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Mar. 15th, 2013


I... have no idea what is going on but half of the park is gone, I'm naked, I'm exhausted, and I seem to have blacked out the past several days I really need some pants. And a name. But mostly pants, at the moment.


I probably should have paid attention to this thing a little sooner but I was sort of lost in this massive house for a few days.

Seriously. I think I'm a princess or something. This place is crazy big. And is anyone else naturally blue but able to look like everyone else? Because I

Anybody figure out anything new about this situation?

Feb. 25th, 2013


Being "married" to a guy I don't even know is still awkward as all hell.

Aside from that, I should find a job and see about going back to school. Does the college around here have a good pre-med program?

Nov. 18th, 2012


I've never been more appreciative for the fact that the labs are soundproofed. Not that it's anything new for me, but I've been in my lab since yesterday, because it's been the only way to control this new ability. Apparently I have developed telepathy and without knowing how to control it I unwittingly read the minds of just about everyone here at the mansion. It was brief and I would never do that if I could control it of course. </s>I'll admit though, this is preferable to having feet like a monkey. Even if I do sort of miss being able to hang upside down.</s> I should have asked sooner, but I was distracted, trying to figure out how to control this on my own, but please let me know if you've suddenly developed....unusually large feet.

[Filtered to Xavier Mansion]
I didn't ask earlier if everyone was alright, considering I accidently read everyone's minds and already knew the answer. It seems that with the exception of Damian and Stephanie, the rest of you are all completely human, correct?

Nov. 17th, 2012


Okay, kind of freaking out a little bit. I don't have my powers, what happened to my powers? Please say that they will come back. Anybody else having problems with whatever powers they have?

Oct. 31st, 2012


Voice Post

(not locked at all because Sookie is not very electronically savvy)

This Halloween has been so weird. I saw some zombies... They didn't attack me, but I saw them from far away and didn't go after them. I have never seen any zombies before, so that was new. Work's been crazy busy, but I like that, it keeps me able to just focus on the work. I am hoping that as soon as the holiday is passed, things will quiet down....

Anyone up for hanging out? Melinda? Buffy?

Oct. 13th, 2012


I just have to say that this place blows. I don't know this place to even want to go anywhere, I just want to go home where I can sleep in my own bed. I was supposed to have a date tonight, but that won't happen, so whoever is responsible for this, I thank you for ruining a perfectly good evening that I was going to have tonight. And if they brought us here, couldn't they at least give us proper beds, those cots are not comfortable and I fell off of it last night when I tried to roll over.

I want to go and do something fun, I'm am up for anything right now.

Sep. 25th, 2012


[ Voice Post ]


Claudine? Are you here? Claudette, Claudia, Claudwina, Claudija, Claudellen? Where are you? (short pause) Where am I?

Come on, this isn't funny.

Sep. 13th, 2012


Okay now this is just getting ridiculous. So I know that I probably don't have any family here so I didn't really care about not seeing family members. But now I can't even see my roommate? And my other friends? What kind of mess is this? I guess that means that I just have to get out there and meet some new people. Anyone up for going dancing or getting a drink sometime? I could really use one right about now.

Sep. 6th, 2012


Just like last time, this doesn't really affect me. At least this time I don't have to go back and forth between Arthur, Eames and Ariadne, delivering messages. While I didn't mind helping them, it did get tiring.

[Filtered to Ashley Magnus]
How're you guys doing? Who else can you actually see besides Constantine? Something I just thought of, can you still see the abnormals?


I suppose this is the first test or experiment or whatever. Thankfully no one I know is here so I can talk to anyone...except I don't know anyone. This shall be interesting...

Aug. 24th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( the sounds of a struggle )

Unhand me. ( more struggling ) Unhand me! ( a loud crash of metal, then spoken loudly, in an offended tone ) You think your metal soldiers can harm me? Your arrogance would be amusing, were it not so insulting!

( the sound of the doors to the library opening )

This is wrong...this place is wrong.

( shouted, though not at the PDA )

What is the meaning of this? What fool dares to play at imprisoning me? Such offense will not be tolerated.

I will tear out your entrails and feed them back into your mewling mouths until you choke.

Aug. 23rd, 2012


Right. Apparently, I've somehow replaced another version of myself in this particular version of the city that everyone loves to hate. Good to know.

Anyone who is friends with "this" Colligo's Molly, she's not in right now. So sorry to disappoint. Better luck next time.

So. Lucifer is apparently dead, as is Meg, and I don't even want to think about what in the hell is wrong with Loki right now. At this point? You better still be here. And you better still be you. That's all I have to say on this subject, until I receive an answer.

[ooc: meet an au!molly walker (not suresh, as she was never adopted by mohinder). she's a villain. a very sneaky, very dangerous, villain. be afraid. be very afraid. :P]