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Feb. 24th, 2012


First there were the zombies. Now I have a lumbering machete-carrying masked klutz stalking me everywhere I go. His efforts are quite pointless, considering that I hear weird sounds each time before he shows up.

He could not hope to ever catch me off guard when his own theme sound effects precedes him. Bah.

Feb. 6th, 2012


Oh, for Goodness' sake.

I don't know what anyone can possibly hope to achieve by moving people from one place to another. God forbid they do anything useful.

Feb. 2nd, 2012


My art supplies are drawing by themselves. It's really weird watching colored pencils draw a picture on their own and the paint is doing that swirly thing like in the movies and still not dripping on anything. This is the weirdest fucking thing I've ever seen and I've been here for almost a year, so that's saying a lot.

So I've been thinking lately about how I miss doing Rage and how it'd be pretty cool to write a comic book again, but I'm more the art guy then the story guy. That was always Michael's job cause he was the comic book fanatic. So if I want to do this then I need to find someone who is good with the writing.

Feb. 1st, 2012


there was a smilin turtle swimmin laps in my TOILET!

ariel would die if she was here.

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Lots of these I don't unnerstand. Least it isn't homework.

cut for length )

Jan. 20th, 2012


Hmmmm....what shall a girl do when she has no homework and doesn't have to work either on a Friday night!

Jan. 19th, 2012


Um hello? Excuse me? I don't know if anyone is reading this but I -

There were these suits of armor and they. Well they scared off my poor Toby and now I don't know where he is. Then I realized I don't know where I am either.

Jan. 18th, 2012


Accidental voice post.

[Sound of static as the phone drops and scrapes on concrete. A child's voice yelling out in indignation.]


[Struggling ends as shoes hitting the sidewalk, a few footsteps heard quickly leading away from the phone.]

GET BACK HERE! My Daddy is gonna beat your stupid face in! HE'S GOING TO MARS SO HE'S REAL IMPORTANT! [Sound of small fists hitting the library doors] LET. [bang.] ME. [BANG.] IN!!! [BANG!!!] CHICKEN!!

[After a moment, there's the sound of small dragging footsteps away from the door and back towards the vicinity of the forgotten phone and sitting down with a small grunt on the library steps. Child's voice low but resolute, but there's no mistaking a few small sniffs and the sounds of wiping a nose with the back of a hand.] Wake up... wake up...... c'mon, you just gotta wake up...