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Apr. 2nd, 2013


I love these things.

Steph's answers )

Feb. 16th, 2013


Well, this is certainly more frustrating than last time we ended up stuck with other people.

If my "spouse" could please learn to keep his hands to himself, that would be much appreciated.

Feb. 14th, 2013


Wow. Valentine's already? Time flies.

Right. My kids. Front and center. I want to know where you are. Alternatively, if you have one of my kids, letting me know would be good too.

Dean, baby, let's chat up our fake spouses and see if we can work out a meet-up on Friday night. <3

Everyone else? If you aren't sure what's going on, or what the "rules" usually are for this particular trick Asaph has up his sleeve, feel free to ask and I'll do what I can to explain.

Jan. 14th, 2013


This place is very strange. I don't understand how it is I am incapable of remembering it when I am not here, yet am instantly reminded of it upon my return.

It would also appear the city had suffered significant damage since I was last here. Is there currently a threat of which I should be aware or has it been dealt with accordingly?

Jan. 10th, 2013


Ooo! I love these. Even if this one does feel kind of like the worst consolation prize ever.

"So, the city's kind of wrecked, and some people died, but here! Have some questions."

Steph's answers )

Jan. 1st, 2013


Accidental Voice Post

[The PDA comes on to the sound of really fast running, which cuts off abruptly followed by Hank’s breathing as he hits a dead end.]

This is not good. Not good at all.

[The obvious sounds of Daleks, repeating EXTERMINATE gets closer]

I suppose this is what happens when I spend most of my time in the lab. I have to make it a point to better familiarize myself with the city after this, [a pause] Too high to try and jump. Damn!


[There’s the crackle of electricity and the sound of a weapon being fired and the sound of metal hitting the ground]

At least I know it works.



[a pause] I….I made it. I had some help of cour….

[Hank is cut off as the sound of a scanner is heard over the PDA]



Oh no, I don’t think so. [There’s another crackle of electricity as the device Hank created with Q charges up.]


[Before the device can fire Hank yells out and the device clatters to the ground amidst the sound of Hank struggling]

No! Let me go!

Dec. 29th, 2012


Filtered to Marvel Universe & Friends of Bruce Banner

My friends, it is with great regret that I must relay to you the passing of a great and noble warrior, our comrade and brother in arms, Bruce Banner. He was slain in a battle against the Cyber Men and Daleks, and his honorable death would truly earn him a place in the vaulted halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever. Though it does little to temper the sting of his loss, perhaps we may take comfort in the knowledge of his impending return. And to those who knew him best, I extend my deepest condolences.

Dec. 28th, 2012


[ filtered to Charles Xavier ]
We need to try and organize something. You know that everyone here is going to want to help, not hide themselves away, but there is only so much each of us can do. You take one group. I take another. Maybe we can balance all our abilities out and keep the causalities to a minimum.

Dec. 26th, 2012


Okay. The bowtie Doctor kinda could've given more details on the Daleks and the Cybermen. He was probably busy with, y'know, saving lives and things like that, but here.

Don't even bother wasting bullets (or arrows) on the Cybermen, unless you've got something that'll explode on impact or overload their electricity. And by the way-- they can and will electrocute you to death if they've decided not to convert you. It's very painful. If they capture you for conversion, do your best to escape. Get yourself killed in the attempt if you have to. It's better than being converted. If you find someone being converted or partially converted-- show some mercy and do them the favor of killing them. If you're in a last resort situation and somehow able to manage this, rip out the center of a Cybermen's chest. The thing with the "C" on it. That'll screw them up real good.

Daleks are bulletproof and use forcefields. They don't look like they could follow you on staircases, but they can hover, so stairs aren't an escape. If its forcefield is down and you shoot into its eyestalk, you might be able to blind it. That's about all you can do. All they want to do to you is kill you, and they will. Or convert you, too, which is another way of killing you. I wish I knew how to kill them. We're fucked.

These were totally surreal for me to watch, but here's even more detail:
[The Doctor (bowtie), River Song]
Please tell me you're for some reason hiding bastic bullets in your TARDIS so we have even a tiny chance against the Daleks?

I'm not panicking, not something out of my worst nightmares, nope.

Dec. 4th, 2012


Well that sucked a whole heaping lot.

Nov. 17th, 2012


Filter!Fail Xavier Mansion

No need to be alarmed, but I sort of just broke the fridge door. Okay, so maybe there is a need to be alarmed. I know I've always been stronger than someone my age, but I've never been strong enough to pull the fridge door off.

Oct. 29th, 2012


Voice Post

[There's metal clanging, growing further away from the PDA, and the soft thud then a click as doors are quietly shut. For a moment following, there's nothing but silence, then a low moaning sound can be heard in the distance. A young girl speaks, the words coming out a bit jumbled and almost muted sounding, as though she's trying to form them but her mouth won't quite cooperate with what she wants to say.]

'oogeymen no. G-G-Go away!

[A low rumble begins; small pebbles can be heard bouncing against the ground as everything begins to shake.]

No 'oogeymen. Not f-food.

[The rumbling increases, as does the inhuman groaning that is clearly zombies for anyone who has heard them before. There's the sound of something falling rapidly through the air followed by a loud splat followed by a quick series of them. The groaning stops and there is silence before the girl speaks again, this time in a tone that is much calmer.]

Better. Not 'ood. Better.

[There's a howling in the distance and the girl breathes a resigned sort of sigh.]

Oct. 26th, 2012


I can't be here right now. I need to go back. There are things happening back home. Important things. I need to be there, not here. I need to check on the others and I need to go back home to do that because that's the only way I can check on them since they aren't here. So I need to go back.

Oh! And there's zombies here now. There aren't supposed to be zombies. Or mummies, either. That's unnatural.

Oct. 24th, 2012


This place really is incredibly fascinating.

I've been reading up on things around here, and I have to say it really is refreshing to find myself in a place like this.

Even the current festivities don't really detract from the appeal of the city as a whole.

Oct. 20th, 2012


Well, that was horribly unsettling. Next time, let it just be a simple invasion. We're better equipped to deal with something like that.

[ Selina ]
How are you and Helena managing?

[ Steph ]
That was not fun. At all. Being that angry and suspicious all the time is exhausting.

[ Charles ]
I have never been more glad to not think like myself before.


So not every aspect of the last eight years might have been awesome, but I prefer being able to remember that time as opposed to it all being one big blank. I also prefer my room at the Mansion to that extremely uncomfortable cot.

[Filtered to Raven]
I know that you read the comics from my reality and I have a question. Was Tim right? Was my father not really dead?

[Filtered to Lydia]
So, don't take this the wrong way, but you look like you belong in Mean Girls, but you're scary smart.

Sep. 26th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[in the background, music can be heard playing softly before suddenly being interrupted by an alarmed shriek from a monkey followed by some shuffling about, a gasp, then a resounding thud coupled with a grunt before a female voice begins speaking]

Ow. That hurt. Stupid gravity.

[sounds of someone standing back up before sucking in a sharp breath]

O-kay. That's... you're a monkey. Why are you a monkey? Why are you in my room?!

[footsteps, muffled against the carpet, are heard going away from the pda, then back toward it]

Right. There's a monkey. In my room. I have a monkey in my room. Someone gave me a monkey and- [everything suddenly goes silent before the girl groans softly]

Charles. What did you do this time? Right. Phone. I need to- [an abrupt pause then, loudly]


[ooc: raven xavier, age thirteen, who purposefully makes herself look a bit older because, uh, she's a teenage girl who can. enjoy!]

Sep. 24th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Charles sounds mostly confused )

What...I didn't...why am I home? ( a pause ) I'm supposed to be back at school. I went back yesterday. I remember going back yesterday. I can't just miss classes. If I get kicked out of Harvard, I'm pretty sure Kurt will actually kill me.

( a pause )

Wait. This is wrong. This room is wrong. This isn't how my room looks. And those...well...those definitely aren't my clothes. I'm not tall enough for them. I'm pretty sure that even with a really unexpected growth spurt, I'd never be tall enough for them. This really isn't making any logical sense.

( another pause )

Oh...there are people here. Far too many people. That's just... ( louder ) Raven?

( a pause )

Raven? Are you here?

( one more pause, then more quietly to himself )

What the bloody hell is going on?

Sep. 14th, 2012


Anyone know of somewhere cheap I can rent for a workspace?

Sep. 10th, 2012


Well, looks like we can add Molly to the list of people who have been sent home today. You'd think Asaph would decide not to send people home right now. I was going to find her to ask her if she wanted to play video games, because I'm extremely bored and while I know I should probably go patrolling, I don't really feel like it tonight. So, back to the point, I was going to find her and her room is empty. I hadn't realized until now that I hadn't seen Old Lace all day, which is unusual. Sucks, cause in my own time, Molly and I were pretty close. It's weird, having certain memories of people in the future Colligo I came from, but those people not actually being here now. You would think that those people getting sent home would somehow change the future that I know. Then again, there are some things, like The Professor and Erik getting together that hasn't changed.

So, I still want to play some video games, but doing it alone is kind of boring and I'd ask Raven, but I think she might be working, plus now I kind of want to find someone new to play against. Anyone want to come over and play? Professor, do I have to ask to invite people over? Considering I don't exactly go out of my way to do this, I'm not exactly sure on the protocol.

Sep. 6th, 2012


I suppose this is the first test or experiment or whatever. Thankfully no one I know is here so I can talk to anyone...except I don't know anyone. This shall be interesting...


I really hope it's just me, and that this place didn't get suddenly very quiet. Steph, Raven, have you seen Charles? I can't find him anywhere. And I can't feel

[ ooc: have your first post of the new plot ]

Sep. 5th, 2012


I don't wanna sleep cause I keep dreaming stuff and it's not real yet but it will be. And I don't wanna not be 'lowed to talk to my dad, not even for a little bit. Mister Asaph needs to stop being so mean!

Aug. 30th, 2012


Well, that was certainly interesting.

I must admit, I'm quite glad to be back to myself.

Aug. 29th, 2012


I had the strangest dream. And you were there. And you. And Natasha was evil. And Loki was weird. And Professor X was hot. And I was a girl. And apparently I slept with Barton. Not during the dream, I don't think. Just. At some point. Fucking hangover-induced fever dreams. Although I don't feel that hungover.

...wait, why is there a curling iron in my bathroom? And whose lacy underwear are ---

Aug. 24th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( the sounds of a struggle )

Unhand me. ( more struggling ) Unhand me! ( a loud crash of metal, then spoken loudly, in an offended tone ) You think your metal soldiers can harm me? Your arrogance would be amusing, were it not so insulting!

( the sound of the doors to the library opening )

This is wrong...this place is wrong.

( shouted, though not at the PDA )

What is the meaning of this? What fool dares to play at imprisoning me? Such offense will not be tolerated.

I will tear out your entrails and feed them back into your mewling mouths until you choke.

Aug. 23rd, 2012


( Voice Post )

( Charlotte sounds perturbed )

Oh dear...this again.

( a pause )

Raven? Darling? I need to borrow some clothes.

( another pause )

And why on earth was I in bed with Erik?

( another pause and a startled laugh )

Oh...never mind then. Yes...that would explain it.

( ooc: meet Charlotte Xavier, a distaff counterpart of Charles )


Accidental (then not so much) Voice Post

[There's the unmistakable sound of the knights beginning to move followed by the clearing of a throat before a little girl speaks up. Although soft-spoken, she doesn't sound afraid but rather polite, with an unspoken, understated sense of her simply knowing what to do.]

'scuse me, but can you just give me my thing so I can get somebody to come pick me up? I'm not really s'posed to be out by myself.

[The metallic clanging stops then the little girl's voice is much closer to the PDA now. She's smiling.]

Thank you. You go ahead and rest. I can walk to the door. It's okay. Bye!

[Small footsteps can be heard, with the loud groaning of the library doors as they open. Finally, as traffic fills the background, the little girl sighs softly and starts muttering to herself.]

Now I just gotta 'member how to use this thing... oh. It's already on. Huh. [a brief pause]

Hello? I'm Bo. Bo Hess. This is Colla [a pause, as she realizes she isn't saying the word right; she tries again] Colligo, right? [another pause]

Is somebody still here that knows me?

Aug. 15th, 2012


Whoever is responsible for this - Asaph, I believe is what that post said your name was - please let me go home. I'm not suited for living on another planet. It's not that I don't appreciate you choosing me for your kidnapping experiment but I really can't stay here. The smells are all wrong and the sounds aren't the same and, well, just please let me go back.

Aug. 13th, 2012


It's good to be back, even if waking up was somewhat disconcerting. I'd rather not ever repeat that. I'm sorry for worrying anyone.

Willow, Erik, thank you for taking care of everything.

( Erik )
You know I never blamed you, right? What happened wasn't your fault.

Aug. 7th, 2012


I didn't mean I thought Kitty was trying to stop me. I let it get to me, whatever is happening to everyone, it got to me. I didn't know what I was doing, and she was trying to stop me.

I thought she was someone else. I didn't mean hurt her. I swear, I didn't.

Jul. 25th, 2012


It's snowing. It's snowing and it's July. I know it's July because all of the digital calendars say so. They say July 25, 2012. But there's snow. There's not supposed to be snow in July, not even here. Because the weather here is like the weather in the United States and my mom says it only snows in the winter in the United States. Not summer. July is in the summer. That means it should be hot. So there shouldn't be any snow.

And oh, yeah. My feet are cold. I'm not dressed for the snow. I want to go back into the library. It was warm in there.


Unfiltered Voice Post

Right. Waking up as a skeleton in a library. That's new. Getting shuffled out by a pair of tin cans and tossed out naked in the street. Also new. Not having a drink, clothes, or a cigar. That's not, and it's a problem.

Last time this happened..well, lets avoid that. Answers. I'd like them. If things thing works like it looks like it does, the rest of you would really rather likely me to have them to, and clothes, and a smoke, and a drink.

Jul. 12th, 2012


I might as well.

My answers. )

Jul. 2nd, 2012


Molly, and Old Lace, are gone. I went by her room to see if she wanted to go into town with me and found it empty.

Sometimes I really hate this place.

Jun. 28th, 2012


I woke up in a library. I read part of a tie in book about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Some knights took me outside. Then they gave me this. Outside looks different. GPS says I'm not in Colorado.

Is this an Alternate History, Another Dimension, a Bizarro Universe, a Butterfly Effect Scenario, a Mirror Universe, a Multiverse, or an Elseworld? Or am I getting It's a Wonderful Lifed? And if it's a Bizarro Universe, am I still me, or can I make an early claim on Inspector Spacetime? ...maybe the dreamatorium really works.

Jun. 23rd, 2012


I'm feeling itchy from prolonged seriousness. I'm pretty sure it's an allergic reaction.

And I may or may not be making ALL THE JELLO as a way of apologizing.

Seriously, guys, I'm pretty sure I could make a lifesize statue of the god of abs with this much Jello. Or Steve. know...I was into Jello sculpting.

Jun. 22nd, 2012


Everyone really is giving me a headache. Well, everyone might be a bit of a hyperbolic statement. But quite a few people are. There's something off in their heads, like things have been shifted about and put in the wrong places...that's the only way I can think to describe it.

Raven, dear. Drinks? Please?

Jun. 18th, 2012


That is it.

My boss is suddenly in touch with his feelings, my best friend is no longer in touch with hers, and my maybe someday boyfriend my other best friend doesn't seem to even have any right now.

I give up. If anyone needs me - and you really, really, really better not need me because I'm liable to kick you in the throat if it's for something stupid - I'll be in the Danger Room until this is all over.

P.S. And I'm taking all of the Jello with me. Because I can.

Jun. 17th, 2012


I've done quite a lot of thinking recently about my attempt to reverse my mutation and I have come to the conclusion that I wasn't the least bit at fault for the ultimate result. I've rewritten the formula that I used and the science was sound, which means there was a miscalculation; otherwise it would have worked perfectly and I would have become normal as opposed to transforming into a great, blue animal.

Jun. 13th, 2012


...can someone please explain why I was just thrown out of a library.

Where the hell I am might also be acceptable, as I'm quite certain this isn't Gotham. The Gotham City Library doesn't throw me out unless I'm trailing straw everywhere

Jun. 12th, 2012



It is with great pleasure, and virtually no research on the matter because we are awesome like that, that Steph and I would like to introduce you to our mascot/sidekick/best pet ever.

His name is Abu, he likes baths, and if any of you try to claim he's not adorable I will kick you in the face. Or scowl. Whichever is easier.

Jun. 10th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[Footsteps are heard as Damain walks down the hall then the steps. His footsteps slow as he walks through the mansion towards the kitchen. There’s quiet for a few moments until the sound of the PDA being set down on the counter is heard, followed by the fridge being opened and it’s contents rummaged through]

With as many people who live in this damn house, you’d think there’d be more food in the fridge.

[There is the sound of something being taken out of the fridge and the door closing]

[A few seconds later, there's the sound of more footsteps entering the kitchen before abruptly stopping, followed by a heavy sigh.]

Oh, great. It's you. [Raven is clearly not very pleased but, nevertheless, the footsteps continue into the room. A cabinet door opens and there's some shuffling around before she sighs again. When she speaks this time, it's a mutter and clearly not aimed at him.]

Seriously. How hard is it to keep chips in this place? I can't even remember the last time I was able to eat even one before the bag was gone.

[Damian sighs as Raven enters the room, but moves to the island where the PDA is and sits up on a stool; the sound of a bottle cap being removed follows]

I was just saying that with the number of people who live in this house, you’d think there’d be more food. I mean for one there should be more junk food.

[Raven sighs and the cabinet door swings shut. There's the sound of a little more shuffling around, and the fridge door opening, before she finally gives a small 'aha!' of victory.]

Well, at least they left the Jell-O alone. [The fridge door shuts and a drawer opens. There's the rattling of silverware before she finds what she's looking for, followed by footsteps getting closer to the PDA as Raven takes a seat.]

We probably shouldn't complain too much about the whole lack of junk food thing. [a pause] I don't know about you I'm not exactly offering up most of my paycheck to the keep the cupboards stocked. [another pause]

So. Steph still ticked at you? [Raven's tone is innocent but anyone who knows her will be able to tell she's obviously just poking at Damian's buttons because she can.]

[Damian is quiet, drinking his soda, as Raven searches the cabinets and fridge.]

I’m starting to think that if I want certains things I’m gonna have to hide them in my room so no one eats it.

[At Raven’s question, he doesn’t answer right away, the only sound in the room being the ticking of the clock for a moment or two before Damian sighs]

As if you didn’t already know that. [You can almost hear the pout in his voice]

[For a few long, moments there's nothing but the clock ticking once again coupled with the sound of Raven's spoon occasionally banging lightly agains the dish containing the Jell-O. When she speaks, her tone is almost flippant but not quite as callous as she's been known to be.]

I guess I do. [another pause followed by a soft sigh] Look. I'm not going to apologize for what I said. I meant every word of it and, let's be honest. It was a long time coming. [another pause]

But if I didn't think you and Steph were good for one another, I would have said something a long time ago. [a pause] In fact, I probably would have said it, shouted it, performed an interpretive dance, and possibly even written it on a big piece of posterboard with finger paints. [another pause]

My point is, I do think you're as good for Steph as she is for you. I just wish you'd stop acting like some obsessive boyfriend-shaped-person that flips out whenever she so much as tries to do things that don't involve you. Because seriously. That? Is not groo- [a very brief pause as she catches herself] cool. That's not cool at all.

[Damian is quiet again for a moment or two once Raven finishes speaking, the only sound is that of the bottle being set down on the counter]

I don’t....I don’t try to be difficult and I don’t expect everyone to forget what I used to be like, because lets face it, for you guys it’s only been a few months. [a pause] I just...I can’t even believe I’m gonna tell you this, but over the last eight years, I thought I’d worked through all the issues I had from my childhood, only to find out that I hadn’t done as good a job as I thought. [There’s another short pause] The last few months have just been one big clusterfuck in my head and I don’t know how to deal with any of it. So, my first instinct is to get defensive. It always has been.

[Raven is silent as he speaks and is even quiet for a few seconds afterward, seriously considering what he said before responding. When she does, she starts out speaking slowly - as though considering each word - but starts to pick up steam once she gets going.]

Yeah, but... I mean, there's defensive and then there's acting like a stalker. And you're sort of inching toward the latter a little. [a pause] Let's take this latest situation, for example. You have to know that Steph and I aren't into girls. Not even each other. But you acted like she'd committed... [a pause, as she struggles for the right words] high treason or something, with her answers.

[There's a soft clatter as Raven sets down her spoon.]

And, a word to the wise? You're never going to work through all of your issues from when you were a kid, Damian. No one does. [a pause] Trust me. I'm speaking from experience on this.

I hadn’t intended it to sound like that. I know you guys aren’t into each other. I don’t know why I get so jealous, but I can’t help it and don’t even realize it until it’s too late. [A pause as he toys with the label on his soda bottle, not looking at Raven for a moment or two, pondering what he’s going to say next] Steph is the only girlfriend I’ve had and I keep thinking that she’s going to remember how I used to be and decide I’m not worth it or something. God, I can’t believe I’m telling you all of this. I haven’t even told Steph that. Not the only girlfriend part. She already knew that.

[Damian is silent for another moment or two] Maybe not, but with Drake showing up and then being sent back it brought back all the unresolved issues that we have concerning my father and then what happened when I was in Katherine’s body and fucking Jason....Raven, I’m a mess right now and no amount of meditation or beating the crap out of thugs helps.

[There's a moment of silence then Raven sighs softly.]

I don't know what to tell you. [a pause] You just have to get over it, Damian. It's not easy. [She snorts softly.] It's definitely not easy, in fact. [a pause then another soft sigh] But, eventually, you start to realize that not everyone is going to do to you what was done to you when you were younger. And you start to figure out that sometimes, you really can have friends who care about you for who you are and not who they think you are.

[There's the sound of the spoon once again scraping against the bowl in random spurts as Raven begins to scoop out the remaining Jell-O.]

I know this is a crazy idea. Totally insane, actually. But maybe, just maybe [a gasp] You should talk to Steph about the problems you're having not acting like a psycho stalker. [a pause, then Raven's tone turns a bit more sincere] She does care for you, you big dope. She'd probably listen.

[Damian watches Raven for a moment or two]

That’s all easier said than done. And I know that Steph would listen, but when we’re together I don’t want to bring up all that crap. I mean, maybe that’s the problem right there, but I’d rather spend time with her and do something fun instead of bringing the mood down with my shit, which I know is stupid and not the way to work through it all, but I’m screwed up. [He lets out a short, bitter laugh] I bet my mother would be glad to know that she screwed me up just enough that I can barely function in society.

[The response that immediately follows is little more than a mutter.]

At least she was involved enough in your life to screw you up.

[There’s a pause, then Raven sighs.]

Okay, listen. If you don’t bring up all of... this, to Steph, there’s a good chance you two won’t be together anymore. She’s only going to put up with it for so long before she gets tired of making excuses for you. You have to know that.

[Damian sighs and the next thing he says is muffled as he has put his head down on his arms, on the counter]

I know. I know. Why do relationships have to be so hard?

[There is silence for a moment or two before he lifts his head, sighing once more] I’m gonna have to get her somewhere where she’ll have to listen to me so that we can talk all of this out. I hate it when she’s mad at me.

[Raven's tone is almost caring, lacking its normal edge of faint sarcasm.]

They're only as tough as you make them, Damian. [a pause and a snort] Not that I have any room to judge in that department. [another pause and then a sigh]

Look. Just tell her that you want to talk about personal stuff. You can do that in her room. Or yours. Or any of the other seven hundred and ten rooms in this house that aren't occupied by people. Then just tell her everything you've told me. Trust me. In matters like this, honesty is the best policy.

[Another pause. This time, when Raven speaks, she's clearly grinning and her tone is slightly teasing.]

Besides. It's not like you can screw it up any worse than you already have. [She hesitates then quickly adds] Which was not a challenge, by the way.

[Damian is quiet for another moment or two before speaking, his tone also lighter than a moment ago]

Thanks, Raven. I know that I can be a real pain in the ass and usually put my foot in my mouth ninety-nine percent of the time. Hopefully after I talk to Steph we can figure out something as far as my unresolved issues go. [He laughs softly] Maybe I should give you guys permission to punch me every time I say something stupid and eventually the memory of the pain will keep me from saying stupid things. It’ll be like that Pavlov thing.

[Raven is quiet for a long moment. When she replies, it's obvious she's grinning.]

Now that is a plan I can support. A chance to smack you when you get out of line without fear of a lecture from my brother about the proper way to act, blah blah blah? I'm definitely in.

[There's muffled footsteps and the sound of water being run as she rinses off her dish.]

And I should probably warn you. If you decide not to talk to Steph about this, there's every chance I will. So Damian? Talk to her.

[Damian laughs again] Yeah, we'll just tell him that it's an experiment. He can understand that. [There is the sound of the stool being pushed away from the counter and Damian's footsteps on the floor follows] I'll talk to her. Maybe not tonight cause it's getting late, but tomorrow for sure.

Jun. 3rd, 2012


I thought I might actually get away with not doing this one, but everyone else I know has, I may as well head off the prodding by getting it done.

I hope this information proves to be at least somewhat amusing. )

Jun. 1st, 2012


In know...before I show my answers, we need a monkey companion.

monkey monkey monkey )

May. 28th, 2012


Excuse me? Could someone please tell me what's going on?

I've just about figured out this doohickey phone thing. It's not nearly as hard as that stuff Mr. Stark keeps pushing at me. I'm just really confused as to what's going on here. The suits of armor weren't exactly helpful, and the folks around here don't seem all that good at answering questions.

Speaking of...there was also this list of questions, so I figure I ought to answer them, even though they seem a little strange.

Steve's Answers )


I still don't quite understand the point of this but I suppose, since others are doing it, I will as well.

My answers. )

May. 27th, 2012


These questions were weird.

And now I want a monkey. )

May. 26th, 2012


Charles's answers )

May. 22nd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[The PDA turns on mid scuffle]

I'll give you two seconds to tell me what's going on here, otherwise you're not going to like me very much. [there is a sound, which is Remy's Bo-staff extending] Alright, I warned ya.

[There is the sound of metal hitting metal]

What the...

[Remy is cut off as the knights grab him and eventually manhandle him out of the library]

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