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Jun. 15th, 2011


I was told that this device was a creation of science and that through it most of those in this land can see it. I find it absolutely amazing the amount the world has changed in a little more than a thousand years. I look forward to learning about all of it and perhaps getting to meet, if not know, the majority of those in Colligo.

My name is Lancelot of of Camelot. I was uncertain as to with whom I should place my request to aid in the reconstruction efforts. Merlin said that Leon also helps but I've already bothered them enough with my incessant quest I would like to provide any assistance that I am capable of.

I was wondering, as well, if anyone knows of positions that may be open at their places of work. I admit that I do not have many skills outside of swordcraft ... and the ability to muck out a stable. However, I am willing to learn and I work hard. I wouldn't require much by way of payment.

Thank you those who took the time to read this. I greatly appreciate it.

Feb. 16th, 2011


All right. Enough of this game. I don't do domestic much less domestics.

Aug. 17th, 2010


Filtered to Guinevere

I need your opinion.

Aug. 1st, 2010


I feel like I should start looking for work... Anyone with any idea about how I should start, feel free to let me know...

[Arthur & Guinevere]

I'm going to the shops, if you need anything.

Jul. 25th, 2010


Was there a purpose behind the entire city suffering in the heat while the power remained on or was our benevolent collector bored?

It's such a shame we can't go beyond the limits of this city.

Jul. 20th, 2010


It would be great if at least the air conditioning started working. I'm really beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable.

Jul. 16th, 2010


The warmth is already slowly starting to get too much. Anyone know why the air conditioning seems to not work?

Jul. 13th, 2010


Filtered to Arthur

In the next few weeks when are you not at work?

Jul. 9th, 2010


I keep wondering exactly what I'm missing back home.

[Filtered to Arthur]

When do you think we should tell your father?

Jul. 2nd, 2010


My hell cat, Pendragon, has decided that I make a very good claw sharpener in the middle of the night. It's definitely not the most fun way to wake up. Then he curls up next too me and is too cute to be angry at, even though he still does it after I bought a scratching post. Stupid cat.

I'm enjoying being back though.

[ filtered against Arthur and Gwen ]

um, also - Do any doctor types on here know much about children or pregnancies that I could ask a few questions? i'm worried that Gwen I don't want her or Arthur to have to go thro

Jun. 27th, 2010


Filtered to Arthur

Where are you?


I need more support, I think.

Jun. 25th, 2010


Filtered to Arthur

Could something?

Jun. 24th, 2010


Filtered against Arthur & Morgana

Why does no' one warn you how difficult it is to be a Parent?

Jun. 16th, 2010


Esme keeps trying to lift sticks too big for her then nearly tumbling into the lake. I feel guilty for laughing.

Jun. 13th, 2010


Filtered to Uther

Despite what you may think I am not your enemy.

Jun. 11th, 2010


I can heal cuts and things pretty simply, but nothing I try will make this ache in my head, throat, and chest go away. It's not fair. It feels like I'm coughing up sandpaper, and I can't breath in between fits. I felt fine yesterday. What will make it go away the fastest?

Jun. 7th, 2010


Despite it being a lot safer now I still seem to be being held prisoner by a Prince.

Jun. 6th, 2010


I did not miss those knights or that rubbish library. Then I got a call from work saying if I didn't show up again they'd fire me. I've been back in Camelot for ages, but my room is still the same, and I've apparently still got my job. I didn't even remember this place while I was back home, it was strange. Has this happened before to anyone else? How long has it been here since I disappeared, I wonder. Things seem better then it was when I left.

Arthur. Morgana. Oh gods, Gwen. I'd forgotten, but she was home. She was fine. Are you still here? Have you left?


Why do I feel as if I've missed something? Arthur wont tell me.

May. 16th, 2010


I married a Prince. Never imagined I'd be saying that.

(ooc: Posted verrrry late last night when she was a bit love drunk...and actually drunk.)

May. 14th, 2010


Filtered against Bad Guys

Tomorrow. I get married tomorrow.

May. 9th, 2010


Filtered to Morgana/Merlin/Arthur

Busy at all next weekend?

May. 8th, 2010


Now, ...that's interesting.

May. 6th, 2010


Thank God that's done and over with, now if only some of us had been smart enough to let the damn creatures go Morgana. It bit me.

Filtered; Guinevere )

Apr. 10th, 2010


And so it begins.

Filtered to Morgana

Would I be correct in saying you would be rather unhappy with me if I went dress shopping myself?

Mar. 27th, 2010


Any chance this thing will finish soon? Because it really is insanely comfortable to not be affected and yet have to deal with being aware of it.

Mar. 7th, 2010


As much as I love this place, I miss having all the flowers and so much open space that came when this place changed.

Feb. 25th, 2010


I'm glad the city is back, but I kind of miss having the horses. I can't exactly have them now. Oh well. Maybe I should try one of those motor things. The one with two wheels. They can't be too hard right? And you haven't got to feed or clean up after them.

The restaurant said I hadn't missed any work either. Which is kind of weird. I did ask to have a few more days off now and then though. So we can go out and do things. Morgana! I can show you kites. A real one because mine looked weird when I tried to make it.


what the...?


Feb. 24th, 2010


I love that I get the chance to pick flowers again. It's almost like Camelot.

Feb. 17th, 2010



Filtered to Morgana

I need to ask you something...

Feb. 13th, 2010


Archery? The most incredible thing.

Thank you for your help, Robin. Do you mind if I come again same time next week for further lessons?

Feb. 12th, 2010


Wyatt is gone now too. People I  They keep disappearing.

Conner? You're still here, right? It's hard to tell with the housing changing like it did, and people keep vanishing. I'd offer to buy some hot chocolate and talk, but it isn't really the right weather for hot chocolate, I don't even know if they have hot chocolate in this time any more actually...

I'm glad I got the horses. Even if it did mean mucking out stalls again. I finally got a couple of saddles so we can ride properly. The other day I tried to learn how to make candles too, but it didn't turn out quite right. The lady said it was fine, but her's kept turning out perfect. Mine had a weird shape. I suppose, I've kind of gotten used to this time. New things to do are just a little harder to find. Not as exciting either but still...I really want to try and make a kite too. I saw them back in the other city, and they look easy enough.


Morgana )

Feb. 8th, 2010


I bought two horses. A white one and a brown one. I had to get food, hay, grooming things, bridles, and stuff though too so I bought a small cart as well. I didn't get saddles yet. They're really nice though. I only got two horses, but Morgana, Gwen, and Arthur -- We can all just share or maybe get another one later or something...

They still need a stable though. There is already a fence up around the house that'll do, but I don't know the first thing about building something that big. I could build a small one, and make it larger - It's just, I'm supposed to be careful about using magic. I figured if I did it behind the house, maybe at night when on one would see, and then we could just say we built it, right?

They need names too. I couldn't think of any.

Feb. 4th, 2010



Filtered; Merlin )

There's nothing more enjoyable here than there was in the city. What is the point of all this?

Feb. 1st, 2010


Filtered against Morgana

Defeat...Main foe...

It can't be true...



Okay, I am still getting used to this...thing, so hopefully this works. Anyway, hello out wherever out there is.

My name is Robin of Locksley and I'm still getting used to I understand no one else knows what's going on around here, and I think I'm starting to adapt for the most part. Anyway, Marian suggest I let my presence be known and talk to others she's bossy, that way.

So, hello.


[ entry which started private, became friends only, private again, and finally ended up filtered to his friends because Merlin was not a happy camper to begin with and the idea of the colligo townsfolk banding together to burn him at the stake kind of freaked him out ]

they burn people in this time. burn people. not just hanging or deaths but burn alive. For magic.
I don't want to be burned alive. What if they -- do they have a king in this time -- what if he saw

I used magic in town the other day! No one in that other version of this place cared. I didn't even think anyone noticed. but what if they did and they are gathering up and getting torches and rope and pitchforks? I shouldn't have -- I just assumed.

Even if they didn't notice they're bound to figure it out. I can't even use my name! Everyone knows my name from those stupid stories.

i don't want to be burned alive.

Jan. 25th, 2010


What are these wigs? Why would anyone wear one?

Merlin? Morgana? Are you both safe? I demand you tell me where you are right now. I don't like that you're not her-

Jan. 23rd, 2010


Has anyone seen Lancelot? I went to his room to see how he was and got no response. His name wasn't on his door...

Jan. 16th, 2010


I'm finally feeling better. Just in time for my birthday. I have to go to work soon, but afterwards I think I'll find something fun to do. Maybe I'll buy myself some presents. I kind of want one of those small music players, or there was a kid playing something called a DS. It looked like fun.

Jan. 10th, 2010


The movie Cinderella? Scarily familiar.  Rather amazing. Thank you for letting me borrow it, Merlin.

Jan. 7th, 2010


I will be happy to see spring again.

Jan. 3rd, 2010


I think I like this idea of New Year celebrations.

Dec. 31st, 2009


Why do so many people in the street seem excited about tonight? What's so special about it?

Dec. 29th, 2009


Filtered to Arthur/Merlin/Morgana/Lancelot

Since apparently gifts are meant to be given at Christmas, and I didn't know that at the time, I've left something for each of you in your rooms. It's not much, but I really just wanted to give something to you all.

Dec. 25th, 2009


Filtered to Arthur

Where are you?

Dec. 24th, 2009


Filtered to Molly
Hey!  I have a Christmas present for you whenever you're not celebrating with Mohinder or whoever else you guys are celebrating with!

I have to say, I got myself probably the best Christmas present ever.

Isn't she adorable??


There's a tree in my room...

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