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Apr. 4th, 2013


Guess my PDA thing told me I had to do this.

let's roll out autobots )

Mar. 27th, 2013


I'd rather this be private, but since Asaph hasn't seen fit before to keep any of my messaging out of the public... I'm feeling grateful at the moment that I never took a place with the likes of Mephisto and Hela.

There is a discomforting sensation in the energies here. Who exactly needs to be concerned about this anti-demon sentiment?


Well that blows.

Seriously, Freeman, why would you even show me that crap? What was the point?

Filtered to Lucifer )

Filtered to Ruby )
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Mar. 26th, 2013


voice post.

[ There's a slight bit of static before there's a rush of sound someone screaming before they are silenced. Before the PDA shuts off before turning back on again. ]


Why in the world choose that? [ A pause. Cos Mike's losing his composure a little. ] WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE THAT?! [ Another pause, there's crying in the background. ] Demon, tell me would you choose that? Choose...humanity? Choose emotions? [ There's just some crying before Michael...smites a bitch. ]

Asaph, Mother, I do not agree to this method of torture.

Mar. 11th, 2013


Ladies and gentlemen,

At this point in time, I believe we've all established that while we do not understand how we came to be in this place or who we even are -- we're all here together. It is my understanding is that we all are suffering from some sort of mass amnesia. What the cause of it is so far? I will be completely honest with everyone, I do not know. An acquaintance of mine that also woke up suffering from this might possibly begin to look into what the cause of this mass amnesia is but, truth be told, we have no idea what we're looking for. But do not allow this to be a cause for concern, ladies and gentlemen. Just allow it to be a cause for a sliver of relief. We are attempting to fix what has happened to us or, at the very least, get to the root of all the problems.

I can understand what you're all going through, but calmer heads persevere. What we need is to establish some sort of footing. For those individuals who have woken up in the middle of stores, the streets, or general area of the public--I will be looking for a place for everyone to stay. I will keep you updated in this cause but for the time being, I would appreciate for everyone to look out for everyone else. Even if it doesn't feel as though it isn't in your nature to do so. It is likely better to have a stranger in the same circumstance as you rather than one of the residents who seem to ignore the lot of us. I can imagine a lot of us are feeling lost, alone, and frightened. Our only chance is taking a leap of faith with each other rather than toughing it out alone. I urge you to reach out and I will do my best to assist you.

Mister Domino.

[ filtered to those ]

Following the above message, I have a concern to address with those with abilities. If you feel, in anyway, as though you are a danger to other individuals. Isolate yourselves. The last thing we need aside from mass amnesia is mass panic. If you have anything to say at all, feel free to use this as an open forum to address your concerns. Being different isn't a terrible thing. Being ignorant of how your differences could affect others is, however. This is not singling you out or calling you a danger to society. It would just likely be safer for you and for everyone else to have someone to account for you.

I hope you approach this with understanding rather than aggression.

Mar. 4th, 2013


As glad as I am to be back with my husband, I really did have a nice time with my temporary replacement.

It was so nice meeting you, Crowley. You should come by sometime with your angel. I'll make coffee.

Dean, Sammy, are you boys doing okay?

Feb. 15th, 2013


I hate to break it to you, Freeman, but I don't do domestic.


Fail!Filter to Asaph

I see that the displays of impressively infuriating power will continue. Not only could I not break the ring's bond or dislodge it from my finger, you've disrupted my stepping discs so I can't enter my own domain to remove it or otherwise escape my "husband".

If I understand correctly, when you do choose to return me to my original location, time won't have passed. That isn't a new experience for me, which I suppose you already know. I have no choice but to remain here until you release me.

So, I offer you my respect even in my fury. You've forced me into your domain and I must subject myself to your rules. I am, after all, no god in this realm. However, I'd like to make a request. When you've ended this latest game, and when it doesn't conflict with your others, I wish to recover my access to Limbo. I won't deny that I've entertained the thought of escape, but I'm sure it's within your power to prevent me from exiting anywhere off of this planet. If I'm to respect you, it would be highly disrespectful to flee.

[OOC: Hopefully it reaches Asaph even with the filter being busted!]

Jan. 24th, 2013


Now what, Morgan?

I wanted Elena back. Just because they have the same syllable doesn't mean it works for me.

I'm sure to catch Hell for saying that.

Jan. 23rd, 2013


Someone better tell me what the hell's going on right now.

Or heads will roll.

Jan. 21st, 2013


fail!filter to Dean Winchester

I try very hard to do the right thing. I don't feed from good people and I never feed from non-locals. I don't make them suffer and I always kill them when I'm done. I help people when I can. Yes, I need blood to live but I don't think that makes me bad and I think there are other people here who would say the same thing about me. So I'm going to give you a little bit of advice because of what just happened to me when I went feeding tonight.

Do something about your father before someone else does.

Jan. 15th, 2013


I'm finally giving in.

Buffy's Answers )

Jan. 14th, 2013


I knew this place was too weird to not be real.

Not that I'm complaining. Being dead sucks.

Is Sam still-

So. Who missed me?

Jan. 12th, 2013


Okay, Freeman. I filled the stupid thing out. Now give me back full use of my PDA already.

Here. )
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Jan. 10th, 2013


So...that was a thing that happened.

( River )
Sorry about that.

( Phil )
So...I think maybe I owe you an apology. And a drink.

Also, I hope you know you cockblocked me. I was going to have awesome resurrection sex, and then Canton had to go and make me worried about you.

( Natasha )
Ty v poryadke?

( Bruce )
You were fun company in the boring as fuck death room, Freckles.

( Avengers )
So...I guess I should apologize for River going off on you all.

To clear some things up, no I don't think I'm not really part of the team, no I don't think you guys should have backed me up, and it's nobody's fault that I had a slight case of death. Seriously, you guys couldn't have changed what happened. So, let's just hang out and be awesome.

Dec. 25th, 2012


All right, everyone!

Do not panic. Or...I suppose you could panic if you want. It's not as if I could stop you. But really, it won't help. Probably. I guess it might. But that's highly unlikely, so I strongly suggest not panicking.

There are several things here that most likely want us all dead, but that's just Christmas for you. Admittedly, Christmas has never been quite this bad, but you lot deal with this sort of thing all the time. I'm sure it will be fine.

A bit of advice.

There are Silents. You won't remember them if you look away, so if you see one, find a way to remind yourself. Tally marks work. Recording notes to yourself. That sort of thing.

The statues are very dangerous. Don't take your eyes off of them. Don't blink. If you blink, you're dead.

The Daleks and the Cybermen are the same if you're looking at them or not, but that doesn't mean they're not just as bad. Be very careful and do not get shot. Or converted. Those are both bad things.

We will get through this. I know we will. Good luck and keep safe. And merry Christmas.

( Filtered to River Song )
And you said I didn't get you anything good for Christmas.

Dec. 5th, 2012



Dec. 2nd, 2012


All right, hotshot. That makes us even. You come after me like that again, I'm not playing as nice next time.

Oct. 21st, 2012


So. That was interesting. I would much rather not do it again. Either of it. The dying or the memory wipe. Hear that, Uncle? Please and thank you.

[ Filtered to Dean & Claire Winchester ]
By which I mean, of course, please, don't kill me. It's not like Uncle is going to let me stay dead, and Mother wasn't very keen on the idea when I suggested it to her. So I would rather not have to play yo-yo limbo.

Aug. 31st, 2012


Okay. Not that there have ever been a lack of people attempting to kill me, I would rather it not actually happen again.

[ filtered to Dean Winchester ]
I guess that magical growth spurt wasn't quite so happy this time around, eh?

Jul. 27th, 2012


This place is starting to make me itch with the monotony of it all. C'mon, Asaph. Let's have some fun already.


I must say this small gift of wine I received has made dealing with this dreadful season a little less awful.

Jul. 26th, 2012


I will say this now and clearly so that no one can profess innocence, do NOT touch what is mine and under my protection. You will NOT like the results, just ask Enigma.

For those whom are too dense to understand what this means, if you touch, harm, maim, bother, torture, bully or tease Hannah West, Justin Taylor, Nightmare the Horse, Rose Tyler, Harley Quinn, and Selina Kyle I will more then return the favor.

Jul. 2nd, 2012


I got laid, twice.

I fucking LOVE this honestly thing!

Jun. 9th, 2012


I've been so busy with CJ...I didn't even notice that I've been here for a whole year. And I can honestly say that if you told me I'd be where I am today, I would have laughed and told you that you were out of your freaking mind. Though I definitely wouldn't change anything. I'm happy where I am. I have friends, a family, a husband, and two beautiful children. It's something I would have never expected, but that's just fine with me.

May. 29th, 2012


This stupid thing wouldn't go away.

Here. )
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May. 26th, 2012


Okay, enough foreplay with the local meatsuits. They're even less useful than the ones I normally deal with. So let's see if this yields better results.

Where am I, how did I get here, and who am I supposed to not kill for taking me out of Crowley's clutches bringing me here?

Jul. 4th, 2011


Can someone tell my dear friends Sam and Dean Winchester that I miss them something awful?

It's a shame. If I could see them, I'd say hello.

Jun. 14th, 2011


The rumours of my demise, though fairly true, were greatly exaggerated.

Parker )


For you people that were out being boring and taking care of Dear Old What's Her Name, don't worry! I had some fun for you!

[OOC: Takes place after this. Meg decided to take advantage of the heroes running around to deal with Glory.]

Jun. 2nd, 2011



Enough playing around. I know she's here, I know you know she's here, and I know you're keeping her from me. I've tried being patient and I even tried asking nicely. But no, you people just have to keep pushing and pushing and PUSHING.

So. Here's how this is going to work. In the park you will find - if you hurry, of course - one of yours. I'm not sure who, didn't bother asking his name, but I'm sure someone will notice one of their dear loved ones is missing so you'll figure it out. Now, if I were you, I'd hurry to get there because, well, he isn't exactly in his right mind anymore and we wouldn't want him getting into trouble, now would we?

See how this goes? You keep my Key from me, I take one of yours from you. And I'm going to keep right on taking at least one of yours a day, every single day, until you GIVE ME BACK MY KEY!

Any questions? Comments? Lynch mobs? Take a number and stand in line. I just want my freaking Key and I'm not going to stop until I get it.


[ooc: takes place after this]

May. 26th, 2011


I'm bored.

May. 13th, 2011


Turs out shavig was't such a great idea.

Ad after that, I dropped Cade's bottle.

Ad stubbed my toe on the couch leg.

Today is fired. I'm goig back to bed.

Ad to add isult to ijury, my letter-after-m key is't workig.

May. 10th, 2011


It would seem that I arrived just as all the fun started.