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Jul. 19th, 2011


I think snow will always remind me of Narnia, especially right now. Are we sure Colligo hasn't been cursed by a witch? I'm curious as to how long this will last. Hopefully not as long as it did in Narnia.

Ygraine, will the stables remain open while if this type of weather continues?

Jul. 14th, 2011


Uther's name is no longer on the door. I have come to realise that means he has been sent home. If someone could inform Arthur I would be most grateful.

Jul. 11th, 2011


I just wanted to let everyone know, now that the weather is a lot warmer, that there are stables. I have been asked a couple of times about them and lessons as well as taking a horse for a ride are both available. I would be most happy to meet with anyone interested.

Jul. 6th, 2011


Who's up for a game of Gobstones?

Or, correction, who's up for learning how to play?

Jul. 5th, 2011


Other than sword fighting, I also miss horseback riding. Sometimes I wish we had never left Narnia the first time. I'm looking forward to when I'll be able to spar against Ed again, but I really miss taking a horse out into the woods and riding around for hours.

Jul. 2nd, 2011


I'm bored now. Who wants to babysit me today?

Jun. 23rd, 2011


I am starting to recover more after the attack, thank you to those who have been here to help me. I have to say some of the modern ways of healing are incredible.

Jun. 17th, 2011


Accidental Voice Post

[It's very much one of those randomly starting to record moments. For a second all that can be heard is a low growl and a distressed horse before snarls and screams, the obvious sounds of an attack. After a few minutes of constant attack noises and cries, there's a loud whinny and a pained growl before the pounding feet disappear leaving only whimpering to be heard]

Jun. 15th, 2011


I was told that this device was a creation of science and that through it most of those in this land can see it. I find it absolutely amazing the amount the world has changed in a little more than a thousand years. I look forward to learning about all of it and perhaps getting to meet, if not know, the majority of those in Colligo.

My name is Lancelot of of Camelot. I was uncertain as to with whom I should place my request to aid in the reconstruction efforts. Merlin said that Leon also helps but I've already bothered them enough with my incessant quest I would like to provide any assistance that I am capable of.

I was wondering, as well, if anyone knows of positions that may be open at their places of work. I admit that I do not have many skills outside of swordcraft ... and the ability to muck out a stable. However, I am willing to learn and I work hard. I wouldn't require much by way of payment.

Thank you those who took the time to read this. I greatly appreciate it.

Jun. 10th, 2011


Voice Post - Merlin (Fail!Filter and can be heard by everyone)

[ooc: shaky fingers make button pressing difficult]
Why. Aren't you. Home? [very tightly control, although the last word wavers due to panic and fear]

I saw Arthur - She has Arthur and Gwen! Merlin you need to help me find them right now! I can't - I won't - [stops abruptly, and draws a sharp breath, attempting to calm herself and regain control] where the hell are you?!

And why is every bloody person from Camelot incapable of answering their damned phones!

May. 30th, 2011



You know, despite never having a job before I really do enjoy it. It is so thrilling, getting to ride the whores so often.


What on earth...

May. 6th, 2011


I may love the dresses I had at my disposal back home, but I must admit the clothing here may surpass them all.

Apr. 28th, 2011


Does that happen often?

Filtered to Uther

Please do not be angry at me.

Apr. 25th, 2011



what is this? goloris are you here?

Apr. 17th, 2011


People are DUMB. Why would you kidnap somebody and leave them a phone and a PDA and money? And then they leave you alone like you won't leave.

Is this some sort of trick?

Morgana, if this is you it isn't FUNNY. I bet Gorlois wouldn't think so either when I tell him what you've done.

Apr. 16th, 2011


Should I take it as an insult that my husband would rather go to work than stay at home with me?

{OOC: Sex!water plot removes shame and privacy apparently xD}

Apr. 15th, 2011


Filtered to Uther

Can you come home early from work today?

Apr. 7th, 2011


Filtered to the Merlin lot (since she doesn't know how many there are)

I have been here for a short while and met some of you, but I am aware that there are others here from Camelot. I would like to host a dinner, and you are all invited.

Apr. 5th, 2011


Filtered to Morgana

NowhowdidUther say this

Ah there we are

My lady, my husband informed me of your presence. I know you will not remember me, but I wished to speak to you. Catch up, if you will.

Apr. 4th, 2011


Voice post

...what is this? Unhand me at once! [There's a 'oof' as she's thrown out, her voice distant as she drops the PDA]

How dare you? [Her voice goes quiet again. She just died, after all, she's a little weak, and she knows that she's died. What a strange idea of heaven]

I just want to feel him in my arms again.