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Apr. 6th, 2012


Sent Village Wide

Where the hell am I, and who took my sword?

I'll kill you when I find you, whoever you are. You can count on that.

Mar. 23rd, 2012


[Warning: Mention of Rape]

I don't know why this was necessary )

Jan. 16th, 2012


[Message sent to all employees/volunteers of the Crisis Center]
Many of you know, but in case you haven't heard, Cas is gone. He's gone and there's no way to know if he's coming back. So. I'm taking over.

I need a show of hands, who's with me here? I need to know your name and whatever position you hold. Now's the time to speak up if you want to change positions, whatever.

Let's just get this out there. I'm not Cas. I'm not going to run the place same as Cas. You want out, I understand, but I was hoping we could all pull together and figure this out.
[/End message]

[Message sent to all residents of Colligo not on the other list]
Many of you know, but in case you haven't heard, Cas is gone. He's gone and there's no way to know if he's coming back. So. I'm taking over the crisis center.

Anybody looking for work, now's the time to step forward. We have a lot of openings. Just let me know who you are and where your interests lie. I'm sure we can work something out.
[/End message]


Seeking Employment

My name is Lisbeth Salander and I'm in need of employment.

I have superior computer skills and I am experienced in hacking computer and their respective networks. I have also done a lot of investigative work.

I do not have my high school diploma if that is an issue. My education came from personal experience and trying to survive the system.

I am fluent in Swedish and English, English being my second language.

I am available to commence employment immediately.

Jan. 12th, 2012


[Accidental post]

[A woman's voice with a Swedish accent can be heard as she wakes up in a strange room and a man she has never seen before.]

Who are you? Why did you bring me here? You come any closer to me you will wish you hadn't!