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Mar. 15th, 2013


I'm trapped. In a box. That's not a box.

I'm really quite confused.

And I'm fairly certain aliens did this.


Mar. 10th, 2013


voice post.

[ There's the sound of a couple things moving around than silence. ]

I can't remember my name. I just woke up...on the floor. I think I was working out but...there's nothing else. Why isn't there anything else? [ A pause. ] I'm British. Is anyone else British? Or is that just a me thing? Is Britishness a me thing? I haven't heard anyone else with accents.

[ Another pause. ]

Does anyone remember anything?

[ private ]

...I have a flask of blood. Is this some sort of Satanic ritual...issue?

Mar. 5th, 2013


It would seem as though I am in need of a job. If anyone is aware of a place that is seeking assistance, I can go over my credits though I would much rather be in a place that requires a higher level of focus. A bar would definitely not be the place for me, though I would consider it if my options are limited; which they definitely seem to be at this point.

Parker, any options from you are not welcomed. I apologise.

Mar. 1st, 2013


voice post.

It appears that this...Asaph has decided not to force marital partners on everyone any longer. It's assumedly both a blessing and a curse, seeing as I have once again been moved from a previous inhabitance to [ a pause ] yet another one. Mister Holmes, I took the liberty while we were [ awkward pause and some shuffling ] living together to organize your home. There's plenty of pre-made meals in the fridge and on different shelves from your severed limb collection.

In regards to the other resident of room 105C. I have taken the liberty of easing the burden of what tasks around the apartment by dividing it between the both of us. If I've done this correctly, you'll be receiving an uploaded document on your PDA and there is a list on the fridge. If there's any objections, feel free to speak to me about it. I am willing to make compromises.

task list for roommate of 105C )

Of course, this is all negotiable to an extent. I am sure there is more I need to add so the list will grow as time permits. Please do not hesitate to add your own tasks onto this list as well as suggestions.

[ filtered to: parker ]

I was informed you are the closest to a direct line to the being that brought us here. Might we have a word?

Feb. 26th, 2013


Well...this could totally suck more. I could be paired with sourwolf or creepy uncle badtouch But it's still weird being stuck with someone who looks exactly like my best friend's sorta-ex-girlfriend.

It's definitely nice to have a break from the Creepiest Roommate Ever™. I mean, I feel bad for the professor being stuck with the guy, but it's still awesome to not have him acting like a creeper 24/7.

Hey, Bonnie. Want to work on some inventory with me at the shop? And by inventory, I mean practicing spells. I'm really starting to get the hang of this stuff.

Feb. 21st, 2013


Accidental Voice Post
(Elena ruffled the blankets as she woke up in the strange bed.)

What? Where am.. AH!

(Crashing sound as she falls off the bed.)

Lexi? You died. Am I seeing ghosts again or.....

(Lightly groans.)

Oh, no no. Damon said this hunter's curse was over now.

Feb. 17th, 2013


Someone tell me we're allowed to swap.

I fear I may commit a grievous error should I be expected to tolerate Parker for much longer.

Feb. 14th, 2013


[Accidental voice post]

[Bonnie's voice is groggy, and the faint sounds of a baby crying can be heard in the background.]

...Crying baby...why is there a crying baby?

[Some shuffling is heard, as Bonnie sits up. She notices that she is not alone in bed, and she lets out a small gasp.]

I'm in bed with another woman...and there's a crying baby. This has to be a weird, cracked out dream. Wake up, Bonnie.

[Bonnie can be heard slapping her face lightly, as to "wake herself up", and she lets out another gasp when she notices the wedding ring.]

Shit. Okay. Maybe not a dream, and just your standard Colligo crazy.

[More shuffling, as Bonnie is heard moving to the side to try and gently tries to shake Skylar awake.]

Um...hey. You might to wake up.

Jan. 13th, 2013


I really am glad to be back, though it is always strange to make a return from death.

I am terribly sorry for worrying anyone.

I figured I might as well answer those questions, though there are many I had no answer too, because it was persistent in remaining on my PDA.

Neria's answers )

Jan. 9th, 2013


And that, as they say, is that. I do believe that was the last of them. The streets should be safe now, for those of you who have been barricading themselves inside. If anyone still has any injuries which need attention, I shall turn my efforts towards clearing out and cleaning up whatever damage was done to the clinic.

If anyone would care to assist.

Jan. 1st, 2013


Man, what is with this place and the constant threats? I'm all for a battle as much as the next guy but fuck this is ridiculous. You don't just toss somebody out of the library and into this shit. It's just bad for business, that's just all there is to it.

Now. Someone want to help me out and tell me the easiest way to kill these things or should I just go for mass genocide of the levitating tin cans and robots and call it a day?

Dec. 30th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( There's a sound like electricity hitting something and dissipating and then a small explosion. Sounds of fighting can be heard. There's a sharp gasp and Neria speaks. )

By the Maker...what are you creatures? Why couldn't I remember you before? ( another crackling of dispelled electricity, and Neria sounds frustrated but determined. ) It is no matter. You will die all the same.

( There are more sounds of fighting, heavy breathing and metal hitting something. Occasionally there's a loud blast of fire or cracking like ice shattering as Neria uses various elemental spells against the Silents she's fighting. There is the occasional pained sound as a Silent gets a hit past her shields )

I swear by Andraste, I will not allow you to go free and harm others! ( there is more fighting and then one of the Silents speak )

What will you do? We are many, and you are alone and weak.

( It's quiet for a moment, save for Neria's breathing, and then she speaks, sounding resolved )

I may alone...but I am by no means weak. ( a pause, then very quietly ) Maker guide me...

( Suddenly there is a huge explosion of magic, then the PDA cuts out abruptly )

Dec. 28th, 2012


Magic doesn't work on Daleks. At least, not my kind of magic. I can't really speak for everyone else.

Dec. 2nd, 2012


I never did find out who got my powers. But, at least they're back with me now. And that's the real important part.

Nov. 22nd, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I have been cooking for days. Seriously. Days. I just love the holidays, and this is Emma's first Thanksgiving, so it's kind of a big deal to me. I really do. But I definitely forgot how exhausting being a human could be. Apparently I can't run myself off my feet like I used to.

Friends and family are all welcome to stop by. I know we've had some issues lately, but the holidays are about putting that aside. That said, if anyone causes any problems, I will remember. And then, when I'm a vampire again, I will rip your heart out and set you on fire. Okay? Good.

So, dinner will be starting at four. Don't worry, that's not a set time. I know people have a lot of places to be, so swing by whenever after that time.

( Molly )
I know you're worried about being around people, but I'd love for you to stop by. I even made a little tofurkey with vegan stuffing just in case. I really want to see you.

If Stefan does stop by, I'll make sure you guys either miss each other or that he behaves. If he doesn't, he can stay out of my house. You're my best friend and that's important to me. But if you don't feel like you can handle it, or you don't want to come, I understand. And if you want me to ask Stefan to stay away, I can do that. I'm worried about you. I can't even imagine how hard this is for you. I don't even eat meat.

Nov. 18th, 2012


I've never been more appreciative for the fact that the labs are soundproofed. Not that it's anything new for me, but I've been in my lab since yesterday, because it's been the only way to control this new ability. Apparently I have developed telepathy and without knowing how to control it I unwittingly read the minds of just about everyone here at the mansion. It was brief and I would never do that if I could control it of course. </s>I'll admit though, this is preferable to having feet like a monkey. Even if I do sort of miss being able to hang upside down.</s> I should have asked sooner, but I was distracted, trying to figure out how to control this on my own, but please let me know if you've suddenly developed....unusually large feet.

[Filtered to Xavier Mansion]
I didn't ask earlier if everyone was alright, considering I accidently read everyone's minds and already knew the answer. It seems that with the exception of Damian and Stephanie, the rest of you are all completely human, correct?

Nov. 17th, 2012


Not having my magic sucks.

Okay. Since we appear to swapping abilities with each other...anyone do anything out of the ordinary, like accidentally set someone's car on fire because they pissed you off, or do something you normally wouldn't do when you're frustrated or upset, like break a coffee mug by just looking at it?

Nov. 12th, 2012


It occurs to me that if I'm going to be staying here for awhile, that I should find a job. And see about going to school.

Those are the two most important things I need to do right now. After that, I can focus on other things, like making this apartment a little less...drab. And getting some new clothes.

Nov. 9th, 2012


*scratchy handwriting*

Elena's gone.


hungry. I don't care. Just switch off.

Nov. 8th, 2012


That's it. I can't take it anymore. I like my solitude and privacy as much as the next socially awkward outcast loner, but this place blows in the entertainment department. So at the risk of the universe exploding, I'm going to ask anyway.

Anybody want to go do something? Hang out or... something? Coffee. Food. Hell, I'll even settle for going to an overpriced, sticky-floored movie theater at this point.

Nov. 1st, 2012


[Accidental voice post]

[The PDA turns on, and Bonnie sounds a confused...and a bit annoyed.]

What the hell is this? Where am I?

[Bonnie notices, the guards, and makes her way towards them.]

Excuse me? Can you tell me where I am?

[The guards hand her phone, and Bonnie scoffs.]

...A phone? What's this for?

[The guards grab her, and Bonnie can be heard struggling.]

Hey! Put me down!

[She lets an "oof" sound as she's tossed out of the library.]

You could've at least told me where the hell I am- hey! Open this damn door and tell me what's going on right now!

[Bonnie mutters, as she turns around.]

...Guess I'm going to have to find out where I am on my own...not a problem. I just have no idea where the hell here is.

Jul. 9th, 2012


Thanks for sending back yet another member of my family, Freeman. I tried calling Hugo today since he's been so quiet since Juno was sent home and his bloody PDA was disconnected, so I went by the apartment he moved into recently and he's gone. Would it be too much to ask that no one else get sent home? It'd be much appreciated.

Jun. 11th, 2012


Voice Post

[it's quiet for a bit, when all of a sudden there's this loud gasp. Then there's the sound of choking and all of a sudden, something drops to the ground and there's this very large clang.]

Oh god.

I -

What -

[there's more coughing and then sputtering and choking]

No no -

This isn't -

Help.. help me I can't.

I need.

Oh god it hurts.

May. 27th, 2012


I apologise if I worried anyone with my absence, but I must admit I found my recent sojourn into humanity unsettling. It has been quite some time since I remembered what it was to be human. And to know that Niklaus is truly gone

Filtered to Bonnie )

Edit: Filtered to Loki )

May. 20th, 2012


Well that was pretty weird being a kid again. Though it was kind of fun.

Filtered to Bonnie and Jeremy

I'm pretty sure I owe you big time for all of this. And an apology or five for some awkward questions.

May. 13th, 2012


Vicki where are you? I don't know where I am and I can't find mom. Not that that's new.

[occ: say hi to little Matt]

Apr. 30th, 2012


Okay. My OCD can't take it anymore. In order to preserve my own sanity, I'm going to try figuring out how to maintain my list this way.

Is there anyone in this city that hasn't been affected in some way, shape, or form?

And if you have, if you know how you've been affected and could respond, that would be helpful too.

Apr. 28th, 2012


So, the baby has been moving for a couple weeks now, but of course I seem to miss it every single time it happens. I'm pretty sure everyone else has felt her kick but me. Well that was until a few minutes ago anyway cause she kicked me in the head. I had my head on Bonnie's stomach, complaining about whichever reality show she was making me watch when I was kicked in the head by a tiny foot. Apparently she doesn't agree with me that Bonnie has lousy taste in TV shows.

Apr. 11th, 2012


Can someone please tell me what's going on. Because this is definitely not Mystic Falls and I'm kind of freaking out.

Mar. 29th, 2012


Pushy suits of armor isn't the way I thought I'd be spending my morning, or afternoon as it was.

This is definitely not Mystic Falls. Great.

Mar. 28th, 2012


I know it's been a couple days, but Emma is seriously the most adorable baby ever. She's so tiny and absolutely perfect. I'm sure me gushing is going to get annoying really quickly, but I'm just so happy right now.


Because I'm bored waiting for Jeremy to come home, and really don't feel like doing anything productive except lie on the couch and watch horrible reality television. )

Mar. 26th, 2012



(A scuffle can be heard, some clanging and what sounds a bit like a hiss going on.)

If you put your hands on me, I'll rip you limb from limb. You have no idea who you are messing with.

(The library doors slam shut as Rebekah is tossed out.)

I'll remember this, knights. Mark my words.

Mar. 25th, 2012


Has anyone seen Elena? I called her a little while ago and it didn't connect. Don't tell me she's been sent back.

Mar. 24th, 2012


Those of you that give a damn will be happy to know that Emma Annabelle Salvatore joined the world a little less than an hour ago. She's tiny and healthy and so very human, and Caroline is recovering.

As is my hand from the multiple fractures I was given during the process.

Mar. 22nd, 2012


There is going to be a festival in the park tomorrow afternoon, for anyone who is interested in attending. Much like last time it's being sponsored by the Colligo Hindu Society and is completely free of charge, although we certainly accept donations.

We'll be celebrating Gudi Padwa - the Hindu New Year - which is a very festive time and should be lots of fun.

Filtered to Gabriel )

Mar. 21st, 2012


Well, it appears that we picked the perfect time for that decision. And yes, I am purposely being cryptic.

Mar. 19th, 2012


My magic's back. Which is good. It just felt so...weird not having it.

Mar. 6th, 2012


Okay. Being pregnant sucked before, but this is even worse.

My back is killing me and I can't even see my feet but they hurt too.

Mar. 5th, 2012


And here I was starting to think this place was just some crazy dream.


Accidental Voice Post

[Jenna gasps and sounds terrified as she looks around frantically]

H...Hello? Where am I? I thought that anyone there who can tell me what's going on?

[The Knights step off their pedestals and advance towards Jenna. Not waiting to find out what they want, she turns and runs towards the doors]


I didn't like losing my magic when I lost it back home, and I don't like losing it here, either.

I think I'll cope with this with ice cream. And bacon.

Feb. 15th, 2012


So, I can't help but wonder. My ring will bring me back if I'm killed by a supernatural force, right? I mean, Katherine fed off me and I didn't die and Damon broke my neck and I came back. So, if I was bit by a zombie, does that mean I wouldn't turn into one? Obviously I'm not going to go out and get bit by one just to test this, because then Bonnie and Elena and probably everyone else I know would kill me for trying it. I guess I'm just curious, what with so many people dying from them.

Feb. 1st, 2012


I'm kind of glad that random woodland creatures decided to clean my apartment today. Because I really just feel like having a peanut butter and pickle sandwich, fritos, and chocolate ice cream, and doing absolutely nothing today.

Also? My couch seems to enjoy soap operas. It knows a lot about General Hospital.

Jan. 23rd, 2012


...I had the strangest dream. About stuff going on back home. I wasn't there, obviously, but it felt so real.

I don't want to go back home. Not with everything that's happening there, now.

Jan. 18th, 2012


[a woman whimpering in pain can be heard, the slamming of what must be heavy wooden doors is heard just before the woman is heard weakly crying out "Help!"]

There's no help for you.

[the woman whimpers once more and soon it get eerily quiet, until a huge thud is heard]

Now, who's there to eat around this place?

Jan. 1st, 2012


My partner for this weird thing sparkles more than the accessories I was wearing last night.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.


Just when I think I'm getting used to how whacky this place does something like this.

Ugh. Thank God I'm not pregnant enough to the point where this would stress me out enough to induce early labor.


I should have just stayed in.

Dec. 10th, 2011

[info]rubber me thinking I was pregnant? Wasn't just a side-effect of everyone being freaking crazy.

I'm actually pregnant.

What. The. Actual. Hell?!

( Damon )
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Me breaking up with you? Absolutely the brain-breaking crazy!

Please don't be mad at me. There honestly hasn't been anyone else. And I don't know how this happened, but it's a good thing, right? Please say it's a good thing, Damon.

( Molly )
Oh my god, I'm pregnant.

I need to sit down. Except I am sitting down.

( Jules )
How are you feeling? How is the baby?

I want to come see you guys once I calm down. Emotions + stress + vampire = not good for visits.

( Claire and Lyle )
So your dad looks like my dad. That's...interesting.

( Noah Bennet )
Sorry for thinking you were my dad.

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