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Aug. 28th, 2009


I love that there are people here who actually met the Arthur known as Wart! I loved that movie. Even if it can't possibly be my future. I didn't catch your names, but apparently you knew the old other me. I'm Merlin!

So, for the people here who know magic...since i don't have to hide it anymore Well, I was looking at all the different books and pages on these interweb things, but it all seems very strange. It all has it's own set of rules and spells and ways of working. Would anyone mind teaching me some of the magic they know,or has anyone tried using incantations from one of the other worlds? Can you freely use any sort of sorcery, or only the sort from your homes?

May. 10th, 2009


Bloody Rift.

May. 9th, 2009


Y'know, I kind of feel sorry for all of you stuck on the first floors of these cells disguised as hotel rooms. You must have water coming into your rooms by now with the way the streets look.

May. 8th, 2009


What's going on? I was in Tokyo, then I was in some library and these knight statues dragged me out here. I don't understand. Where is Luna, the girls, Mamoru? I don't like it here. I tried to teleport home, but ended up in the library again. Am I supposed to go somewhere? This thing has a room number on it, but I don't know where that is...

Setsuna, you can always hear me right?

I want to go home.

May. 7th, 2009


One of these days, my life will not be complicated, I swear it.

So, besides being manhandled by armor, left to stand on streets, and wandering aimlessly, whatever is a poet to do here in this odd little city?

Apr. 30th, 2009


I don't have any other options, so I'm giving this device a try.

Mikey, Kairi, Sora, Donald, Goofy. If any of you are here, please let me know.

My name is Riku. I am trapped in this city, along with a girl named Toph, and none of our powers seem to be strong enough to break through. Is anybody else here?