunnydale were stupid. They hardly even put up a fight here. I feel so unsatisfied. The upside is at least there's no bloody Slayer to get in my way and punch me in the face. I don't try to stop her from eating, so why does she have to rain on my sodding parade every single bloody time?

Nov. 15th, 2011


That? Is something that I never want to go through again. </s>The first two times being forced to be that murdering psycho were bad enough.</s>

Nov. 13th, 2011


Accidental Voice Post

[ooc: follows after this]

[The following conversation/situation is muffled as Ellen's PDA turned on when she put it in her pocket after arriving at Nate's apartment.]

Duke, you wait here. Anything moves in this hallway, you shoot first and forget the damn questions. Damon, you're with me. Stay close and alert. Kate, cover the perimeter. Living room and hallway. Something happens, you get Duke and get the hell out of here. Now everybody stand back.

[There is the sound of a door opening & a few seconds of silence.] Right then. Damon, let's- [Ellen's words are cut off by a low, ominous growling. She sucks in a sharp breath of air.]

Sonofabi- [She grunts as she hits the ground, the PDA sliding out of her pocket and across the floor. Ellen's cry of pain is followed by a shotgun blast. Hello hellhound that demon!Jo left for the group! >.>]

Nov. 11th, 2011


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Nate's voice is weak and a little slurred. )

El? You there?

I...Jo is...she's...

( a pause )

I think I could use some help.

( OOC: This is an actually accidental post, not a product of the Glitch Plot. Nate was trying to call Ellen and didn't hit the right buttons. Set shortly after this, once Nate managed to regain consciousness. )

Nov. 9th, 2011


Woah!! Is this a mansion!? I am so confused right now. Last thing I remember, I was at home, studying for my history exam and trying to decide what to wear on my date Friday. Wait, have I been kidnapped? If I have then you're pretty bad kidnappers for giving me a phone. Unless this is some kind of prank. But who would do something this elaborate? Ok, enough is enough, someone give me some answers here.

[This is Cassandra Cain had her father not been an assassin and basically raised her as a weapon.]

Nov. 1st, 2011


Baby, I'm bored and I don't wanna go to the big house tonight. Get the dough and let's scram outta this gin mill already!

Oct. 31st, 2011


So I know that I have been a huge homebody which is weird since normally I am a party person. Seeing as today is Halloween and there is a party tonight I figure I will get out and socialize. I am thinking of going as Catwoman! What do you all think?

Oct. 30th, 2011


Okay, I have to admit, I love Halloween. I know, it's shocking. I like dressing up in ridiculous costumes and going out at night. That's not at all like every other day of my life. And this one involves candy.

Filtered to Damian )

Oct. 26th, 2011


I've been feeling weak these past few days, and if that isn't strange enough, if I wish for something, it comes true. I don't know if I should consider my self more lucky or weirded out.

Oct. 25th, 2011


Voice Post

This is not fun. Everything I touch grows flowers. There are flowers in my bed and on the couch and the doorknobs and even my damn PDA! Now I know what it's like to be Poison Ivy; except that basketcase can turn her ability off. Thank god I'm not green though and the only other thing her and I share is our hair color.

Go ahead Forge, I know you're just dying to get back at me for laughing about the IT thing.

Oct. 22nd, 2011


I really need to hit someonething.

Anybody up for getting their teeth knocked out?

Oct. 20th, 2011


The Walrus came back. I, uh, screamed "I'M NOT AN OYSTER!" at it, and it disappeared. I guess that helps confirm that theory about confronting fears. That poem really freaked me out.

I can't find my sister to confront her, though, and she has my PDA blocked, so I can't even do a text confrontation.

If anyone finds my dignity, tell me where! In the meantime, I'm going to work on getting my own scary back.

[OOC: enjoy this mental image]

Oct. 14th, 2011


[Voice post]

[voice wavering, the slight echo of an enclosed space, sound of something repeatedly going *THWAP*]

Okay, okay, this sounds so stupid, I'm in a storage closet in building D and there's only one door, I thought there'd be a window, and the... the...

The walrus in clothes, it won't go away, it keeps trying to get in. Please if you're on this hallway or nearby, chase it away or something, I'm in regular clothes so I don't have anything to fight it back with--

[louder *THWAP*; woman's muffled shriek]

Oct. 11th, 2011


If you see this woman around, tell me and stay away from her. She's genuinely insane-- and I'm not using that term the way people sometimes throw it around, I mean certifiably psychotic and you're endangering yourself if you approach. She's packing at least two guns and a knife, and a hallucinogenic gas that I only just recovered from. She'll probably talk solely in Lewis Carroll quotes. She calls herself "Alice."

If you see me around her, just let it go unless I'm really in trouble, like a dying type of trouble. I don't want anyone else getting hurt. I don't know how she's here and alive, but I think we all know how this place surprises us like that.

So has anyone seen her? And where?


Oct. 10th, 2011


So the drug population is in a drought, there are cops everywhere, and somehow I feel disattatched to the world like I am not in control anymore. I think I might have seen someone who could have been my identical twin. Please help me I'm losing my mind.


You've gotta be fucking kidding me! Of all the people from home fucking Chris Hobbs is here? And to say he's pissed about what me and Cody did is an understatement. I thought I was past that, but seeing him coming after me is terrifying. I think I lost him though.


If anyone sees someone who looks like this walking around...don't go near him. His name is Darkseid, and trust me when I say he's really someone you don't want to go anywhere near.

...I'll try my best to get rid of him before he tries to burn Colligo to the ground. Even at the cost of my own life. Which it probably will be. I'm not strong enough. I wish Clark was here. He'd know what to do.

Oct. 6th, 2011


I wonder if the synagogue still exists. There had to be Jews in the Old West, right? We're everywhere. But Yom Kippur starts tomorrow night and I'm pretty sure my mother will find a way to come to Colligo and kill me if I missed it.

Sep. 28th, 2011


So far all I've figured out is that I appear to be a waiter at the casino since I woke up next to a spilled tray of drinks and I'm an artist. I've filled a ton of cocktail napkins with various sketches since Saturday. And I think something may have happened to me cause if I draw for awhile my hand starts cramping up and I have to wait for the cramping to stop before I can resume drawing. It's really fucking frustrating. And I think I'm gay too.

Sep. 26th, 2011



Seriously. Rich. Really rich. Really, really rich. As in, I didn't know that many zeroes could exist in a money capacity rich! Except, I did know. Sort of. BUT NOT THE POINT.


And now, if anyone needs me, I'll be spending quality time with my money. Because it's mine. Allllll mine.


Okay, everyone who's discovering they have a "twin"... how can you not know if you have a twin?

I don't know why, but the thought that someone could discover they have a twin and not just feel it deep down really, really bugs me. It's so fundamental to who you are. Maybe there's some other explanation besides being twins. If we can all share mass amnesia, maybe there can be some kind of face-sharing.

Sep. 25th, 2011


Oh my god I think I just broke someone's face. What do I do!? I didn't mean to. I was just.. really strong. And I.. oh god.

[ooc: if anyone wants to say they accidentally got punched in the face and/or woke up with Faith, be my guest]

Sep. 24th, 2011


Right then. I don't know my name or I'd introduce myself, but I do have a few things to say and I'd appreciate you all taking the time to listen up.

I think it's pretty safe to say that nobody knows who they are right now and that the only way any of us are figuring out where we are is by asking other folks who seem to at least know that much. So here's my question.

Does anybody out there know who anybody else might be?

And before you immediately answer with a definite 'no', do us all a favor and take a look around you. I mean really look. Is there anything that you see that might tell you something nobody else has covered yet? Are there pictures or anything of anybody else you've seen posting on this message board thing? Because I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm figuring in a situation like this, there's bound to be strength in numbers. So maybe if we all work together, we can figure a few things out and answer at least a couple of questions.

Come on now, if you think you might have something, speak on up. Don't be shy. Right now, I doubt there's any sort of info that's pointless what with none of us knowing jack squat about much of anything.

Sep. 22nd, 2011


The thugs here are sub par at best. I actually miss Gotham City's thugs; at least they were somewhat of a challenge.

Sep. 15th, 2011


The tattoo on my right arm may seem like a lie. I was never in Special Forces and putting the patch in ink probably implies that. Truth is, I've been trained by people in Special Forces, Dad was in them, and Mom had this exact same tattoo. It's not a lie to me, since it's my background and it's my remembrance. But usually, you get these inked because you were in them, and I never got to serve-- hell, never got to graduate. Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I got asked; I told. The right thing can really suck hard.

I miss my sister so damn much. I want her back. I'll find one of those Lazarus Pits if I have to. I don't care if she's still crazy coming out of it, I just want her alive and back. She's my other half. It's my fault. Maybe the Pit would do a reversal and bring her back sane. If I ever find her body, how can I not try?

Sep. 14th, 2011


I really need to stop putting my pride in the way of the things I want. I wish my dad was here, he'd know what to do.

And it doesn't help that I spend any free time I have outside of school being inside making weapons keeping an eye on things. I shouldn't be anti-social but I just don't know how to have fun.

Sep. 13th, 2011


You know...I've run into more than my fair share of weird things in my years as a detective, but I've never actually had a suspect stop running, turn around and confess that they were, in fact, the person who robbed the convenience store, they're very sorry and they feel terrible about it. Not that I'm complaining, it certainly made my job easier, but still. It's definitely a new one.

I swear, this place feels more and more like home every day. And it's probably bad that I'm actually feeling more comfortable here because of the crazy.

Sep. 12th, 2011


When is Yom Kippur?

I should've kept track of the calendar difference when I arrived here so I could get the days right. I think I remember what the date was in Gotham City when I arrived here. With the usual hours I keep, though, I really do rely on having dates written down or told to me. It's really easy to get confused on the day when you're still awake past dawn and practically nocturnal for days at a time.

It feels like it should be Yom Kippur by now, but I'm not sure. Has anyone else figured out when to observe Yom Kippur? And where?

When Jude made me laugh and fall off that gargoyle, my grappling hook tore a chunk out of it. I'm so used to not caring about the damages in Gotham-- it's not exactly the cleanest city-- but someone on the SWAT team here should be more mindful of damaging city property.

Sep. 9th, 2011


I think I may have left Damien's cage open last night.

Sep. 5th, 2011


Don't watch/listen if you're at risk for trouble with locals. Save it for when you're safely unwinding.

Theme song for Honey Badger? )

Aug. 31st, 2011


The next time I get nearly stabbed in the fucking neck, I'm kicking someone's face in. And it's probably going to be theirs.

I'd be more pissed off if it wasn't starting to heal already. No wonder I keep to myself.

Fuck this fucking place.


Okay, this is getting out of hand.

I was just walking home from the mini-mart and some dumb shits took a swing at me with a bat. An actual baseball bat. I moved, but I wasn't fast enough, I guess, and now I've got a lovely bruise forming over my hip and side, where the tip of the damned thing caught me. I think I got freaking bat burn or something.


( Filtered from kids, just in case )

So I know everyone's freaking out and the locals are one good round of crazy from firebombing shit, but I think we all need a distraction.

So here's a picture of a wolverine fighting a bear. It is very factual and accurate.

Very factual and accurate picture behind cut )

You're welcome, Colligo.

Aug. 28th, 2011


I won't be good much longer as a "woman on the inside" at the station since they know I'm from the "outside". Anyone else who works with the police here-- how about we try to hurry our way to calls before the local crowd does? Regardless of whether we've been dismissed? I haven't technically been yet, but I get the impression that some of them would just love to string us up on made-up charges. If they're going to want to arrest us anyway, we might as well give them cause by doing what's right.

Don't trust the police right now. Let's get our own emergency contacts together, just in case. Please leave yours if you're available and willing. Anyone for a fire department?

Need police or someone watching your back at night?
    My number is [ number ]
    Roy Harper - [ number ]

Filtered to the Bat-crowd )

Aug. 25th, 2011


Filtered to signed-in non-locals (just in case)

Just a heads-up from within the CPD SWAT unit. If the precinct asks, I didn't share this, but we have to look out for each other here.

We've been told to step up arrest support training and be prepared to set up surveillance on certain high traffic locations-- the university, Harvelle's Roadhouse, Eden, and the Serpent's Den. These incidents aren't going unnoticed, but the focus of the training is weird. There's been emphasis on "safe removal of suspects from the area" and "non-lethal neutralization of alleged victims."

I'm too new at the moment to have leverage to form my own team. For future reference, I'd welcome any of you with certain special training and equipment who haven't had much official support in using it. We tend to have a different approach than the uniformed crowd, after all. It'd be nice to get paid for what we already do, and have the added resources of the police backing us. So, want a job where you're paid for the daily training and exercise you should do anyway? Let me know. When I'm past the stage of "judo throw your superior to remind him that you know what you're doing", I might be able to hire you on.

Time to put these boys through their laps. Of the city. "Little lady", oh really, am I? Wave if you see me running with some big burly crying babies!


What the hell is wrong with people lately?

One of my professor professors seriously told me that I should just go ahead and drop the class to "save him the trouble of failing me, since it's not like I'll ever manage to pass it anyway". Who actually says stuff like that?

Aug. 20th, 2011


Request time: does anybody know a good tattoo parlor here? It's not like there's a Yelp for Colligo or anything. And I asked one of the staff at the store but he just rolled his eyes and told me he couldn't help me, which was strange considering he has like fourteen tattoos on his arms alone, but it was the end of his shift so I didn't want to ask him what was up with his attitude.

Right. Anyway. Recommendations? Or is everyone here opposed to ink in their skin? Except you, Eames.

Aug. 16th, 2011


Hello out there. Anyone have a recommendation for where (and if) a woman might get a full change of clothes for under $100? Amazing how kidnappers never consider that! Then again, they don't usually give you money either.

I've only skimmed this network, but am I right that a lot of us are in this situation right now? (Being in a strange place, not my exact clothing situation) I'd appreciate some help understanding what's happened. Anyone from Gotham City?

Are you there, Dad? Colonel, if you're here and you see this, I'm safe. Contact me. Please.

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