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Aug. 25th, 2011


Are people always this...rambunctious around here or is it something in the water?

Aug. 16th, 2011


Flitered To Dean Winchester (both of them!) )

Aug. 3rd, 2011


( Filtered against Jenna, John and Isobel )

Okay. I need friends who won't get me arrested. Not that John or Is do, but they'll tell Jen I said that

All applicants please step forward.

Jul. 30th, 2011


If I'm going to be in a strange place, I might as well have a little fun, right? Anyone know anyplace for that? Preferably with beer, loud music, halfway decent (or at least edible) food, and lots of hot guys to scope out?

Jul. 28th, 2011


I know I went on one hell of a bender last night, but I'm pretty sure I went to sleep in my own apartment.

Jul. 26th, 2011


I loved looking at these old pictures of Ben. He was so small when he was a baby. It's amazing how much he's grown.


I can't believe I actually fit into this once before.

Jul. 10th, 2011


I'd like to say thank you to everyone that attended my first weekend yoga classes. I think they went very well, and I'm looking forward to seeing possibly even more of you next weekend! Everyone is welcome!

Jul. 8th, 2011


This is just a reminder to anyone who I talked to and anyone who's interested that I'm going to be teaching a morning yoga class at ten on Saturday and Sunday mornings at my apartment, 102D. It's free, and I'll be serving juice, coffee, and various fruit and baked goods afterward.

Jul. 7th, 2011


Holy Son of a Asaph, any time you want to stop sending videos of my husband's reality to my store, that would be New shipment of videos today. If anyone has discovered they're from somewhere 'fictional' in someone else's reality and would rather their information not be available to the public, speak up.

This applies to anyone I haven't been doing this for or spoken to already. Otherwise assume your name is still on the list.

Filtered to Crowley )

Filtered to Ruby )

Jul. 6th, 2011


I've gotten everything I need for school, just about. Of course I'm well aware that I'm going to have to buy other things once the school term starts, but so far so good. I'm actually excited for this, it's much better than being an assistant professor.

I miss Stephanie. It's been all too quiet here. I hope she's well.

I think I might buy some plants for my apartment. It might cheer it up a bit.

Jul. 4th, 2011


I'm going to start teaching a morning yoga class, for anyone who's interested. Ten o'clock, Saturday and Sunday mornings at my apartment. It's free for anyone who wants to come. Please bring your own mats.

Jul. 1st, 2011


Really? Really? I finally get my bio-dad and Gabriel back and this happens? Asaph, I know you're probably busy and I don't mean to complain but cut me a little slack, here!

Filtered to Sam Winchester )

Filtered to Ben Winchester )

Filtered to Lisa Braeden )

Filtered to Lily Potter )

Jun. 21st, 2011


This is wrong. I can't be here. I have a young son at home that still needs me.

Those guards weren't very helpful at all...and a little rough when I tried to tell them that I couldn't leave.

Oh Ben please be here too. Has anyone seen an eleven-year-old boy about average height with short curly brown hair and brown eyes? If do, he answers to Ben Braeden, and I would appreciate any help in finding him.