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Dec. 12th, 2012


At the risk of getting lynched Screw it

I can't be the only person in this city who doesn't like the snow and all of the fake holiday cheer that clogs up the place this time of year. Right? Or maybe I am the only one. Which would be typical, really.

Dec. 11th, 2012


Kids these days.

Nov. 8th, 2012


That's it. I can't take it anymore. I like my solitude and privacy as much as the next socially awkward outcast loner, but this place blows in the entertainment department. So at the risk of the universe exploding, I'm going to ask anyway.

Anybody want to go do something? Hang out or... something? Coffee. Food. Hell, I'll even settle for going to an overpriced, sticky-floored movie theater at this point.

Oct. 28th, 2012


Job Opening(s)

Is anyone interested in working at the cafe? There are plenty of positions available and no previous experience required. The hours are also pretty flexible, given that I'm there all the time and happy to work around whatever you need me to.

So any takers?

Oct. 23rd, 2012


So has anyone seen the hordes of...monsters outside? There is something obviously wrong with this place


Either all that time in The TARDIS has finally driven me round the bend or I just saw actual zombies eating a homeless man. While I wouldn't be entirely surprised at the first part, I'm fairly certain those were zombies. Unless the locals have gone cannibal all of a sudden.

Oct. 19th, 2012


Never know what you'll find when you're out for a walk.

For example, I was out this evening, and I stumbled across Lucifer. And he was all dead.

Looked like he'd been mauled by a mountain lion. That then decapitated him. Gotta love those decapitating mountain lions.

Just sorry something beat me to it.

So, who wants a burger? I could go for a burger.

Oct. 17th, 2012


It seems strange to me that it's been over a week and we still know very little about what exactly is going on. I would have thought that by now, whoever is responsible for this would have contacted us in one way or another. I thought we would know exactly where we are by now. I have formed far too many possibilities about why we have been brought here and I don't like not knowing which is closest to the truth.

I read that there was a group who were planning on trying to leave and I was wondering if they had attempted it yet or not.

Raven, I noticed that you're I've wanted to approach you


Has anyone else noticed that the majority of us here who have huge chunks of time missing all appear to be in or around our late teens or are children? So, I'm curious if there are any other kids or teenagers here who are also missing time. My theory about this entire thing is that whoever brought us here wants to observe us, but that doesn't explain the memory loss and I, personally, would like those memories back. I don't appreciate having my head messed with.

Oct. 11th, 2012


Okay. I don't know what's going on here but, if the two moons are any indication, I think it's pretty safe to say I'm not in Seattle anymore. Or possibly even on Earth. Which really pisses me off, because I don't have time to be abducted by aliens right now or star in my very own shitty little sci-fi movie. And if you think I'm going to ask you to take me to your leader, think again. I'm not exactly what you'd call a team player.

Now take me home before my bosses notice I'm missing, if they haven't already.

Apr. 11th, 2012


I don't know what's worse right now. Being human again, for the second time since I've gotten here, or having a penis.

Mar. 25th, 2012


That's it. I need to get me some kind of social life, stat.

I can't believe I filled this crap out. )


UGH. This thing will not go away no matter how many settings I try and change on this stupid PDA. So fine. I'm filling it out now. HAPPY?!

Lucifer's answers )

Mar. 20th, 2012


Well, at least it isn't Hell.

Mar. 19th, 2012


Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Mar. 16th, 2012


You know, I suppose that if you're used to healing almost instantly, it makes sense that you'd be a really bad patient when you all of a sudden can't.

Mar. 14th, 2012


Not that this impromptu vacation hasn't been super but do things around here normally have a shelf life for how long they're likely to last? I'm bored.

Mar. 13th, 2012


So, apparently I need to get a job, but none of the shops in town are anything I'd feel comfortable doing. How does one go about doing something else, exactly?

Mar. 3rd, 2012


That's one seriously screwed up welcoming committee you people have here.

Don't suppose there's a chance someone with the ability to speak wants to tell me what in the fuck is going on?

Jun. 14th, 2011


[Filtered to Ukitake's Friends and People Who Helped the Brain-Drained]

You have my deepest thanks, and my most sincere apology.

I am going out of the city for a short time. Please do not be concerned. This is something I must do, and I must do it alone.

[ooc: Ukitake's off to meditate and reconnect with his zanpakto. It should take him about a day. He'll answer any responses before he leaves. He can be assumed to have been healed by Jaenelle as soon as someone was able to find him and convince him he really shouldn't have been fighting. Preferably either someone he trusts or who is quite strong since he was relatively dangerous at the time.]

Jun. 13th, 2011


[Failed Filter to Ukitake's Friends; Open to All]

wecan fight

NOT afraid

Sogyo no Kotowari listens now


Jun. 12th, 2011


[Voice Post]

Kaien is dead. Shunsui. Shunsui, I killed him. Too weak. We were too weak. Shunsui, I killed him. I was ... I was his captain. I was his friend. Shunsui, Kaien is dead. Sogyo no Kotowari is crying. Make them stop! Genryusai-sensei, make them stop! I can't hear! I can't! I can't I can't I can't!

[Ukitake utters a choked sob as he begins beating Sogyo no Kotowari's sheathed blade against the wall. Then he drops the blade to the floor and begins rocking, forcing his voice out between gulping breaths.]

Please. Make them be quiet. They're lying. I killed Kaien. My fault. I failed. I failed. People will die. I failed.

[He abruptly stops rocking, and his voice becomes steady, determined.]

Can't stay. We can't stay here. We have to fix it.

[There's a crash of glass as Ukitake breaks out the window, then a rush of air as he leaps to the ground below, taking his sword with him, and disappears into Flash Step.]

Jun. 11th, 2011


[Voice Post (Accidental)]

Can't ... No. Be quiet! No time. [several painful coughs, followed by a series of rapid, shallow breaths] Aizen. Too much like Aizen. I can stop her.

[sound of a sword unsheathed] Waves, rise now. Become my shield. [pause]

NO! You can't. You can't defy me. I'm a captain. I have to stop her! Bankai. Our bankai can stop her.

Lightning, strike now. Become my blade! [something is thrown and glances off a wall with a sharp clang] Listen to me!

[strained whimper] Shunsui ... Where is Shunsui? We're frightened. Shunsui! You're supposed to be here! It hurts ... You're supposed to be here when it hurts ...


I found Utikate, he's been.. his brain has been drained like the others. I don't know what to do for him, I'm seriously bad at this whole taking care of people thing. Like really really bad.

Christ, what do I do?

Apr. 28th, 2011


Harry Dresden )

Is marriage always that annoying?


Are we done now? Good. I'm glad we got that out of our systems.

[George Lass]
You probably don't remember know me, but we should do breakfast sometime. Talk shop.

[Dexter Morgan]
Don't be surprised if you run into another reaper in town. Try not to mistake her for a mark.

[Darryl Dixon]
Are you still alive? Stupid question. I would know if you were dead, wouldn't I? around?

Mar. 31st, 2011


What the fuck is all this shit? Pretty sure I didn't get my lights. If you did this Mason, I am so kicking your ass.

Nov. 4th, 2010


With so many complaining of boredom, I'm contemplating a party you'd all die to be at.

Nov. 1st, 2010


So help me, the next grandpa-aged pervert that tries to smack my ass is getting his fucking soul reaped a nice broken hand he can then explain the origins of to all his pervert buddies.

Oct. 21st, 2010


This is certainly a lively place.

Dream )

Elaine )

George and Tessa )


Looks like Romero really knew his stuff. Suffice to say, the mall has been overrun in a way that makes Black Friday look like a ghost town. So if you people would stop going in there and dying, that would be great. A girl has to sleep sometime. Fuck.

Oct. 19th, 2010


Zombie apocalypse?

You have got to be kidding me.

Fuck that.