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Mar. 14th, 2012


So today is 3/14. Which would be considered Pi for everyone that is interested in Math, and since I run the pie shop and in honor of Pi day, I am giving away free slices of pie today. So come on down and enjoy a great slice of pie for free. Then after that all pieces and whole pies are 50% off. Happy Pi day and hope to see you there.

Mar. 5th, 2012


This is so weird not getting any vibes about things.

But I guess it's nice not to have to worry about the bad ones. But at the same time what if I don't have one.

Feb. 22nd, 2012


OK. So I just found Frankenstein's Monster and the Wolfman battling it out in the street. Ordinarily I would say that's pretty cool.

But I'm not quite sure what to do about them and I'm pretty sure the Tesla won't take them out.

Feb. 1st, 2012


OK this is awesome little animals are keeping up my apartment. Plus my kitchen has been making cookies for me all day.

It's making it really hard to go to work.

Jan. 16th, 2012


[Message sent to all employees/volunteers of the Crisis Center]
Many of you know, but in case you haven't heard, Cas is gone. He's gone and there's no way to know if he's coming back. So. I'm taking over.

I need a show of hands, who's with me here? I need to know your name and whatever position you hold. Now's the time to speak up if you want to change positions, whatever.

Let's just get this out there. I'm not Cas. I'm not going to run the place same as Cas. You want out, I understand, but I was hoping we could all pull together and figure this out.
[/End message]

[Message sent to all residents of Colligo not on the other list]
Many of you know, but in case you haven't heard, Cas is gone. He's gone and there's no way to know if he's coming back. So. I'm taking over the crisis center.

Anybody looking for work, now's the time to step forward. We have a lot of openings. Just let me know who you are and where your interests lie. I'm sure we can work something out.
[/End message]

Dec. 20th, 2011


OK this place is not so bad after all.

I just found a Christmas tree in my place covered in cookies and ornaments from my favorite comics like the Iron Shadow.

Dec. 13th, 2011


Parker? You're not still African-American, are you? </s>And please tell me you were not romantically involved with that "Fergus" fellow, because he looked an awful lot like our boss, which is only slightly less icky than the whole Luke and Leia thing we had going on there.</s>

What does it mean if all of Eliot's stuff is gone from the apartment?

Dec. 12th, 2011


Holy random teleportation, Batman.

At least, I think it's teleportation. The Tinman and his bosom buddies weren't feeling so chatty when they decided to escort me outside.

Sooooo. Anyone want to clue a girl in here cause I'm not seeing any yellow brick road, and I'm definitely no Dorothy.


OK where am I and what’s going on?

I’m pretty darn sure that I didn’t touch anything today that could have done this. Just played with Harriet Tubman’s thimble, Billy the Kid’s deck of cards, and Walt Disney’s Paintbrush. Also the bottomless cookie jar but how could that possibility be evil.

And I didn’t smell fudge when there was no fudge present.

Maybe I accidentally touched Isaac Asimov’s typewriter or something.

At least I still have my Tesla and Farnsworth even if the Farnsworth does not seem to be working for some reason. Really weird.

And these Christmas decorations are giving me bad vibes. And not just because some of them are creepy. Yeah I'm talking about giant nutcracker.