May 2013




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Apr. 7th, 2013


voice post.

So this place has been fun.

But I'm bored as Hell and not looking to start a family feud with the IT family of this place so does anyone know what a guy can do for fun around here that isn' job or ending face down in a ditch somewhere. Though the ditch thing could be helluva a ride. I'm looking for something with staying power.

At this point, I'd take anything. [ A pause. ] Also...Jesse sure does know how to create a place to live. Holy crap.

EDIT: Going to watch wildly incorrect movies about vampires, werewolves, Frankstein, and Hugh Jackman's hair.

Apr. 5th, 2013


[Ed tries to filter, but he's not yet tech savvy so it doesn't work. Intended for Ling Yao!]

So you greedy bastard. I think you and I should talk.

Apr. 1st, 2013


It won't leave me alone...while I'm trying to sleep.

Shut up Adam )

Mar. 30th, 2013


Nobody's trying to cheat right now, so I have a few minutes.

Answers to that question thingy. )

Mar. 26th, 2013


I have to say, I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to feel about all of that. There's something really wrong about having fun as a wayward drunkard, but I would pin that more on the company than anything else. Parker, I'm probably not nearly as entertaining as myself than I am as a homeless amnesiac, but I'd love to see some time.

[ Adam ]
Are you all right? Is Michael leaving you alone?

Mar. 21st, 2013


I'm not quite sure why, but I keep finding myself going back to the bookshop where I woke up.

I suppose I just find the atmosphere comforting. And it's nice to just sit and read. I'm not sure why, but I'm not terribly bothered by not having my memory. Either this will pass, or we'll learn to carry on and build new lives. I imagine I am probably in the minority in this respect, but that is just how I feel.

Mar. 12th, 2013


Anyone want to explain to me why I woke up in an air vent with no idea who I am?

Or what the fuck somebody did to me that got me a fucking BIONIC ARM? Is this some crazy bull shit government experiment?

Yebat' vashu mat'.

Mar. 11th, 2013


I woke up in an air vent. It's kind of comfy up here, but I don't think I live here.

Oh! But the vent is attached to a ginormous casino with lots and lots and lots of money. That makes me really happy. I think I'm going to just stay here even if it's probably not my house.

Anybody else not really freaking out all that much about all of this or is that just me?

Mar. 7th, 2013


Bugger this

Ignore that, children

It seems I'm going to need a funding source if I wish to continue my scientific endeavours. As I'm already receiving housing from the Sanctuary, it would be terribly gauche to ask for even more support from them. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Would anyone like to offer their own assistance? You could be the patron of H.G. Wells. You could remain anonymous, if you prefer.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


Dear Morgan Freeman,

Any chance you've got a minute? I want to talk to you about something. I'm sure you already know what it's about, because you're awesome like that, but give a girl a chance to plead the case first? I'll even buy the ice cream next time! :)


P.S. Since I'm too lazy to write up a filter... YO! DAMON! I have another list of names for you.

[ooc: takes place an hour or so after this]

Mar. 1st, 2013


voice post.

It appears that this...Asaph has decided not to force marital partners on everyone any longer. It's assumedly both a blessing and a curse, seeing as I have once again been moved from a previous inhabitance to [ a pause ] yet another one. Mister Holmes, I took the liberty while we were [ awkward pause and some shuffling ] living together to organize your home. There's plenty of pre-made meals in the fridge and on different shelves from your severed limb collection.

In regards to the other resident of room 105C. I have taken the liberty of easing the burden of what tasks around the apartment by dividing it between the both of us. If I've done this correctly, you'll be receiving an uploaded document on your PDA and there is a list on the fridge. If there's any objections, feel free to speak to me about it. I am willing to make compromises.

task list for roommate of 105C )

Of course, this is all negotiable to an extent. I am sure there is more I need to add so the list will grow as time permits. Please do not hesitate to add your own tasks onto this list as well as suggestions.

[ filtered to: parker ]

I was informed you are the closest to a direct line to the being that brought us here. Might we have a word?


Accidental mass text (meant for Kitty)

Hello, Katya. Asaph kept me here for too long to keep me "married." Now I have a minor rebellion to put down. If you're up for a fight, care to join me in putting the demons back in their places?

Feb. 25th, 2013


[ accidental voice post ]

[ Cue Hal's much more panicked breathing because he just woke up in a strange bed next to...someone that wasn't a pillow he may have tossed around at some point during the night or Alex staring at him because, well, she is quite odd and doesn't have much to do seeing as she's a ghost but this is not Honolulu Heights. This is not his room. ]

I've gone mad. It's the only cle--is he breathing? [ His panic has clearly deterred him from anything else there's more rustling and he checks on...the other man. Who is alive. And not dead, which he assumes is good at this point.

Then Hal's out of bed and moving towards the door with a loud slam.
] This must be someone's idea of a sick joke. This is Alex's idea of a sick joke. [ A pause. ] Why am I wearing a wedding ring?

Feb. 17th, 2013


Someone tell me we're allowed to swap.

I fear I may commit a grievous error should I be expected to tolerate Parker for much longer.

Feb. 16th, 2013


It occurred to me, that this was going on when I first got here and now, two years later, it's happening again. That time, I was paired with Sam, which was a lot better than Balthazar. My current "husband" is more on the Sam side than the Balthazar side, which I'm grateful for. That guy got on my last nerve.

I'm curious to know who Stefan got stuck with. It still amuses me that I met my last boyfriend because Stefan was married to him. I'm also extremely curious to find out who got stuck with Elijah.

Jan. 30th, 2013


Some homeless guy asked me for money today. I told him that if he wanted money so badly, he should get a job and not just expect to give him money. The nerve of some people.

Like I'd ever give away my money, anyway. Because that's what it is. MY MONEY. Not someone else'. MINE.

Jan. 11th, 2013


Pretty much never wanting to do another one of these again, but I couldn't get it off my phone so here it is.

Survey Says! )

Jan. 10th, 2013


So...that was a thing that happened.

( River )
Sorry about that.

( Phil )
So...I think maybe I owe you an apology. And a drink.

Also, I hope you know you cockblocked me. I was going to have awesome resurrection sex, and then Canton had to go and make me worried about you.

( Natasha )
Ty v poryadke?

( Bruce )
You were fun company in the boring as fuck death room, Freckles.

( Avengers )
So...I guess I should apologize for River going off on you all.

To clear some things up, no I don't think I'm not really part of the team, no I don't think you guys should have backed me up, and it's nobody's fault that I had a slight case of death. Seriously, you guys couldn't have changed what happened. So, let's just hang out and be awesome.



That's right. Eden is back, fully functional, and re-opening for business tomorrow night! So. If you work there, and still want to keep your job, let's talk schedules. If you want to come spend your money in a place where you could potentially turn it into lots more money, stop on by! Doors will reopen at 5PM.


I'm so glad all that's over and folks are starting to come back, even if I can't really wrap my head around people coming back from being dead. Then again, I've been having to wrap my head around a lot of stuff lately. Seems like there's a whole lot more to the world than I ever thought. Not sure how I feel about that, but I figure freaking out doesn't stop any of that stuff from existing, so I'm just choosing to go with it.

I know there's a lot of rebuilding to do, but I apparently got a little place for Christmas from Asaph. It's about perfect for a gumbo shack. I think I'm gonna open it up, like I did back home. If anyone needs a job, they're welcome to stop by. Roy Benny, you don't got a choice. I'm not losing my best worker.

I just know there's folks who are new and haven't managed to find work yet, and this might help them out.

Jan. 9th, 2013


I went back to work today. Surprisingly, the diner managed to survive all of this. I'm just lucky I still have a job. ...Though I'd never thought I'd have to use "I'm locking me and my friend inside our apartment, because last time I went out I kidnapped by cybermen and alomst converted into a robot", as a reason for calling out of work. That was something I never thought I'd worry about. Almost getting turned into a robot. I'm very fortunate that Emma, Damien, and Rumplestilskin managed to find me in time. And I'm thankful to Molly, too, since they wouldn't have been able to find me without her help. I still can't thank you all enough.

[OOC: As I stated in my earlier ooc post today, please just feel free to assume that Ruby contacted people to let them know that she was fine and been saved. Because she would do that. And again, sorry on my part for dropping the ball there.]


Well, glad that's over and done with.

You guys really stepped up. Good on you. Bravo. All that. Gold stars all around.

To be fair, some of your gold stars look like this:

But still. You get a star. So that's fun.

( Parker )
So, about that whole blown up casino thing.

Want me to fix that?


And that, as they say, is that. I do believe that was the last of them. The streets should be safe now, for those of you who have been barricading themselves inside. If anyone still has any injuries which need attention, I shall turn my efforts towards clearing out and cleaning up whatever damage was done to the clinic.

If anyone would care to assist.

Jan. 8th, 2013


And with that, it seems that the Daleks are dealt with.

Thankfully, the device worked exactly as we hoped and the lot of them have self-destructed.

( Fail!filtered to Jack Harkness )
Captain Harkness, the congratulatory snog, however nice, was wholly unnecessary.

As was the suggestion of an orgy.


I don't suppose shouting 'Avengers Assemble' will work here? Thought as much. Now what are Weeping Angels and where do I need to shoot them?

Dec. 31st, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[The PDA cuts on to the very obvious sounds of Daleks. Between their calls to EXTERMINATE and their weapons, it's difficult to pick up anything else, at first. Then, Parker's voice is heard, much closer to the PDA than the rest of the noise. Clearly, she is not happy.]

What? No! Shoo! Out of my casino, you creepy little things! Go on! Shoo!

[At first, it doesn't seem the Daleks have noticed her, but then a blast from one of their weapons is hear whizzing past. Parker sucks in a sharp breath.]

Okay. Close one. Definitely a close one. [pause] Oh. Crap. I forgot you guys could levitate or float and it's not like the rafters are exactly hidden from view. Bad Parker, for drawing attention to yourself. Bad!

[Her voice trails off as there's the sound of another weapons' blast whizzing past followed immediately by the sound of footsteps against metal, then a grate being opened. When she mutters to herself again, there's quite an echo around her.]

Stupid Daleks, coming into my casino, trying to exterminate my patrons. Ugh. Morgan Freeman, I'm officially mad at you, just so you know. Now I have to take action!

[The sound of another grate opening, then a keypad being pressed. For anyone familiar with the noise, the next to be heard is clearly that of money and other items being shoved into a bag. Parker draws in a breath just as there's a loud crash off in the distance.]

Okay. The safe's cleaned out. Guess it's time to call it a day. [a pause as there's the sound of buttons being pressed again] Good thing I sent everyone home and shut the doors yesterday, or this might get messy.

[The sound of a door opening followed immediately by a loud jolt of electricity. Parker giggles.]

Man, I love my taser-and-lightning gun!

[More footsteps, this time up some stairs, and suddenly there's the sound of wind whipping about. A heartbeat later, there are more laser sounds and the Daleks who are shouting EXTERMINATE are clearly getting closer.]

Really wish I had some awesome last words right now. I guess I should've worked on that.[a pause then, almost perkily] Oh well. Here goes nothing!

[There's a soft beep of a button being pressed and, an instant later, an enormous explosion that was probably heard/felt/spotted from most points in the city as the casino is now nothing more than a smoldering pile of rubble. After that, nothing but silence save for a few sirens randomly going off way in the distance.]

Dec. 28th, 2012


Okay. So the magic shop might be a little...worse for wear.

There I was, minding my own business, when those little stupid evil coffee pot looking things decided to break in. Without even using the front door, which was extremely rude, of them, if you ask me. I mean, if you're going to break in to try and kill someone, at least have the decency to be polite enough to open the door, and not just break in through a window. Replacing those can be so expensive.

But, anyway. They started firing their lasers everywhere, and I had to take all the money out of the cash register and the safe while trying to avoid dying. Because been there, done that, don't feel like doing it again.

I did manage to activate one of the shield spells that Willow and Tara had as one of those "just in case" things. Which this obviously was. So the backroom should be safe. But I don't know if the spells will be strong enough to keep those annoying lasers of theirs out.

But before anyone says anything, yes, I'm fine. And so is the money.

Dec. 27th, 2012


Right then.

The Cybermen and the Daleks could theoretically be shut down if we could manage to connect with their programming and interfere, couldn't they? I'm just guessing here, but they're machines, so we should be able to manage it if we can find a way to get into their systems, shouldn't we?

I's just a thought. But it should work, shouldn't it?

Dec. 26th, 2012


Okay. The bowtie Doctor kinda could've given more details on the Daleks and the Cybermen. He was probably busy with, y'know, saving lives and things like that, but here.

Don't even bother wasting bullets (or arrows) on the Cybermen, unless you've got something that'll explode on impact or overload their electricity. And by the way-- they can and will electrocute you to death if they've decided not to convert you. It's very painful. If they capture you for conversion, do your best to escape. Get yourself killed in the attempt if you have to. It's better than being converted. If you find someone being converted or partially converted-- show some mercy and do them the favor of killing them. If you're in a last resort situation and somehow able to manage this, rip out the center of a Cybermen's chest. The thing with the "C" on it. That'll screw them up real good.

Daleks are bulletproof and use forcefields. They don't look like they could follow you on staircases, but they can hover, so stairs aren't an escape. If its forcefield is down and you shoot into its eyestalk, you might be able to blind it. That's about all you can do. All they want to do to you is kill you, and they will. Or convert you, too, which is another way of killing you. I wish I knew how to kill them. We're fucked.

These were totally surreal for me to watch, but here's even more detail:
[The Doctor (bowtie), River Song]
Please tell me you're for some reason hiding bastic bullets in your TARDIS so we have even a tiny chance against the Daleks?

I'm not panicking, not something out of my worst nightmares, nope.


There's a bit of a problem.

It would appear Claire is...well...gone.

Dec. 18th, 2012


Well, it certainly is nice to see so many people in such good spirits. The people really are embracing the true meaning of the Christmas, if the kindness and generosity I've seen so far is anything to go by. It's wonderfully refreshing.

And it is, of course, so nice to be back here again.

Dec. 13th, 2012


Oooh! There's a new Sumerian exhibit at the museum! Score!

Sherlock, you're coming with me to check it out. This isn't open for negotiation.

Dec. 12th, 2012


Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! Yay Christmas!

Oh, and snow. Yay snow too! Until it gets smushy and half melted and gross. I like it when it's white and fluffy still, though!

Now I'm going to head to the park to watch the reindeer play games. Who wants to go with me and cheer on Rudolph?

Dec. 11th, 2012


So, on my way home just now, I may or may not have invited the Misfit Toys to come back to the Tower with me.

Has anyone seen a train with square wheels on it's caboose? I appear to be missing him and he was just here.


There's a fuzzy green guy downtime dressed up as Santa trying to steal Christmas decorations from the stores, with his dog, who he's got dressed like a reindeer. I tried to arrest him, but he got away.



Sign up because I'm posting a bah humbug list if you don't.

Dec. 10th, 2012


The snow is so lovely. It's been ages since I've seen any, and I'd forgotten how wonderful it could be.

Ruby, we should go skating in the park. I just think it would fun. Don't you?

The tree is really quite nice, though I still don't understand exactly what it's for. Still, I like it a lot. The little books decorating it are really rather sweet.

I just wish Rumplestiltskin was here. Then everything would be perfect.

Dec. 6th, 2012


Oh my God, oh my God what's happened I don't even know I think I'm going to be sick I don't understand people were explaining all these things to me and I'm I can't.

I can't.

This has been just absolutely impossible all of it. I might be sick. I'm going to be sick, I think. I---I just want to go home. Is this--can anyone read this? Hello? HELLO?

Oh God, please someone -- can anyone just-just help me understand what's going on?




Am I posting now, Dean?

Can you read this, Dean?

Is this a Text Message, Dean?

It is a message comprised of text. The child told me that it had to be composed on a phone to be a Text Message. But this message was composed on a phone, so I don't see any essential differences.

Why does one post messages to the network, Dean?

Dec. 5th, 2012



Nov. 27th, 2012


[Filtered to Jude, Molly, Daryl, Connor, Stiles, Parker and Abed]

Hey guys. I know I've talked to and seen some of you since this whole thing started, but I just wanted to check in and see how you guys are handling everything. Anyone need anything? No one's killed anyone, I hope. I know I'm only human right now, but I want to help if anyone needs it.

[Filtered to Elijah]
How's being human treating you?

Nov. 17th, 2012


This is horrible! I normally don't complain about this kind of stuff very much, because Morgan Freeman rocks, but this is terrible, people! I can control people with my BRAIN! And I'm fast. And strong. And don't need my gear to get off a roof!



Okay, kind of freaking out a little bit. I don't have my powers, what happened to my powers? Please say that they will come back. Anybody else having problems with whatever powers they have?

Oct. 26th, 2012


Totally unfiltered (because it's Parker)

Psst. Hey! Nikola Tesla! Check this out.

Also, can I call you Tessy now? Because I'm calling you Tessy now. Just thought you should know.

Oct. 23rd, 2012


( Voice Post )

( Alaric sounds shocked and confused )

What...what's going on?

I thought...

( a pause )

How am I...

( another pause )

This again? Well...I guess that explains it.

Oct. 21st, 2012


Well that was an interesting expierance. Kind of like what would have happened, if I had stayed in jail the first time around.

On a happier note, does anyone want to hang out. Doesn't matter if I met you during that or have known you!

Oct. 20th, 2012


Filtered to the Avengers - minus Clint

Avengers, minus Clint )

[OOC: DISCLAIMER. This post is all Parker. These are her opinions, in no way reflect my own or necessarily any sane person's, so please keep that in mind. ♥]

Oct. 13th, 2012


accidental voice post

[ Currently: Castiel is trying to speak to one of the residents of Colligo with little success and you all seem to be coming in on an already begun one-sided conversation. ]

--that the bus system can move to different planets. Where are Dean and Sam Winchester? [ Awkward pause. ] Why do you not answer me? It is a simple question. Where am I? And where are the Winchesters? [ It doesn't get much straight forward than that in his head, right? ] Speak. [ He can do this for hours sadly. ]

Oct. 8th, 2012


Anybody else got one of these PDAs that they can't explain having but is still customized for them as if they made it that way themselves? Because that's not super creepy.

Oh! And if anyone knows anything about where we are, that'd be great to know too.

[ooc: parker is currently in the vents of the communal housing building. just in case your character is the sort to notice that no one in the main area itself is posting/responding to messages or matches her icon.]

Oct. 4th, 2012


Is anyone looking or knows someone who is looking for an employee? I'm running out of money and fast.

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