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Dec. 10th, 2012


I love this time of year, the snow, the ice skating and being around all my friends. I wish my family was here, yes, I know that my cousin is here and that's always nice. But I miss my mom and my dad during this time of year. I know that I've been here for a long time but that doesn't mean that I still can't miss my family back home.

Tamora, we better be spending Christmas together or I'm seriously going to kick your ass!

Okay, now that I got that out of the way, anyone want to go ice skating with me?

Nov. 18th, 2012


I've never been more appreciative for the fact that the labs are soundproofed. Not that it's anything new for me, but I've been in my lab since yesterday, because it's been the only way to control this new ability. Apparently I have developed telepathy and without knowing how to control it I unwittingly read the minds of just about everyone here at the mansion. It was brief and I would never do that if I could control it of course. </s>I'll admit though, this is preferable to having feet like a monkey. Even if I do sort of miss being able to hang upside down.</s> I should have asked sooner, but I was distracted, trying to figure out how to control this on my own, but please let me know if you've suddenly developed....unusually large feet.

[Filtered to Xavier Mansion]
I didn't ask earlier if everyone was alright, considering I accidently read everyone's minds and already knew the answer. It seems that with the exception of Damian and Stephanie, the rest of you are all completely human, correct?

Nov. 7th, 2012


Excuse me. I was wondering if someone might be able to help me.

I had heard there might be a young woman here by the name of Ashley Magnus.

I've been looking for her.

Oct. 9th, 2012


I was really hoping that this was just some kind of training exercise, but wiping my memory so that I have no recollection of how I got here is beyond messed up. Someone has to know something. Its not common for one to wake up in a random bed in a random city...unless you have drinking problem. Glad to say that I don't.

Sep. 29th, 2012


2012, huh? Something tells me it's going to go a little differently for me this time than it did the last time around.

Somebody remind me because it's been a while. Do I still just have the one video store, or have I opened the second one yet?

Filtered to Dean )

[ooc: this is claire, who gave up her ability a few years down the road in a potential colligo future]

Sep. 20th, 2012


Drinks at my place.


Come if you want.

And you're old enough to.


As loud and boisterous this house can get at times, I am quite glad that everyone is visible again. I didn't enjoy my mind playing tricks on me. While I could have held my own if someone had been in the house besides those that are supposed to be, I wouldn't have wanted to actually have to do it. Of course I did get a lot of work done during the last few weeks, but it's much easier to relax when I know everyone else is upstairs and that I can actually see them.

[Filtered to Raven]
Raven, I was wondering....I was going to ask you sooner, but then Asaph decided to separate us...well, would you like to do something? Perhaps my earlier suggestion of taking Abu out?

Sep. 14th, 2012


Anyone know of somewhere cheap I can rent for a workspace?


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Annie sounds very confused )

What the... ( a pause ) Why am I... ( a little panicky ) Oh my god, I've been kidnapped and nobody's ever going to find me and... ( a startled shriek ) What the...why are there suits of armor moving around?

Troy? Abed? Is this another one of those things where you guys throw me into a weird situation and film it without telling me first? Because I told you, that's not actually cool.

Could you maybe just...I don't know...back up? You're starting to scare me a little and...oh my god...I'm going! I'm going!

( a pause )

Um...thanks for the... ( the library doors shut )

( another pause )

Oh. This is on.

Hello? Can anyone hear this?

Sep. 13th, 2012


Well, this is absolutely ridiculous.

Filtered to Logan )

Sep. 12th, 2012



  • Don't have to deal with Creepy Uncle Badtouch, also known as Peter Hale
  • No threats of physical violence from Derek
  • No constant rejection from Lydia
  • Chance to make new friends

  • No idea what creepy shenanigans Peter's getting up to
  • Derek is probably going to die from lack of common sense
  • Can't see Lydia
  • Have to make new friends

    It all kind of evens out. I guess I'd probably be more annoyed if Scott was here. Unless Scott and Allison were both here. Then it would be kind of hilarious.

    ( Willow )
    So...I was wondering if I could borrow some Mountain Ash for something. It's...sort of like a spell. Only not quite. I just need to make a barrier. With my brain. But it's really not magic. you think it might be magic? Do you think I could learn magic? Because that would be pretty cool.