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May. 5th, 2012


Mummy? Mr. Sherlock? Where are you? I don't know where I am. I wanna come back to the flat.

[ickle!Hugo has returned with his memories from last time and is alone in his & Juno's room]

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Would anyone care to explain what, exactly, is going on? There are a lot of very odd things in this house including one Dominick Cobb, and coupled with the posts on this network, I think there's a story I need to hear.

[OoC: have Eames, taken from the day Cobb meets up with him in Mombasa]

Apr. 11th, 2012


Okay. Sorry about that. Totally had to get the hang know...BEING THE DEVIL. Figured it was probably best to take a couple days and do that instead of accidentally blowing up shit.

Mom? Probably best if I take some time off til this is done. What with being the devil and all.

Oh! Lucy! Behave in my body. I have no problem blowing myself up if it comes to it. Also, I have a present for you.

cut for image )

Mar. 22nd, 2012


Why the fuck are all those people coming back, and Ariadne hasn't come back yet? Or Reg or Sirius?

I think I might grow a beard. I say that like it will take effort to not-shave.

Or maybe I could try and grow a pet milk in my store room.

Or something.

Imagine I said something witty, thought-provoking and possibly even profound here, please. I can't be bothered thinking something up.

Mar. 19th, 2012


Note to self: Cars kill. You would think I'd read enough Stephen King over the years to know that's true already, but there you have it.

Filtered to Gabriel )

Filtered to Noah )

Filtered to Lyle )

Filtered to Ruby )

Mar. 14th, 2012



Are your brains really this slow? I'm not trying to be insulting, I just can't fathom being this stupid all the time. How do you lot manage it?

This is really bloody aggravating.

Mar. 8th, 2012


Sirius is gone.

Mar. 1st, 2012


Today was my father's birthday. It's still strange, him not being around. Don't get me wrong, I have gotten used to Colligo in the last couple of months; after all, I'll have been here for a year in June and if I hadn't gotten used to it yet then I'd be worried about myself. I do still hold out hope that Asaph will decide to bring my parents or sister or more of my family here, but I know it's all completely random and there's a chance they may never show up, but that doesn't stop me from hoping.

What helps is that I do have some family here, even if it is only a small portion of what is a rather large family. And of course Juno makes it that much easier and I am grateful to have her in my life. However, it is days like today that make me quite homesick.

Feb. 28th, 2012


Shit. While trying not to become another horror movie casualty, I completely forgot about my birthday. Last Thursday I turned twenty three and I spent it working without even realizing what day it was. So, now that the streets are relatively safe, who wants to go out tonight?


Christ, my throat

Feb. 27th, 2012


( Fail!Filtered to Jade )

So, I already told you I'm marrying The Human (Vampire) Disco Ball to Miss Falls-Down-A-Lot Saturday.

And it got me thinking.

I like you. A lot. And you tolerate me. And we're not going to do any better. Or, I'm not, anyway. I hope you're not. You're not, right?

And you're having my kid.

So...wanna get hitched?

Feb. 24th, 2012


Ruby is resting comfortably.

So is the baby. It was touch and go for a while, but it's under control now. Ruby's going to stay at the hospital another day or two, just to be sure, but it looks like we're okay.

Baby's growing so fast, but she's just not ready yet.

Feb. 23rd, 2012


Backdated; Early This Morning

Ruby's in labor. It's my fault.

I don't know anything yet. Except that she freaked out and went into early labor. And if anything happens to her, or the baby...

Feb. 21st, 2012


Ever wonder if you could strangle somebody with licorice rope?

Feb. 7th, 2012


Voice Post

I stealed daddy's phone so I can tell you all that Mommy's french fry maker and and Daddy's razor gotted married! I sawed the whole thing happen. The coffee maker said 'you may now kiss the bride' and everything!


There are cats in my classroom. And pigeons.

They're painting. It's... not bad actually. There are cats painting in the style of Renoir in my classroom. I think the pigeons are just shitting on one of the canvases and trying to pass it off as modern art, but that's down to personal opinion.

Class is postponed for a short while until I make a run for the nearest chemists to get antihistamines, unless someone in my class has any with them?

Feb. 6th, 2012


My razor is on strike.

Elena )

Feb. 5th, 2012


It's rather interesting watching a real hedgehog play with an enchanted origami hedgehog. It's not exactly something I ever thought I'd see, but intriguing none the less. What I am curious about is whether or not these animals actually came from the woods here and if so, how did they get inside the apartments and businesses, or did they simply manifest because of Asaph?

Feb. 4th, 2012


Ariadne has been sent home. She went home on the 25th. I should have put this on the network earlier but I didn't have my phone with me.

Arthur no longer lives here. If anyone is looking for him, he will not be found at [Eames' address]. No, I do not know where he is now.

Morpheus )

Juno )

Jan. 31st, 2012


Merlin's Balls!! This is bloody amazing!! I still can't believe it. I found Quidditch supplies in a secret room in the lobby of Uncle Charlie's building! Bloody Quidditch supplies!! Like everything! I was just complaining about how much I missed Quidditch and then this! Whoever Willow is or was, I want to say thank you!! I think this calls for a match. I call Keeper and Captain of one team. Who else wants in? According to these notes some of the brooms are charmed for Muggle use, so no one will be turned away.

Jan. 27th, 2012


I'm being abandoned tonight. Who wants to come stop me from dying of boredom? As we all know, I am effortlessly handsome and charming, and it would be a shame to let that go to waste.

Jan. 24th, 2012


Juno is in class and I've finished my work for today, so I figured I might as well do this.

Hugo's answers )

Jan. 21st, 2012





Next Saturday is Vasant Panchami, which is a fairly large holiday celebrated in Hinduism. My Temple is going to be coordinating with other Temples in the city to host a festival. There will be games and prizes, singing, dancing, and a kite festival, for anyone who wants to attend.

I've volunteered to help run the education drive as well, where we'll be getting together books and other educational items, as well as clothing, and anything relating to music or art, to donate to the needy. If anyone has anything they'd like to donate, please let me know and I'll happily take care of the transportation and whatnot. It's a great way to help out the community and also get rid of things that might by cluttering up your place that you've no use for anymore.

Thank you in advance, for anyone who chooses to help.

Jan. 7th, 2012


I've got to say I'm really missing being alone right now. Definitely not to good at the whole sharing thing. At least I've been good about the whole not shooting people thing.

Jan. 1st, 2012


Yesterday, I married the love of my life.

Today, I have no words. I hate this place.

Ruby, Caden's with me. We should try to get together, so he can see you.


It's like deja vu all over again. Asaph must really like this trick.

Sorry we got separated. Not sure how that happened. Where'd you end up?


Sure I've joked about kissing guys and yeah, I've shamelessly flirted with Dick just to screw with him, but I never intended to actually kiss a guy. Not that this guy isn't good looking, but Helena was definitely my first choice. I knew we should have just stayed in bed.

Dec. 31st, 2011


It is New Year's Eve. I have been drinking since... I don't know, Christmas day or something. Or possibly lunchtime. Point me at a party. Cheers.


Dec. 27th, 2011


I forget. Is it "don't feed them or they multiply like Tribbles," or "don't put them in the bathtub..."?

[fail!Filter to Ariadne]
I got my period. I'm not sure if I'm relieved, or disappointed.

Dec. 26th, 2011


Filtered to Potters, Weasleys and Friends

Okay you lot, you're all coming round my place for New Year's Eve. I'm ordering take away; any requests or suggestions?

Dec. 19th, 2011


Hugo? Is it just me or do we now have TWO Christmas trees?

Dec. 18th, 2011


arthur Charli

Can anyone tell me where I am? I think theres been a mix up with the floo network.

Dec. 17th, 2011


So, the campus coffee bar where I work is having an open mic night on Wednesday the 21st, if anyone is interested in participating, or just coming to hang out and hear some of the local talent. 5:30pm until close. I'll be helping the music department with the sets and sound, so you might hear me play at some point--but don't let that scare you away!


I think I have plague. Disgusting.

Dec. 16th, 2011


So there are certain people in this mansion, and I'm not going to name names, who need to work their crap out and start talking again cause if they mess up Steph's Chrismukkah there will be hell to pay

Dec. 14th, 2011


Fail!Filter {meant for Dean Winchester; visible to all}

Hey baby. I was going to text but my phone is being stupid and won't let me use the text option for some reason.

Not to freak out or anything but do you think you could wrap up work at the garage a little early? It's just that I think I might be in labor. Maybe. Possibly. I mean, it could be Braxton Hicks but I'm not sure I want to take that chance.

So, you know, whenever you can get here so we can swing by the clinic, that would be awesome.

Love you!

(edited to the post two minutes later)
Actually? I take it back. I'm pretty sure I'm definitely in labor.

My water just broke.

Dec. 12th, 2011


You lot! I'm getting old. And I think I overdid it on the early festive cheer.

Someone come fix me? I think there's a bludger kicking off inside my head.

Dec. 10th, 2011


Eames, you have to believe me when I say that Ariadne and I are only friends. I would never do anything to get in the way of what you three have and not only because I'm gay, but because you're all my friends and I'd never do that to my friends. I'm starting to think that Asaph gets off on throwing me into the mix to mess with you guys. First the mistletoe and now this. By the way, how's Arthur now?

I think I need a drink and to get high or maybe I'll go to the art store. I'm running low on some things. Or maybe I'll go to the art store then the Roadhouse. Or something. I think I just need to get out.


Filtered to Friends and Family )

Filtered to John Winchester (yes, he's included in the above filter as well) )

[ooc: as claire and dean know WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE to list separately, if you think your character(s) would be invited/included as friends or family, feel free to have them respond!]


( Filtered against John Winchester and kids, because Gabe's not THAT much of a dick )

That was fucked up. Screw you Uncle Morgan Freeman. Was that about the porn? It was about the porn, wasn't it? Dick move there. Santa's so giving you coal this year.

Hey, Ruby? Sorry for macking on your fiance. Please don't stab me. Sammy, sorry for macking on you. I don't actually think of you that way. It's not me. It's you. Specifically your dick and my lack of interest in it.

Oh! And congrats on the cambion. Good work there, kids!

Jade, I'm not gay. I'm really not gay. Want me to show you just how not gay I am?

Dec. 5th, 2011



No puedo creer lo que está sucediendo. Estoy hablando en español. No puedo evitarlo.

¿Dónde está mi hermana gemela y clonar? Necesito dormir con su marido.

Dec. 4th, 2011


It's our one-week anniversary septimanaversary!


Sam and Dean I've been looking for you both for a while now and just flew into town. There's something very important I need to tell you both.

I got hit in the head helping deal with a ghost and it brought back some memories I had forgotten due to amnesia.

John isn't your father.

I am.

Nov. 29th, 2011


I should have said something earlier, but I was so wrapped up in my new husband these past few days, that it just slipped my mind.

That's right, I said husband. Nathan and I got married a few days ago. I'm now Joanna Beth Harvelle-Wuornos.

I think it has a very nice ring to it, personally.


I still can't believe that Hugo, of all people, got married. </s>And I'm still single. How is that fair?</s> I would have loved it if Aunt Hermione or Nana were here just for their reactions alone. That would have been priceless.

Hey, Juno, I didn't get a chance to say it the other day, but welcome to the family. Be glad that not everyone is here, because then they'd probably scare you away. Ok, I'm kidding.

Nov. 22nd, 2011


[Filtered to friends of the Dream Team]
I know it's short notice, but if you don't already have plans for Thursday we're having Thanksgiving dinner here. Or "Practice Christmas," as Eames insists on calling it. Let me know if you're coming so I know how many pies to bake.

Nov. 21st, 2011


I'm back to myself, and...I know a lot of people were hurt and affected...and I'm sorry. </s>I remember everything.</s> Words aren't enough.

Claire )

Ruby )

Nov. 20th, 2011


So apparently in the universe where I'm a dude I'm still a loudmouthed scarf-wearing salesmonkey, just taller. And with a really hot girlfriend. That's reassuring, I guess.

Are the Winchesters still terrorizing the city or are we safe? You know, relatively speaking?

[private to Eames]
You doing okay?


Asaph, if you really read this crap, you can hit the reset button. Yesterday.

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