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May. 2nd, 2012


I don't know who did this or why you gave me a retro phone, but please if you're reading, I don't deserve this. If you're going to bring someone where this is, please go back for someone who actually deserves to be here. Get Kate and Piotr and any of their babies who are still alive. Get anyone else. Not me.

Apr. 30th, 2012


Okay. My OCD can't take it anymore. In order to preserve my own sanity, I'm going to try figuring out how to maintain my list this way.

Is there anyone in this city that hasn't been affected in some way, shape, or form?

And if you have, if you know how you've been affected and could respond, that would be helpful too.

Apr. 29th, 2012


Here again? Sweet.

Apr. 26th, 2012


Any time this place wants to stop with the back and forth already, that would be great. Really. It's starting to make me a little dizzy.


I suppose I should get this over with.

This place certainly is interesting, I'll give it that much. A bit confusing but I'm sure I can muddle through.

So, for the record, I'm Raven. I'm apparently going to be taking over the life of my younger self for a while. I'd apologize for that but I'm the victim, so that isn't going to happen. Instead I'll just say, if you'd rather not associate with me until I'm back as I'm meant to be, I'll understand.

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Interesting. No illusionist would take the time to craft such an extensive and contradictory environment.

Also, anyone who happens to be in the Xavier School at the moment, I think I might have broken Charles, if you wish to come try and fix him.

Apr. 21st, 2012


"Accidental" Mass!Post


You will not believe who I just saw kissing and being all couple-y. Well, okay, you will believe it since you called it a long time ago, but still. It's finally happened!

And for the record, just because they're finally together does not mean I'm going to start calling Charles 'mom' and Erik 'dad'. You have fun with that but no thanks.


[ooc: yes, this is "accidentally" mass!posted to everyone. so, while the entire city will receive this, she's going to totally claim it was meant for stephanie only. mostly because raven is a bratty little sister who lives to embarrass her brother. >.>]

Mar. 5th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Kitty sounds frustrated, but not terribly surprised )

Oh great. I've been kidnapped again. Because that's exactly what I needed. Yep.

( a frustrated sigh )

I give up. I accept I'm never, ever going to have anything approaching a normal life, no matter how hard I try.

( a dragon makes a noise )

At least you're here, Lockheed. I don't know what I'd do without you.

( a pause and heavy footsteps of the knights )

Oh...jeez! Now would be a good time to get out of here.

( running footsteps followed by a loud crash )

Oww...what the...

( the sound of the library doors opening, some things shifting and Kitty mumbling to herself )

When I said a normal life...definitely not what I meant. ( a pause ) I'm fine, Lockheed. Stop hovering.

Well...this is definitely different than any other time I've been kidnapped. They even gave me a techy present... ( a pause ) that's totally broadcasting. Awesome.

Hi? Can anyone hear this?


so this is balls


I didn't like losing my magic when I lost it back home, and I don't like losing it here, either.

I think I'll cope with this with ice cream. And bacon.

Feb. 20th, 2012


Okay, I never should have watched that movie called "IT". I was running some errands and I swear I saw an evil clown looking like the clown in that movie. He was holding a balloon and waving. I'm officially creeped out now. I hate clowns, they are just super creepy, please I hope that this clown goes away!

Jan. 27th, 2012



:P )


So even my daughter has done this, so I figure I might as well too.

My Answers )

[info]ex_iambatgir760 we have a limit to how many people we're allowed here at Casa del Awesome?

Because Cass is gone.

Jan. 26th, 2012


I knew this place wasn't just some kind of funky dream. No way could I come up with something as creative as this, all on my own.

So. Who missed me?

(edited in a bit later)
I'm not sure why I have a bunch of questions on this thing, but I answered them. I'm even being nice and putting the answers here instead of putting up another message board post thing.

Read at your own risk. )

Jan. 11th, 2012


My fridge now makes ice and has a radio. I don't know how he does these things. Almost everything in my apartment has been upgraded in one way or another. Don't get me wrong, some of it is pretty cool; I mean he built a waffle iron. Who just builds a waffle iron? I've always been pretty tech savvy, but I could never just build something from scratch like Forge. It's actually really fascinating.

Jan. 1st, 2012


yeah what? nooooooooo

so this is awkward

Dec. 1st, 2011


[filtered to Kitty's friends]
So.... I have no idea how to say this.

It's not just a headache.

It's brain cancer. And it's incurable.

Nov. 26th, 2011


Ouch. Those suckers sure can hit hard.

But I mean how else did they expect me to react and I would have gotten out of there if I had all my gear with me. But I guess a couple of concussions and a bunch of broken bones will teach them.

But now I’m locked in this cell of some library. Maybe I’ve got some books that are really overdue or something and they take that type of thing serious here where ever here is.

Nov. 11th, 2011


What the hell?

[OoC: Staff Sergeant Silvercloud, in possession of both legs (omg) at your service. *salutes*]

Nov. 10th, 2011


If this is the N-Zone, I'll eat my hat. Figuratively, of course.

[ooc: meet future!Ultimate!Shadowcat, who has Spider-Man's webshooters, Captain America's shield, and the ability to make herself super dense as well as intangible!]

Nov. 8th, 2011


Voice Post

[Roy sounds jittery and clearly confused]

Where am I? What's going on? Last thing I remember....I was in an alley. I...I don't need another intervention if that's what this is.

[ooc: Roy never kicked his heroin habit way back when so meet junkie!Roy]

Nov. 7th, 2011


Seriously? November 2011 again? Oh great, so I just butchered a bunch of people cause someone made me go Trick-or-Treating. Yes, Stephanie, I am talking about you and no, I'll never stop reminding you.

[Meet Colligo!Future Damian! He is eighteen, so from about eight years in the future. Grew up in the X-Mansion so he's not as much of a little shit as he was at ten. Enjoy!

Nov. 3rd, 2011



Laforge to Enterprise. Enterprise, come in.

...I've got a bad feeling about this.

((yep. hardison is lt. commander geordi laforge for halloween. enjoy!))


Please tell me that someone else in the house didn't dress up for Halloween.

This must be what going mad feels like.

I think Erik escaped from the shark tank again. Bugger.

Oct. 26th, 2011


dudes i kinda need help again

i just need a pair of crutches. fucking lint ugh bastard stuff it broke my leg and i can't fix it and i dont wanna break it even more so im just gonna put it to one side and dick about on stupid crutches.


Oct. 25th, 2011





Voice Post

This is not fun. Everything I touch grows flowers. There are flowers in my bed and on the couch and the doorknobs and even my damn PDA! Now I know what it's like to be Poison Ivy; except that basketcase can turn her ability off. Thank god I'm not green though and the only other thing her and I share is our hair color.

Go ahead Forge, I know you're just dying to get back at me for laughing about the IT thing.


So. I decided to treat myself to a shopping spree today.

And the second I walk out the building, "Material Girl" starts playing.

Because apparently, that's my brand new superpower. My life has a soundtrack.

If "Eye Of The Tiger" starts playing when I go on patrol tonight, I'm not going to be happy.

Oct. 14th, 2011


hello yes hiiiii

so i know everyones dealing with various evil bastards and shit but

yeah uh no dont laugh but oh fucking hell i never should have read that fucking book fuuuuuck

basically the sink is full of blood and the pipes are full of his voice and theres a clown and stephen king you are a fucker ugh that bastard clown

also you know the dead kid in the book with one arm needs to stop following me that would be lovely

Oct. 1st, 2011


Unfunny, dudes. Really fucking unfunny. Where the FUCK is my leg? Why have I got a wooden crutch instead of my "admittedly still shitty but better than a crutch" leg? And who fucked with my clothes? I know I said I was Cheyenne but seriously?!!?!

Sep. 25th, 2011


Hello? Anyone?

Uh, I'm fairly certain I'm not actually crazy, so can I get out of this hospital place now? It's very nice, lovely building, and yeah, I only have one leg and this metal fake leg and a walking stick so I get that maybe I should be in hospital for a valid reason, but I'm not crazy, I just don't know who I am. And there are people shouting about other people in their heads, and there was one girl who said she can like, fall through the floor or some shit, and yeah, I'm not like that. I'm not mad.

So where do I go to check out or whatever it is? And does anyone know me? I wouldn't mind going home, really. Wherever that is.

Sep. 20th, 2011


Whoa. Somebody pinch me so I know if this is real? I feel like I should start carrying a totem or something.

It's like...going through the wardrobe. Only backwards. With guards.

They're exactly like I remember them.

Sep. 19th, 2011


[Intended-but-neglected-to-filter to the X-Mansion]

I feel so guilty looking at people and knowing what happened to them in my time and not saying anything, especially when I'm responsible. I'm just going to be very fast.

I knew Charles when I was a kid but the army killed him in front of me when I was fourteen. And Erik took over for him and I really admired him but we had to leave him behind in the camp because he'd been crippled. And I didn't knew Forge's reputation but didn't really know him. And Kitty was like another mom to me and my best friend but she made me go back in time and I just know the Sentinels killed her because she was trapped. And Logan was killed by the Sentinels and I felt it in my mind. And Raven was one of the reasons everything was so horrible because she killed Senator Kelly and that set off all the anti-mutant regulations. And I didn't know Rogue.

But when I went back in time, Charles was alive and walking until the Shi'ar took him away. And Erik reconciled with him and again took over for him like in my time but without the death. And Forge made a stupid neutralizing gun that was going to be used on Rogue but Ororo took the hit instead and lost her powers. And Kitty was younger than me instead of older and she was a teenage mutant ninja and my friend again. And Logan meant to kill me because I was going to kill Selene and that's why I was dying when I came here. And Raven somehow got her cronies together in a government-sponsored mutant-catching team. And Rogue was really cool except when she thought I was crazy and turned on me.

I'm so, so, so sorry, Aunt Lorna. They made me into a Hound and I never, ever wanted to hunt you down like that, but I couldn't stop it, so it's my fault they killed you and captured Uncle Alex, and he ended up dying, too. I wish I could've known you when I went back in time, but I'm glad I didn't have to look you in the eye. But now you're here and barely older than me.

[OOC: tl;dr? Days of Future Past vs. X-Men comics timeline, Erik was made of win, Raven was made of fail, Logan tried to kill Rachel, and Lorna was totally Rachel's aunt-by-marriage]

Sep. 18th, 2011


Uuuuuuuuugh my arm is still sore which sucks, and my new leg is still kind of scrawny which also sucks. Nazé would just kick my ass and tell me to do some shamany thing that would involve visions and herbs and shit, and I'd see the way to fix my leg properly and how to work through the pain, and Mom would just go "Jonathan Silvercloud, you get your ass back here right now and let me take care of you," and y'know, both are not good plans.

Also I have run out of smokes.


Sep. 13th, 2011


Sometimes I think I'm going to spontaneously combust from sexual frustration. But I'm pretty sure everyone here still thinks of me as being a tiny fifteen-year-old who's breakable and innocent. Which bites.

And now I'm going to go use the Danger Room for a few hours.

Sep. 4th, 2011


Voice Post

[Forge sounds very unlike himself. Actually, he sounds terrified and in a lot of pain. In the background, people can be heard shouting]

"-idn't work, why the fuck not, uh, help please... I can't, they took my fucking leg, and then they... they, fuck, they swung it at me and I think my fucking arm's broken, I'm in a bad insult oh shit... dudes? I'm at [location] but... so are these bastard flatsc-"

[the post cuts off as the shouting is suddenly a lot louder and Forge has to try and get away]

Aug. 25th, 2011


What the hell is wrong with people lately?

One of my professor professors seriously told me that I should just go ahead and drop the class to "save him the trouble of failing me, since it's not like I'll ever manage to pass it anyway". Who actually says stuff like that?

Aug. 18th, 2011


I'd like to purchase some weapons of my own to train with.

Aug. 16th, 2011


Dudes. That was fucked up. Seriously.

Kinda cool, but mainly fucked up.


Dudes there are like twenty robots in my room what the fuck?


Oh, for the love of - so I'm stuck in the past and I don't have my car and all the tech is years out of date and

AW CRAP I'm totally going to have to hack into the university servers, aren't I? I'm supposed to be graduating this semester!

Aug. 14th, 2011


Honestly? Some people should learn not to be quite so sensitive and selfish; it's extremely juvenile.

Aug. 11th, 2011


Well then. Hello again, 2011. It's been a while.

Aug. 10th, 2011



Nazé? Are you here?


So, kids. Who wants sold on Craigslist? e-Bay? Oh, or what's the other one? Gumtree. Gumtree?

Jul. 31st, 2011


Well everyone, it's that magical time of year.

Happy Shark Week, Colligo!

Forge, Parker, I need you to help me set up my program for the Danger Room. I don't think it was around yet this early on. Forge, I figured you could actually do the computer part and let Parker configure the lasers. She's good at making it actually challenging.

Jul. 29th, 2011


Hah! I remember this. This was seven years ago.

Jul. 28th, 2011


Dudes, the house is full of midgets.

No, wait. Kids. Yeah.

Jul. 21st, 2011


uuuuuuuuuh dudes? can somebody give me a new leg hand? I need to get to my tools.

Or, uh, my tools need to get to me.

Oooooor else I'm kinda stuck here.

In the snow.

With a broken leg.

Jul. 16th, 2011


Oh thank the lord I can feel them

Well, that went on entirely too long if you ask me.

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