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Mar. 25th, 2013


Okay, so many things were wrong with that. SO MANY THINGS.

Cordy, I'm sorry I said you were a hooker with daddy issues. And I'm really sorry you spent two weeks thinking you were Peter's girlfriend.

Peter, let's never talk about that again. Ever. Except the part where you named yourself after Chris Argent. That was hilarious.

Katie, thank you for not showing any interest in me, because if we'd hooked up while we were all amnesia-y, Peter would think he was right. And he's never right.

Danny, I can't believe you called yourself Jackson. Seriously. Nobody wants to be Jackson. I should probably ask about the whole asking me out thing, but I don't really want to get rejected, so I'm going to pretend it never happened.


Now, that was a situation that I will remember for a long time to come even if I feel like I'll be paying for it just as long. But every bruise will be a sweet, sweet reminder.

You're welcome to come over whenever you want, Cordelia. I don't mind the post happy ending violence. Prefer it, actually.

Mar. 24th, 2013


Filtered to 'Chris'/'Dad' (Peter) )

Filtered to 'Angela' (Cordelia) )

Feb. 26th, 2013


Well...this could totally suck more. I could be paired with sourwolf or creepy uncle badtouch But it's still weird being stuck with someone who looks exactly like my best friend's sorta-ex-girlfriend.

It's definitely nice to have a break from the Creepiest Roommate Ever™. I mean, I feel bad for the professor being stuck with the guy, but it's still awesome to not have him acting like a creeper 24/7.

Hey, Bonnie. Want to work on some inventory with me at the shop? And by inventory, I mean practicing spells. I'm really starting to get the hang of this stuff.

Feb. 16th, 2013


Well, this is certainly more frustrating than last time we ended up stuck with other people.

If my "spouse" could please learn to keep his hands to himself, that would be much appreciated.

Feb. 8th, 2013


( Accidental Voice Post )

cut for length; in which Peter and Stiles talk )

Sep. 2nd, 2012


Okay. That was just weird. Like seriously weird. Majorly weird. The weird to end all weird.

Apparently werewolf!me is way cooler than regular!me, and maybe kinda gay.

Also, someone please tell me I was hallucinating and Peter Hale isn't actually here. Even if it's not true, could someone just do that? Please? It'd mean a lot to me.

And, to top it all off, I start junior year Tuesday. Because apparently you can't escape high school by being kidnapped to an alien planet. Good to know. Speaking of...Willow, Cordy, etc., I'm going to probably have to rework my hours a little, to account for the whole actually going to school and learning stuff thing.

( Willow )
Speaking of learning stuff, I wanted to run something by you.

( Derek )
So, that was weird. It was really weird, right?

Aug. 23rd, 2012


[Accidental voice post]

[There's a beep, as the PDA turns on. Lydia's voice is a little faint at first. In her tone, it's obvious that she's confused.]

What the hell is this?

[She breathes a sigh as the guards walk towards her.]

Oh, good. Excuse me...could you tell me what the hell is going on? Also, if this another weird werewolf thing or whatever, it's really not funny. I've had enough of weird things happening to me for one night, thank you very much.

[The PDA is handed to her, and the irritation in her voice becomes clear.]

...A phone? You're not going to tell me anything, just give me a phone? And I'm supposed to be...okay with this?

[The guards grab Lydia, and she lets out a small scream.]

Hey! Put me down! Right now! I want to know what the hell is going on here!

[Lydia's tossed outside, and she lets an 'oof!" as she lands flat on her ass.]

Well...that was really rude. And really gave me nothing as to where the hell am I.

Though it's safe to say, I'm not in Beacon Hills anymore.

Aug. 17th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

[ there's a long silence, the audio obviously having started long before someone decided to start speaking. the clanging sound of the knights come onto the scene can be distinctly heard before the voice finally speaks up. ]

You're kidding, right? I would think whoever could manage to bring me here before I even realized I was gone could manage more threatening lackeys. [ pause ] All right, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, what is it you're here to tell me?

[ metal clangs again, accompanied by an irritated exclamation ] Hey! If you wanted me to leave, you could have just asked. I see the door. I'll show myself out, then?

[ another clang ] Yeah. I can find a phone myself, thanks. [ more clangs as the knights advance ] Fine. Fine. I'll take it. You know, it would be a lot easier if you guys could verbalize.

[ the sound of footsteps and the doors closing shut with a dull thud ] And this is definitely not California.