May 2013




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Apr. 3rd, 2013


voice post.

You know, the welcoming committee should learn to be more...welcoming. I really wanted to hang out in a library for about five hours before getting kicked out by giant statues. You should get working on that faceless collecting god. Or rather...Morgan Freeman. Well, it makes sense. With Batman and all. Hey, does this mean I can get a cool ride too?

I can be Batman. [ a laugh ] From what I read I would also like to put in a request while I'm here. No musicals. I don't sing.

Well to everyone here, I'm Dean Weston. I'd say I don't plan on staying here for long but I really doubt I have a choice in this. Might as well find a bar and settle down for now.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Mary Margaret's gone.

I guess I should be used to it by now. It seems like we're always looking for each other. But it doesn't make it any easier.

Mar. 20th, 2013


So, considering I woke up behind a bar, I figure I'm a bartender.

I also figure some people could use a break from trying to figure out who they are.

So whoever wants to stop by, I'm going to give out free drinks.

The place is called Harvelle's Roadhouse.

Mar. 19th, 2013


I got startled this morning by what's I'm guessing is my pet this morning.

That wouldn't be all that weird.

Except my pet is apparently a dragon.

And I fell through the floor when I freaked out.

So. Yeah. That happened.

Mar. 17th, 2013


I'm not sure how this happened, but apparently I like weapons - like a lot. They are all over this apartment that I woke up in. I guess they are mine. Nobody has come in and told me to get out. I also don't know why the Billy Idol look alike is here, and when I got into that. He is cute, in this older, kind of sexy sort of way. I'm also knocked up. This is not weight gain. Weird. Makes me wonder if Billy Idol did it? I feel like I should be on one of those weird talk shows 'Billy, you are the father!' UGH, so not needed.

Mar. 15th, 2013


I... have no idea what is going on but half of the park is gone, I'm naked, I'm exhausted, and I seem to have blacked out the past several days I really need some pants. And a name. But mostly pants, at the moment.


I probably should have paid attention to this thing a little sooner but I was sort of lost in this massive house for a few days.

Seriously. I think I'm a princess or something. This place is crazy big. And is anyone else naturally blue but able to look like everyone else? Because I

Anybody figure out anything new about this situation?

Mar. 11th, 2013


Ladies and gentlemen,

At this point in time, I believe we've all established that while we do not understand how we came to be in this place or who we even are -- we're all here together. It is my understanding is that we all are suffering from some sort of mass amnesia. What the cause of it is so far? I will be completely honest with everyone, I do not know. An acquaintance of mine that also woke up suffering from this might possibly begin to look into what the cause of this mass amnesia is but, truth be told, we have no idea what we're looking for. But do not allow this to be a cause for concern, ladies and gentlemen. Just allow it to be a cause for a sliver of relief. We are attempting to fix what has happened to us or, at the very least, get to the root of all the problems.

I can understand what you're all going through, but calmer heads persevere. What we need is to establish some sort of footing. For those individuals who have woken up in the middle of stores, the streets, or general area of the public--I will be looking for a place for everyone to stay. I will keep you updated in this cause but for the time being, I would appreciate for everyone to look out for everyone else. Even if it doesn't feel as though it isn't in your nature to do so. It is likely better to have a stranger in the same circumstance as you rather than one of the residents who seem to ignore the lot of us. I can imagine a lot of us are feeling lost, alone, and frightened. Our only chance is taking a leap of faith with each other rather than toughing it out alone. I urge you to reach out and I will do my best to assist you.

Mister Domino.

[ filtered to those ]

Following the above message, I have a concern to address with those with abilities. If you feel, in anyway, as though you are a danger to other individuals. Isolate yourselves. The last thing we need aside from mass amnesia is mass panic. If you have anything to say at all, feel free to use this as an open forum to address your concerns. Being different isn't a terrible thing. Being ignorant of how your differences could affect others is, however. This is not singling you out or calling you a danger to society. It would just likely be safer for you and for everyone else to have someone to account for you.

I hope you approach this with understanding rather than aggression.

Mar. 1st, 2013


I for one am glad that I woke up in my own bed. It felt great to stretch out and now I can go shopping and get groceries and things that I need without having someone tag along. But, I did get paired with an awesome guy, who knew that we could get along so well. It was actually nice to have someone to talk to and have great laughs with. At least I am coming out of this with another good friend here.

Filtered to Mora
So how were things between you and your guy? Did you guys get along pretty well? We need to get together some time for some cousin bonding!

Filtered to Jude Harvelle
I kept my word and I didn't make a move on your boyfriend. But I was wondering, would you want to perhaps grab a drink sometime? I'm not hitting on you, but I wanted to explain something to you and maybe you would understand why I freaked out about finding a random guy in bed with me. I won't go into too much detail but back home I....I almost got married, and this kind of just scared me a little bit. I'll explain in detail, but I do want to be friends with you if you'd just get to know me.

Feb. 14th, 2013


This isn't what I would call a great day. Woke up with some guy in my bed, LITERALLY in my bed and a wedding ring on my finger. Did I get so drunk last night that I just ended up marrying a random guy that I don't know? This....this is just too weird. I tried to take off the ring, but its stuck there, no amount of my magic could get it off.

Dec. 11th, 2012



Sign up because I'm posting a bah humbug list if you don't.

Dec. 10th, 2012


I love this time of year, the snow, the ice skating and being around all my friends. I wish my family was here, yes, I know that my cousin is here and that's always nice. But I miss my mom and my dad during this time of year. I know that I've been here for a long time but that doesn't mean that I still can't miss my family back home.

Tamora, we better be spending Christmas together or I'm seriously going to kick your ass!

Okay, now that I got that out of the way, anyone want to go ice skating with me?

Nov. 19th, 2012


So since I can't seem to kick undead ass right now, it's a few days until Thanksgiving.

Who wants to come for dinner?

Willow, Tara, I am not taking no for an answer. Sookie, Melinda, are you in?

Anyone else?

Spike, you are helping. No is not allowed from you either.

Nov. 18th, 2012



Why are you lot so dim? I feel so very, very stupid right now. It's terrible.

And why are all these post-it notes showing up? They have things written on them, if that helps. Rather pointless things, but still.

Nov. 17th, 2012


Okay, kind of freaking out a little bit. I don't have my powers, what happened to my powers? Please say that they will come back. Anybody else having problems with whatever powers they have?

Oct. 13th, 2012


I just have to say that this place blows. I don't know this place to even want to go anywhere, I just want to go home where I can sleep in my own bed. I was supposed to have a date tonight, but that won't happen, so whoever is responsible for this, I thank you for ruining a perfectly good evening that I was going to have tonight. And if they brought us here, couldn't they at least give us proper beds, those cots are not comfortable and I fell off of it last night when I tried to roll over.

I want to go and do something fun, I'm am up for anything right now.

Oct. 9th, 2012


Did anyone else happen to notice that there were two moons present last night? I'm not entirely sure what that means, but it makes me to wonder if we're somewhere other than Earth.

Oct. 2nd, 2012


Woah, talk about a time warp there. I barely remember anything at all, except for maybe I spoke too soon about what I am to somebody. But I want to let everyone know that I am fine and will be back at the pie shoppe tomorrow.

Private to Jensen
I sort of remember a little bit. I want to thank you for helping, uhhhhh little me? I don't remember what I did or anything, maybe you could refresh my memory a little bit?

Sep. 23rd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

Wh......where am I? (pause).......Mommy? Daddy? Where are you? I'm scared.

(sounds of crying can be heard)

Hello? I'm so scared right now, I want my mommy.

(long pause)

I don't know where I orbed to but this isn't my house. Can someone please tell me where I'm at.

(ooc: meet young Melinda, she is just a little kid, back then she was adventurous always orbing anywhere. She has no idea where she is at and thinking she just orbed somewhere unfamiliar! ENJOY!)

Sep. 20th, 2012


YES! I can see all my friends again, thank god. But I have to say that even though that I couldn't see my current friends, it was nice to meet some new people and get to know them as well. So all in all it wasn't a bad experience. But I am glad that I can now see you all again. And my roommate as well, Sookie, you and I need some serious roommate time now!

Sep. 19th, 2012


[ filter; Buffy Summers and Loki ]
Guess I'm the bearer of bad news. Your friend, Willow, has been sent back.

Sep. 17th, 2012


Willow's gone. I can't even see her, but I know she's gone.

Her clothes and her things are gone, and her name isn't on the door any more, but even if that didn't change, I'd just know.

I didn't even I wish I could have at least seen her before

Can someone please tell Buffy? She needs to know.

I miss her so much

And Loki too. Please.

Sep. 10th, 2012


I am so over this whole getting kidnapped thing. I had plans for today, like shopping and ignoring werewolves and lizard people.

Now I'm being manhandled by suits of armor and everyone is whining about not being able to see people.

Great, I've been brought to the wonderful world of hipsters.

What the hell is going on?

Sep. 6th, 2012


All right, City Hall. Sound off. I'm pretty sure I can see all of you, and you can all see me, but I just want a head count on who is about because I'm pretty sure some of you can't see each other.

As much as I doubt we'll end up coming up against any major issues over this, I advise anyone even thinking about attempting to take advantage of this situation to get into City Hall unchecked that our staff is wide and diverse. Someone will see you.


Okay, what the hell? Did I just orb into wake up in the creepiest section in the library?

Kat? PJ? Mels?