May 2013




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Apr. 9th, 2013


I just thought people would like to know, the Avenger's Tower has basically been emptied out. Clint didn't come home the other night, so I went to see if he'd gone back to train and feel asleep on the range, and it's empty. Ghostly empty. They've all been sent back. And the Mayor's office was empty when I got there this morning. So it looks like Pepper and Coulson have gone as well. Why What am I supposed to

Have anyone checked the other main buildings? Can someone report on the state of the Sanctuary and the X-Mansion?

Mar. 24th, 2013


Yeah, so...did anyone else wake up today and realize they did really stupid stuff? I'm pretty sure I did some really stupid stuff which includes but not specific to:

  • robbing a bank
  • buying a penthouse
  • apparently I have a motorcycle
  • and a fountain shaped like a penguin

  • Aside from all of that, anyone want to mention where I even am?

    [ private ]

    I have a black costume. I tossed my old costume for a black one.

    Well, at least black is slimming.

    Mar. 11th, 2013


    Ladies and gentlemen,

    At this point in time, I believe we've all established that while we do not understand how we came to be in this place or who we even are -- we're all here together. It is my understanding is that we all are suffering from some sort of mass amnesia. What the cause of it is so far? I will be completely honest with everyone, I do not know. An acquaintance of mine that also woke up suffering from this might possibly begin to look into what the cause of this mass amnesia is but, truth be told, we have no idea what we're looking for. But do not allow this to be a cause for concern, ladies and gentlemen. Just allow it to be a cause for a sliver of relief. We are attempting to fix what has happened to us or, at the very least, get to the root of all the problems.

    I can understand what you're all going through, but calmer heads persevere. What we need is to establish some sort of footing. For those individuals who have woken up in the middle of stores, the streets, or general area of the public--I will be looking for a place for everyone to stay. I will keep you updated in this cause but for the time being, I would appreciate for everyone to look out for everyone else. Even if it doesn't feel as though it isn't in your nature to do so. It is likely better to have a stranger in the same circumstance as you rather than one of the residents who seem to ignore the lot of us. I can imagine a lot of us are feeling lost, alone, and frightened. Our only chance is taking a leap of faith with each other rather than toughing it out alone. I urge you to reach out and I will do my best to assist you.

    Mister Domino.

    [ filtered to those ]

    Following the above message, I have a concern to address with those with abilities. If you feel, in anyway, as though you are a danger to other individuals. Isolate yourselves. The last thing we need aside from mass amnesia is mass panic. If you have anything to say at all, feel free to use this as an open forum to address your concerns. Being different isn't a terrible thing. Being ignorant of how your differences could affect others is, however. This is not singling you out or calling you a danger to society. It would just likely be safer for you and for everyone else to have someone to account for you.

    I hope you approach this with understanding rather than aggression.

    Mar. 10th, 2013


    voice post.

    [ There's the sound of a couple things moving around than silence. ]

    I can't remember my name. I just woke up...on the floor. I think I was working out but...there's nothing else. Why isn't there anything else? [ A pause. ] I'm British. Is anyone else British? Or is that just a me thing? Is Britishness a me thing? I haven't heard anyone else with accents.

    [ Another pause. ]

    Does anyone remember anything?

    [ private ]

    ...I have a flask of blood. Is this some sort of Satanic ritual...issue?

    Mar. 7th, 2013


    Bugger this

    Ignore that, children

    It seems I'm going to need a funding source if I wish to continue my scientific endeavours. As I'm already receiving housing from the Sanctuary, it would be terribly gauche to ask for even more support from them. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Would anyone like to offer their own assistance? You could be the patron of H.G. Wells. You could remain anonymous, if you prefer.

    Mar. 1st, 2013


    Well, that's over now. No offense to Elijah, as he was the perfect gentleman the entire time during our lovely forced union, but it's great to be back with my actual husband.

    Also? It's March first. In just a couple short weeks, Nate and I will officially be parents!

    Feb. 15th, 2013


    Who the hell has my daughter?!

    Feb. 9th, 2013


    Bloody hell, I can't figure out how to shave this face without nicking it. It's not as if I've ever had to shave my face before, and this stubble is so bloody itchy. Does anyone know of a barber who could deal with it for me?

    Jan. 20th, 2013


    I am posting this against my will, just so we are being clear, here. It isn't so much the questions, or the answers. It is the principle of the matter.

    Here. )

    Jan. 18th, 2013


    This... THING won't go away for me despite how long I've put off doing it. )

    Jan. 13th, 2013


    Now that, that's all over with, I think it's about time I get a job. I've been trying to decide exactly what I wanted to do, but I think that I'm going to stick with teaching. I mean, there aren't exactly job openings for Warrior Princesses in the real world and I enjoyed teaching. I think I'll go over to the Elementary school tomorrow to see if there are any openings. For now though, I'll continue enjoying time with my husband.

    Jan. 7th, 2013


    Voice Post

    Well! I don't know about those stone creatures, but the Heat-Ray and the Tesla do wonders against the monstrous metal "Cybermen"! Between the superheated metal, the burning of the flesh inside, and the electrical disruptions we're inflicting upon them, I think we'll soon have them defeated.

    Oh, this is fun! Perhaps even worthy of a new book.

    Jan. 5th, 2013


    I've managed to scrabble together a slower version of what I called my Imperceptor Vest (which shall need a new name), and if we can coordinate a suitable strategy, I can use it to outrun the "Weeping Angels". My thanks again to the young Miss Tesla for her brilliant calculation of what speeds must be reached.

    I've also built a working prototype of my Heat-Ray. I'll need to mount it on a rooftop or a tower, or onto a suitable vehicle to use as a mobile weapon.

    It could help save us, or it could burn down the entire city. Let's find out which, shall we?

    Jan. 1st, 2013


    I have a note to myself that electricity isn't to be used against Silents, but I didn't record the reason. As I'd better heed my own warning and put aside my Tesla, could someone allow me the loan of a traditional gun? Unconventional weapons are also welcome and indeed preferred.

    The passing of a year is much different without that fin de siècle spirit, but I think the light shows and explosions added a very modern flair to it. Let us hope everyone survives this New Year's Day. Every one of us who isn't one of our antagonists, of course.

    Dec. 30th, 2012


    So I think I figured out how fast the Weeping Angels move.

    If you take the speed of the average human blink, which is about 300 to 400 milliseconds, and then you work in how much distance they cover in that time, which I sort of guessed at cause of all the people talking about how fast they move in the voice posts and stuff, then you put it together and do a bunch of stuff I won't explain cause most folks won't really know what I'm saying, you can figure out how fast you gotta be to get away before they can get to you but still be able to blink while doing it!

    See? I think that's right. And cause not everybody knows math, that just means that you got to move about 15 feet per millisecond if you want to stay ahead of them and still blink regular. You can just double that, if you blink slower, and even double it again if you blink even slower than that!

    Now I'm gonna figure out how much voltage it's gonna take to make the Daleks' shields come down for good.

    [ooc: as always, zoe is a math genius. i? am not. ergo, we are pretending that the equation i just randomly picked and used, does all the crap she says it will. yay suspension of disbelief! ♥]

    Dec. 29th, 2012


    Well, fuck. Next Generation Pepper is gone. Original Series Pepper works for the government. (No word on the existence of a Deep Space Nine or Voyager Pepper, but neither sounds promising.) So I guess this is a casting call for Pepper XI.

    I need a new Personal Assistant. Preferably someone with some tech experience. Best suited for the position would be an organized, self-motivated enabler with an otherwise good head on his/her shoulders. Inquire within.

    Resumes and cover letters will be read by JARVIS, and he's been instructed to throw out anything with Comic Sans or Curlz MT.

    Dec. 26th, 2012


    Voice Post

    [There's the sound of running, followed by heavy breathing then silence for a moment or two]

    Mayday! Mayday!

    Note to self and anyone else listening....tasers only sort of work on the giant tin men. And when I say sort of, I mean it slowed them down enough for me to run away without getting killed. Otherwise this message would be coming to you from beyond the grave.

    At least I'm not too far from the Tower.

    Dec. 22nd, 2012


    I appear to have a stalker already. Outside my door, I've found a miniature Christmas tree with a rather dazzling array of gemstones and diamonds on it, along with some items of a curiously specific nature. The miniature Martian tripod wreaking destruction around the tree skirt is a particularly intriguing touch, though hopefully it does not possess a working heat-ray.

    The Gingerbread Warehouse is a work of art. An obsessive work.

    Seeing as there is clear interest in me, perhaps I should do autograph sessions. I won't even have to charge for them thanks to my newly acquired wealth.

    Dec. 20th, 2012


    Who wants to join me for a snowball fight in the park tomorrow?

    [Filtered to Stark Tower Residents/Honorary Avengers]

    So, what are the plans for Christmas? I think it's vital to everyone's Christmas spirit that we have a party.

    [Filtered to Loki]

    I have a Christmas present for you.

    Dec. 17th, 2012


    Distant planet, jumbled timelines, inexplicable experiments, and complete separation from customary resources. How terribly inconvenient. I gather from the tacky decorations and frivolity that it's Christmas time. Not particularly happy or merry. I do wonder if that introductory overview is current on the point of Nikola Tesla's presence here. Could anyone confirm that, preferably the man himself if he's here?

    I'm Helena. If you're inclined to informality, I'll answer to H.G., and if you'd rather be formal or well-mannered, Ms Wells.