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Dec. 28th, 2012


Did I arrive just in time for an invasion?

Dec. 13th, 2012


[Accidental voice post]

[Sif sounds a little confused, as the pda turns on]

What is this? How did I get here? Surely, I have not been called away from my duty and Asgard...

[She notices the guards, and the sound of armor clanking can be heard as she runs towards them]

Excuse me, guard! Pray, tell me, what is this place?

[The guards reach for Sif, and she can be heard unsheathing her sword.]

You will unhand me at once!

[There's the sound of a brief scuffle, and Sif makes her way out of the library, the door slamming shut behind her.]

What is this place? Some trick of Loki's to take me away from my duty on Asgard?

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

I... [ long silence ] Father? Mother? [ slightly uncertain ] Thor, if this is some cruel revenge for my earlier games, it is in poor taste. And [ trying his best not to sound at all unsettled ] not at all effective. Get whatever Enchantress you persuaded to assist to drop this illusion. Now. [ pause ] If you do not... If you do not... I will be forced to tell mother in the morning!

[ long silence filled with increasingly panicked breathing ] Thor?

Sep. 4th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

[ The resounding clang of metal on metal drowns out the beginning of a dialogue, and even as the voices grow louder, a storm of swords can still be heard loudly in the background, punctuated by shouts of manly, English-accented rage. ] YOU! THE MAN WHO WEARS THE ARMOR OF A WARRIOR! WHO DARES TO CHALLENGE THE MIGHTY THOR, YET MAKES A MOCKERY OF ASGARDIAN BATTLE PROCEEDINGS? VERILY THOUGH DIDST NOT RECKON WITH THE MIGHT OF THOR, KNAVE!

[ A large object (a hammer?) smashes through something wooden, sending books to the ground in a clatter and temporarily immobilizing one fo the guards, but lo! It impedes him little! ] UNHAND ME, VILLAINS! I WOULD TAKE MY LEAVE OF THIS LAND AND RETURN TO MY RIGHTFUL HOME!


[ a long pause, as Thor bangs against the door hard enough to rattle them on their hinges, but receives no answer. ]

WHAT CRUEL DECEIT HAS BROUGHT ME HERE? BROTHER? IF THESE ARE MORE OF YOUR GAMES --- [ A shout of indignation, and the sound of thunder and lightning cracks through the silence like a gunshot. It's likely that people actually heard this happening before they heard it on the post.]

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Wow, two parties in only a few days. Colligo is obviously the it place to be. Okay, so some wouldn't say watching Spice World is a party, but when there's alcohol, snacks and more than three people, it's a party. Sif, next time we have a Spice Girls party, you should come. Then again, I'm pretty sure you're not yourself right now, so you probably have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

Unless someone else decides to have another party soon, the next one just might be mine. My birthday is coming up soon. Not gonna divulge when it is just yet, but now you all know that it's approaching.

Can I just say that teenage Loki is uber adorable! I mean seriously?! Who would have thought?

Aug. 16th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

Father? [ pause before his tone gets more desperate ] Father, please! I know my arguments in favor of returning Thor to Asgard were not taken kindly, but I did not think my pleas would result in me being banished as well.

[ long silence filled with slightly uneven breathing ] This is not even the barren desert landscape to which you sent him. To place us both on Midgard yet separate us in the same moment... Even if I have not been stripped of my birthright as Thor was, I know not which direction I need to look to find him, Father.

[ pause; his words are suddenly coming out carefully crafted and elegant ] Heimdall, I know whether Father is watching or not, you can hear me. Open the Bifrost. Allow me to return to Asgard and speak with my father on this matter. Should he think Thor needs guidance, I will be happy to provide, but leave me not to fulfill it in such a roundabout manner.

[ long pause ] Heimdall? [ suddenly frustrated ] Heimdall! ANSWER ME!

Aug. 12th, 2012


voice post.

[Sound of shoes scraping on the cement steps outside the library, shifting as he sits down on said steps with a half a resigned sigh before speaking into the phone.]

Hello? Probably whoever's out there gets asked this a lot, but does anyone know where here is?

[After a moment's deliberation.] Date, even?


( "Accidentally" Fail Filtered to Loki )

Thank you for getting rid of the gas, Loki.

It really was very impressive the way you handled that power and didn't allow it to overwhelm you.

Jul. 17th, 2012


Since Everyone Else Is Doing It )

Jul. 15th, 2012


because it killed some time )

Jul. 11th, 2012


This is not Midgard. Can anyone please tell me where I am?

Jun. 14th, 2012


Well, I had meant to go out for the evening, but as I think about it, a quiet night in sounds far more appealing. It's such a pleasant evening, and I have a great deal of reading that I've been meaning to catch up on. All work-related, I'm afraid. There's just so much to be done!

Would anyone else like a cup of coffee? (Decaf, of course. Wouldn't want to be up all night.) It seems I've made too much.

Jun. 13th, 2012


accidental voice post, but not really.

[ there's something of a crunching noise and a rumble of noise, as if the PDA is being moved around in someone's hands ] My apologies, tiny button. I did not mean to indent you in such a manner.

[ he taps the screen, causing loud feedback ] My friends, are you able to hear my voice? I have located the House of Waffles. I think it best we proceed there for this thing they call breakfast. What say you?

Jun. 2nd, 2012


Okay. I'm going to go scrap scrounging tomorrow. I've got four projects lined up, and I could use some people to help me sort through this stuff and see what might be useful. Anyone with an engineering background and/or super strength is invited to come. Other applicants will be evaluated on a case by case basis. I built the first Iron Man armor in a cave, so this should be cake in comparison.

Cap, Thor, you guys are third on my list of priorities. (Congratulations, that's much higher than most people will ever be.) Mandatory technology orientation. This week or next week. First, someone's going to need to beg, borrow or steal me a larger monitor. I can't do a technology orientation on this laptop. Also, you'll both be getting new phones when I get around to making them. The name of the game, my friends, is shock absorption. Making Thor's withstand lightning is going to be interesting. But if we play it right, I guess you might never have to plug it in to charge it. And obviously they'll have to be user-friendly, since you're both dinosaurs. And I say that fondly.

Actually, no. New holographic lab environment is number one, you guys are bumped to number four. But a number four that is very close to my heart. Fourth closest. But still close.

After that, we're watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. That's number five. Though I wouldn't call it a project, exactly. Well, I guess your ongoing cultural education is sort of a project. If not one that will respond to scrap metal.

Banner, I could use your help with something. Especially if you don't have a problem with larceny, but even if you do.


Accidental Voice Post.

[ vague exasperation as the sound of shimmering is heard over the PDA ]

How in the world do these Midgardians deal with clothing like this? There is absolutely no security anywhere. [ the sound of a zipper being fiddled with before a huff of frustration is followed by a jacket being tossed off and clattering against the PDA ]

Better. Not perfect but better.

[ pause ] I look so fragile.

May. 31st, 2012


Well, that was a real eye-opening experience.

I could still use a hand with a few things, but I'm feeling much better than yesterday. Sorry for the whole awkward public thing. If I could have filtered that shit, I would have.

Bruce )

Claire )

Loki )

( OOC: Since Clint can't see right now, he's using voice recognition software that types what he says and reads back people's replies. )

May. 30th, 2012


accidental voice post.

[ there is the sound of thunder rumbling violently, along with the brief trickle of static moving in and out, the words "brother's" and "doing" teetering within hearing range. ] COWARDS! [ an unintelligible crash and a hasty snarl makes itself known ] YOU WILL RETURN BEFORE ME WITH THE ANSWERS OF WHICH I SEEK!

[ then, strong and defined through the haze of white noise, one word is heard ]


May. 28th, 2012


Excuse me? Could someone please tell me what's going on?

I've just about figured out this doohickey phone thing. It's not nearly as hard as that stuff Mr. Stark keeps pushing at me. I'm just really confused as to what's going on here. The suits of armor weren't exactly helpful, and the folks around here don't seem all that good at answering questions.

Speaking of...there was also this list of questions, so I figure I ought to answer them, even though they seem a little strange.

Steve's Answers )

May. 27th, 2012


( Voice Post )

( Sif sounds confused, but her voice is strong when she calls out )

Heimdall, open the Bifrost!

( There's a pause, and silence as nothing happens. Which only causes her more confusion )

Heimdall, open the Bifrost!

( Once again, there is silence as nothing happens. This time Sif's voice is quiet, as she's talking to herself )

Where in the nine realms is this?

Nov. 28th, 2011



By the Allfather, I demand to know where I am and who is keeping me captive. [ sif isn't happy and there will most likely be destruction coming soon. since loki isn't around she can't blame his as a prank of his, but there are several other males that would willingly do something like this to piss her off.

the commotion that she's making isn't making the guards very happy and that only makes her temper become worse.
] If none of you will give me valuable information than I would appreciate it if you would point me in the direction of where I will find answers. Do not just stand there and look at me. Give me the answers that I seek!