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May. 29th, 2011


( Fail Filter - Meant for Merrill )

Merrill, dearest, it would seem that I am at that uncomfortable point in my relationship where I must acknowledge that my lover's bromance (Caroline was kind enough to teach me that word) is really more of a romance. I am honestly so tired of waiting for them to drop the pretence and accept that they want to bed one another that I am contemplating just sitting them both down and telling them to go ahead and do so. I feel it will really be good for them in the long run, and I must admit I see no real problem with it. I can hardly blame anyone being attracted to Anders, and I certainly understand why he finds Nathaniel appealing. Were it anyone but Nathaniel, I would object rather strongly, but they are both quite dear to me and I only want them to be happy.

Still, there really is no easy way to initiate such a discussion.

May. 17th, 2011


Neria? Nathaniel? Caroline? ...Alistair?

Any of you know what's going on?

I don't have any new tattoos anywhere and I don't have a headache so there went my first explanation. And I don't remember drinking any darkspawn blood...

May. 10th, 2011


What the hell?

Apr. 17th, 2011


Well would you look at that.

I've got a fantastic figure as a woman!

Apr. 8th, 2011


So, I can't believe some of you guys have been here like...two years and nobody's ever thought to do this. Or if you did, I totally didn't find it on the network. And I read like...all of it. I was bored. Anyway, it's got to get annoying explaining over and over again, so I figured this would be so much simpler. Seriously, people. I've been here less than a week and I thought this up. You're slacking hardcore here.

Right, so, I'm Caroline Forbes. And this is a welcome/explanation to anyone else who gets brought here, to save us all time and effort.

Cut for the sake of the F-Page )

I think that's about it. I'll add more later if I think of more or things change. I really, seriously can't believe that none of you thought of this before.


Apr. 6th, 2011


Okay. That was really, really gross.

I think I just coughed up my throat.


Apr. 4th, 2011


I have to say I do miss my healing magic. Or really all my magic, but it seems that healing is just so much more, well, sharp and pointy here without it. All this poking and prodding, it's fascinating really. But apparently it works.

Lord Mewsy somehow managed to get himself into a cabinet today. Opened one to get breakfast and there he was! He's quite the adventurer it seems. Doing Ser Pounce-A-Lot proud really. He's not up for fighting genlocks yet but I think he's got the spirit in him.

Mar. 24th, 2011


I... have a hangover. I'd forgotten how painful these were. But it's worth it. Sort of. Not having healing powers to get rid of it kind of sucks.

Though if someone is suddenly feeling the need to fight against injustice and having anger problems. You might want to talk to me.

Mar. 22nd, 2011


Voice Post.

This is unexpected.