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Jul. 26th, 2011


I thought I'd never see this picture of my family again. This is awesome. Jude, you were so small in this.

Jul. 16th, 2011


I'm glad I can see my sister again. I was starting to go a little nuts.

Jun. 20th, 2011


It just dawned on me that I need to find a job.

Anyone got any suggestions?

Jun. 14th, 2011


I am so glad that I haven't forgotten how to handle a shotgun. I'm going to be scrubbing that nasty minion gunk off of me forever, and I'm a little banged up...but I kinda missed being able to take down some evil sons of bitches. Never thought I'd actually miss gunning down zombies... damn, I sound like Tallahassee...I wonder how him and Columbus are doing..

Private to Jude

You okay? You didn't get hurt during this whole mess, did you?

Jun. 11th, 2011


[Filtered away from Glory]

Uh look, I know y'all don't know me. Or maybe you did? Shit if I know anymore. Anyway, we've gotta get rid of her. And I'd do it myself but unless anyone's seen a real big fuck off hammer around, I doubt it's gonna happen.

The goal is to turn her into Ben and get rid of him. So anyone who doesn't like that idea can stay at home.

Red's down, so need witches and anyone that can fight. I mean everyone. If you're alive still and you wanna do this, let me know. You might die. Hell, you probably will. But if we don't stop the evil hell bitch, we're all gonna fuckin die. Going at it alone is a total fucking suicide mission, but if we work together and have you know, an actual fucking plan fuck I sound like B then maybe we can kick this bitch in her pseudo balls.

Anyone fucking with me? Cause I'm going either way.

Jun. 10th, 2011


I think </s>Jo-Beth</s> Jo's gone.

As in gone gone.

Not hurt or dead or 'please someone find her', or anything like that.

She never came to work and her stuff is all gone. </s>And I hate this place so much right now.</s>

Seems like Ash is gone too.

Filtered to Adam )

Filtered to Damon )

Filtered to Krista )

May. 10th, 2011


I can't be here. I need to find my sister.

...Does anyone know how to leave?