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Jun. 6th, 2011


[Filtered to both Castiels]

As I've grown rather tired of this all, I'll pass long the information.

Lucy's son says apparently this Glory woman can only be harmed truly by a 'weapon forged by a god'. Since this place decided not to send me here with my ever so convenient stash, if you'd like one of you could go ask mother dearest since she doesn't threaten to smite you on a regular basis.

But I'm quite done with this helping nonsense for now. It's doing nothing for my reputation as a selfish prick.

[Filtered to Kate, Bo, and Zevran]

I do hope you all are still in full possession of your mental facilities and also your lives. I'd be rather annoyed to find out if any of you weren't.

May. 29th, 2011


( Fail Filter - Meant for Merrill )

Merrill, dearest, it would seem that I am at that uncomfortable point in my relationship where I must acknowledge that my lover's bromance (Caroline was kind enough to teach me that word) is really more of a romance. I am honestly so tired of waiting for them to drop the pretence and accept that they want to bed one another that I am contemplating just sitting them both down and telling them to go ahead and do so. I feel it will really be good for them in the long run, and I must admit I see no real problem with it. I can hardly blame anyone being attracted to Anders, and I certainly understand why he finds Nathaniel appealing. Were it anyone but Nathaniel, I would object rather strongly, but they are both quite dear to me and I only want them to be happy.

Still, there really is no easy way to initiate such a discussion.

May. 18th, 2011


( Filtered from children )

I'm just asking for trouble with this

So, as nice as everyone was about my request for assistance, it's no longer necessary.

My boyfriend's here now, so that's taken care of.


Balthazar, Zevran, thank you for your help. You're both great.

Apr. 22nd, 2011


I do believe that I have once again received the powers of the mage. Though this time, I do not have that awful Justice to deal with.

I am almost saddened to not be a woman, I would very much like to know what that feels like.

Mar. 24th, 2011


I... have a hangover. I'd forgotten how painful these were. But it's worth it. Sort of. Not having healing powers to get rid of it kind of sucks.

Though if someone is suddenly feeling the need to fight against injustice and having anger problems. You might want to talk to me.


Filtered to Anders )

Filtered to Alistair )

Filtered to Morpheus )

Filtered to Morrigan and Merrill )

Filtered to Zevran )

Filtered to Morgana and Mordred )

Filtered to Ariadne, Arthur and Eames )


Dear Zevran,

I might have set your bed on fire.


Mar. 17th, 2011


( Voice Post )

Andraste's flaming knickers! What's this supposed to be then? I think one of those knights tried to get fresh with me. Not that I blame him, but it's the principle of the thing.

Hawke! I don't suppose this is your fault. I swear, follow my better nature once, and look where it gets me. that is a pretty sight.

Carry on then. This place isn't so bad after all. Lovely...scenery.

Mar. 13th, 2011


How curious. It seems that the universe itself does not wish the Blight ended. No true loss if this world proves more interesting, but there will be many kittens and fishwives devastated to know that salvation will not be coming, as their heroes have been whisked away by fate.

Mar. 1st, 2011


If someone could help me, it would be most appreciated. You see, I happen to be very allergic to marriage, and thus the past week has been very painful for me.

In fact, I believe I'm dying, and I need good man or woman to come and nurse me back to health. I can be very obliging.

Feb. 28th, 2011


I must admit that, while I am glad to no longer be shackled by the bonds of marriage, there are certain things I will miss.

( Filtered to Mordred )
I am happy to have had the opportunity to get to know you, and I would be happy to continue our lessons if you wish.

I will miss having you around.

( Filtered to Merlin )
I enjoyed your company over the last week. Please do not be a stranger.

( Filtered to Morgana - Voice Post )
Mordred informed me of your difficulties, and I wish to offer my assistance with the problem of your vision.

( Filtered to Alistair and Zevran )
I trust you both survived this terrible ordeal without too much damage?

Feb. 16th, 2011


Well look at what we have here! So many people to get to know, so little time. Where am I supposed to start?

I think one of those suits of armor tried to feel me up, cheeky things.