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Jan. 20th, 2011


Library again. That's nice, I suppose.

Good to be back. Feels a bit itchy.

That's really weird. I mean really weird. Much weirder than just new teeth or hair.

Is this what it always feels like then?

Dec. 30th, 2010


[ooc: Blank post from distraught!Vincent]


Rose is gone.

She absorbed the Time Vortex. She destroyed a large number of the Toclaphane but they'll probably be back. But she burnt. It destroyed her.


Filtered to: Everyone from the Whoniverse, Claire Winchester, Gwen Pendragon, Helen Magnus, Merlin, Molly Suresh, Sirius Black and Sherlock Holmes )

Filtered to: Adric, Amy, Jenny, Rory, and Vincent )

Dec. 25th, 2010


Filtered to Doctors/Companions

Don't mean to alarm you guys, and I'm sure some of us are suffering serious hangovers and were intending on a day in bed but look out your window. Carefully, don't want to risk alerting them.

Dec. 9th, 2010


If I do not find some way to occupy a portion of my time while here, I fear I may well go mad. I have never been one for sitting idle, not even when it was considered proper decorum to do so, and I shall not do so for longer than I must, now.

Dec. 8th, 2010


I thought I'd try this again and all, now that I've gotten my bearings in this place.

Hello, I'm Charlotte Pollard, but my friends call me Charley. I was born a very long time ago, the day the Titanic sank actually. But then I went traveling with the Doctor. And I've been places you can't imagine. I've been stuck on a desert island for a couple of years actually.

Now that I'm all settled in, I want to have a look around, go on some adventures. I can't imagine sitting still any longer. I want to explore. Though honestly, to be fair, when I do I usually get into a bit of trouble.

So I thought I'd ask if anyone wanted to come with me, perhaps show me some things. Get into some adventures and some trouble, you know, the usual. I'm afraid I don't know much about the technology in this time period, so I need some assistance.

Nov. 29th, 2010


The stars are so very beautiful tonight.

Nov. 21st, 2010


Does anybody know if there's a library other than the Great one on the map? I've peeked in and was taken out none too ceremoniously by those suits of armour - which are fascinating, by the way - but they don't seem to have actual librarians. And I should really find some form of employment. I can't impose on John and Sherlock's charity forever, after all. Failing that, I suppose this city must have bookstores. Shelving is shelving.


This is all still a bit of a shock.

Will this thing work if I dropped it in paint accidentally? Because I might. It's rather hard to hold onto and I keep misplacing it.

Nov. 20th, 2010


Is it just me or have those knights grown rougher in their abuse? My bruises have bruises, and before you laugh, Merlin, it is not funny.

But was it really necessary to send me through the library again though? Isn't that just a bit extreme?

{ooc: Arthur is AU for the weekend. He's gone and come back from Morgana's sparkly golden dream world of episode 3x10 and is king now. Feel free to mock his highness as much as you please}