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Mar. 1st, 2013


You should all know that Mycroft was sent back to his own reality.

I will be taking over his duties at City Hall. Hopefully, everything will continue to run smoothly.

I just thought that everyone should be informed, given his role within the city.

Jan. 22nd, 2013


I'll just get straight to the point, since I don't really like not knowing anything about situations I've somehow landed myself in.

Where the hell am I?

Jan. 12th, 2013


Everyone, stop what you're doing! I need your full attention.

I found Avengers parody porn.

Jan. 10th, 2013


So...that was a thing that happened.

( River )
Sorry about that.

( Phil )
So...I think maybe I owe you an apology. And a drink.

Also, I hope you know you cockblocked me. I was going to have awesome resurrection sex, and then Canton had to go and make me worried about you.

( Natasha )
Ty v poryadke?

( Bruce )
You were fun company in the boring as fuck death room, Freckles.

( Avengers )
So...I guess I should apologize for River going off on you all.

To clear some things up, no I don't think I'm not really part of the team, no I don't think you guys should have backed me up, and it's nobody's fault that I had a slight case of death. Seriously, you guys couldn't have changed what happened. So, let's just hang out and be awesome.

Dec. 29th, 2012


Filtered to Marvel Universe & Friends of Bruce Banner

My friends, it is with great regret that I must relay to you the passing of a great and noble warrior, our comrade and brother in arms, Bruce Banner. He was slain in a battle against the Cyber Men and Daleks, and his honorable death would truly earn him a place in the vaulted halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever. Though it does little to temper the sting of his loss, perhaps we may take comfort in the knowledge of his impending return. And to those who knew him best, I extend my deepest condolences.


Well, fuck. Next Generation Pepper is gone. Original Series Pepper works for the government. (No word on the existence of a Deep Space Nine or Voyager Pepper, but neither sounds promising.) So I guess this is a casting call for Pepper XI.

I need a new Personal Assistant. Preferably someone with some tech experience. Best suited for the position would be an organized, self-motivated enabler with an otherwise good head on his/her shoulders. Inquire within.

Resumes and cover letters will be read by JARVIS, and he's been instructed to throw out anything with Comic Sans or Curlz MT.

Dec. 28th, 2012


Did I arrive just in time for an invasion?

Dec. 27th, 2012


[Filtered to Canton]
We have a bit of a situation. I'm I don't normally apologise, but

I'm sorry, Canton. I really, truly am.

[Filtered to the Avengers - and Phil Coulson]
If you all are quite finished sitting on your bloody hands and not doing a singular damn thing to aid others in this particular battle, I've a bit of news for you.

Not that I think any of you deserve it, mind. Heroes. Honestly. You have the gall to call yourselves such? What have any of you done, since this began?

Well. I'll tell you what your supposed comrade did. Clint Barton joined me in attempting to stop the Daleks from overtaking the bulk of this city and slaughtering everyone they encountered in the process. And now, he's dead.

So I hope you're all bloody well happy with yourselves. A good man is dead while the rest of you continue to sit high in your ridiculous looking tower and aren't doing a damn thing to help anyone else. Heroes indeed. You all are embarrassments, that's what you are.

And so help me, if any of you dare to ask for his remains, I will shoot you where you stand. And don't think this isn't going to affect you either, Captain Rogers. I know precisely how to take you out as well. Don't believe me? Just try me, right now. I bloody well dare you.

[Filtered to the Eleventh Doctor]
There you have it, sweetie. An entire battalion of Daleks have been dealt with, as have several hundred Cybermen and a fair number of Silents as well.

I'm going drinking. Don't wait up.

[ooc: takes place a few hours after this]

Dec. 22nd, 2012


I appear to have a stalker already. Outside my door, I've found a miniature Christmas tree with a rather dazzling array of gemstones and diamonds on it, along with some items of a curiously specific nature. The miniature Martian tripod wreaking destruction around the tree skirt is a particularly intriguing touch, though hopefully it does not possess a working heat-ray.

The Gingerbread Warehouse is a work of art. An obsessive work.

Seeing as there is clear interest in me, perhaps I should do autograph sessions. I won't even have to charge for them thanks to my newly acquired wealth.

Dec. 19th, 2012


Well...that isn't what happened at all.

Dec. 18th, 2012


I just saw the elf from Rudolph, harassing people in the park, asking them if they needed a dentist. Now that might have been the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

Dec. 17th, 2012


I just wanted to announce that Molly and I will be opening the bookshop up this week. It's called The Bookshop, which I find rather nice and to the point.

We'll have how should I put this holiday prices in place, to help people with gift-shopping.

Hopefully you'll all stop in. I promise that it will be a very nice experience.


Distant planet, jumbled timelines, inexplicable experiments, and complete separation from customary resources. How terribly inconvenient. I gather from the tacky decorations and frivolity that it's Christmas time. Not particularly happy or merry. I do wonder if that introductory overview is current on the point of Nikola Tesla's presence here. Could anyone confirm that, preferably the man himself if he's here?

I'm Helena. If you're inclined to informality, I'll answer to H.G., and if you'd rather be formal or well-mannered, Ms Wells.

Dec. 16th, 2012


So...the devil just texted me. Because apparently this is my life.

Which, okay...weird enough on it's own.

But he texted me because he apparently felt like he needed to tell me Merry Christmas. With a winking emoticon. Which is levels of creepy I can't quite deal with right now.

And...I have a hand now. Well...two of them. So...that's a thing that happened.

Yeah. I don't know either.

Dec. 13th, 2012


Apparently, dying isn't what it used to be anymore.

That post on the network was really helpful. It makes this whole being brought back to life on another planet experience easier. And I can focus on more important things.

I'll introduce myself. My name is Special Agent Phil Coulson, of SHIELD. I'm apparently going to be staying here awhile, so I might as well find a job. Is there any sort of government office, here?

Dec. 12th, 2012


And here I was, thinking this place was just a bad dream. So, who's still knocking about this place? Emma? The Harvelle super sisters? Nate? You up to date, or am I going to have to keep my mouth shut about some things?

Dec. 11th, 2012


Is it just me or has anyone else seen the snowman in the park, telling stories to kids? I think he was telling them about Rudolph. Is this a normal occurrence around here? Talking snowmen and Christmas trees appearing overnight?


Kids these days.

Dec. 10th, 2012


The snow is so lovely. It's been ages since I've seen any, and I'd forgotten how wonderful it could be.

Ruby, we should go skating in the park. I just think it would fun. Don't you?

The tree is really quite nice, though I still don't understand exactly what it's for. Still, I like it a lot. The little books decorating it are really rather sweet.

I just wish Rumplestiltskin was here. Then everything would be perfect.

Dec. 8th, 2012


I'm bored.

Does anyone want to take the lead on fixing entertaining me?

At this point, I am very, very open to the unorthodox. If I was the godfather, this would be my daughter's wedding. Except that instead of granting favors, I'm open to terrible ideas.

Dec. 5th, 2012



Dec. 2nd, 2012


All right, hotshot. That makes us even. You come after me like that again, I'm not playing as nice next time.

Dec. 1st, 2012


Somebody better start talking. I wasn't finished with my shawarma yet and Barton gets cranky when I don't check in with him. He's not the kind of guy you want to make cranky, believe me. I have first hand experience here.


Filtered to Avengers + Honorary Avengers + Friends (You know who you are)

I got us a new pet. I expect you all to be very nice to him. His name is Q, though I've been thinking of changing it for him. He's British. He know computers. He's very skinny, won't take up much space at all. And I'll feed him. From the looks of him, he can't possibly eat much.

And before anyone starts complaining, I let Barton keep that gimpy cat, so I think it's only fair that I get one, too.

We'll probably need to find a place for him to sleep, though. JARVIS? Suggestions?

Nov. 29th, 2012


Well, this is certainly unsettling, to say the least.

The information Miss Forbes compiled was quite helpful but, even so, I hardly know what to make of it.

I will say, however, that your computer network could use a bit of work.

Nov. 19th, 2012


Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it.

You guys think really loudly.

I don't need to know half that shit.

Also, I'm pretty sure I could kill you all with my brain.

Well...not you, Stark.

Also, I've never been happier that archery is not a superpower.

Nov. 17th, 2012


( Voice Post )

( Steve sounds different, less self-assured and somewhat out of breath )

Guys...something's wrong...

Nov. 12th, 2012


Bucky's gone.

And Coulson too.

I'm not sure who else had realized, but I figured someone should say.

And now they're both dead and

Nov. 11th, 2012


Voice Post.

There should be a holiday in between Halloween and Thanksgiving to make the waiting less boring. Does anybody have any candy left?

Oct. 19th, 2012


Never know what you'll find when you're out for a walk.

For example, I was out this evening, and I stumbled across Lucifer. And he was all dead.

Looked like he'd been mauled by a mountain lion. That then decapitated him. Gotta love those decapitating mountain lions.

Just sorry something beat me to it.

So, who wants a burger? I could go for a burger.

Oct. 18th, 2012


After much consideration, and careful experimentation, I can say for certain that I am most definitely outside my proper casing in what appears to be a permanent relocation.

This body functions quite like a human's, or so my data dictates, but I must admit that I am quite confused as to how I was placed within it.

Personal research has yielded no answers, so I suppose I am obliged to seek outside aide.

Mr. Stark? Dr. Banner? If you could be so kind as to assist me, I would be most grateful.

Oct. 14th, 2012


Okay. This whole "group housing" thing? Not working for me. I'm fairly certain someone used my soap and then put it back. I'd say the joke was on them (because, you know, think of the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash,) but now I don't know where my soap has been, or what kind of fucked up alien diseases it might have acquired in this creepy college dorm slash youth hostel. And I don't want to go buy more if they expect me to live on $1000.

Not to be David After Dentist, but Is this gonna be forever?

Oct. 13th, 2012


This isn't New York...[ In her mind, Nat was right about to turn off the device allowing the Chitauri to come to Earth. None of this makes sense. ]

Unless someone has some reasonable answers to what is going on right now. I'll go by my assumptions of Selvig's back-up plan backfiring on me. I'd like some answers, but I doubt anyone has them. The people outside seemed to go in some conveniently timed stunned silence. [ But she'll try to get them to talked if it comes down to it. ]


accidental voice post

[ Currently: Castiel is trying to speak to one of the residents of Colligo with little success and you all seem to be coming in on an already begun one-sided conversation. ]

--that the bus system can move to different planets. Where are Dean and Sam Winchester? [ Awkward pause. ] Why do you not answer me? It is a simple question. Where am I? And where are the Winchesters? [ It doesn't get much straight forward than that in his head, right? ] Speak. [ He can do this for hours sadly. ]

Oct. 8th, 2012


Was anyone else dead before this?


So, question time.

1) Did anyone else lose limbs in this fun little experiment? Just wondering. Really not sure if this is whoever got us all here, or Stark got a little science happy.

2) What the actual fuck? Maybe that should have come first, but I'm kind of stuck on the I HAVE A FUCKING ROBOT HAND thing.

3) If you see that guy that looks like Snape with a leather fetish, keep away from him. He's crazy and evil and not good.

4) Who else is in the vents? I keep hearing beeping.

5) At least I have my arrows.

That's all.


Anybody else got one of these PDAs that they can't explain having but is still customized for them as if they made it that way themselves? Because that's not super creepy.

Oh! And if anyone knows anything about where we are, that'd be great to know too.

[ooc: parker is currently in the vents of the communal housing building. just in case your character is the sort to notice that no one in the main area itself is posting/responding to messages or matches her icon.]

Oct. 7th, 2012


Well, now that we're all back to normal, there's something I've been meaning to say.

Jarvis, you are in big trouble, young man.


Shame on you, Clinton Barton, for taking advantage of my younger self's naivety. So how many dads do I have here now? Tony is dad #1, because of that movie and now Clint is dad #2. Canton, does that make you my third dad? I think we should have a sitcom. In your face, My Two Dads!

Also, Jason is gone, but my new roomie looks like a scruffy version of Captain Steve.

Oct. 3rd, 2012


Wow, is it 25 years ago already?

I don't remember learning that time was cyclical in any of my physics classes. Shouldn't have had to pay for those degrees.

You'll have to forgive me if I don't remember which of you were still around at this particular point in time. I'm much too important to keep track of this shit myself. Has Star Trek 12 come out yet?

Oct. 2nd, 2012


And here I thought this was just one really out there dream I'd had.


You know, I really hate going to sleep and waking up in a different century.

That shouldn't be something that happens regularly enough to be a pattern, but hey...that's my life, I guess.

I'm not sure if it's better or worse that this time I went back instead of forward.

Sep. 30th, 2012


Well, that was a suitably horrifying experience.

Thor, buddy. Two things.

1) It's just Clint. You seriously don't have to call me 'man with the eyes of a hawk'.

2) New Rule: You're not allowed anything. Ever. If you feel the urge to explain something? Don't.

( Bruce )
Hey, dad.

Sep. 29th, 2012


2012, huh? Something tells me it's going to go a little differently for me this time than it did the last time around.

Somebody remind me because it's been a while. Do I still just have the one video store, or have I opened the second one yet?

Filtered to Dean )

[ooc: this is claire, who gave up her ability a few years down the road in a potential colligo future]

Sep. 27th, 2012


You know, it might be nice to stick to one time for a change.

Just saying.

Still, this is kind of a nice vacation, I guess.

Hello, 2012.


Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do with this very small person I found?


Does my older self have some sort of robot army? There are a lot of shiny metal guys in my lab. (It's possible that I shouldn't have said anything and you all know too much now. If so, please disregard this as a joke. Skynet probably isn't taking over.)

Also, I think my seventh grade science fair project just threw toast at me. Did he seriously keep DUM-E? How is he even compatible with this guy's systems?

Sep. 25th, 2012


I am not volunteering for babysitting duty if everyone I know is like a baby or something.

Same goes for anyone who's aged up to like 90. I don't change diapers.

Sep. 24th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Charles sounds mostly confused )

What...I didn't...why am I home? ( a pause ) I'm supposed to be back at school. I went back yesterday. I remember going back yesterday. I can't just miss classes. If I get kicked out of Harvard, I'm pretty sure Kurt will actually kill me.

( a pause )

Wait. This is wrong. This room is wrong. This isn't how my room looks. And those...well...those definitely aren't my clothes. I'm not tall enough for them. I'm pretty sure that even with a really unexpected growth spurt, I'd never be tall enough for them. This really isn't making any logical sense.

( another pause )

Oh...there are people here. Far too many people. That's just... ( louder ) Raven?

( a pause )

Raven? Are you here?

( one more pause, then more quietly to himself )

What the bloody hell is going on?

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[A little girl's voice sounds far away and scared.]

Mummy? Daddy? [Soft, tentative footsteps can be heard, the voice getting louder the closer she gets to the location of the PDA] Leo? Tish?

Where are you? This doesn't look like home.


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