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December 29th, 2011

[info]sheriff_grimes in [info]colligo_network

I guess I'm grateful that these things aren't Walkers, but that doesn't make them any less a nuisance. Sure puts a bit of a damper on the holidays too.

I feel like there should be some organized effort to get these things under control. Hunting parties come to mind.

[info]frenchie_veela in [info]colligo_network

It's a shame. They were so adorable in the beginning. They reminded me of those little papillon dogs.

But then they just had to mature.

[info]wedoitmyway in [info]colligo_network

I'm getting married. In two days. Holy crap.

I never thought this would be happening to me of all people?

Also? I haven't demonstrated any bridezilla tendencies yet, but if any Gremlins even think of crashing my wedding, I am so not going to be happy.

[info]timeaftertime in [info]colligo_network

I had some time to fill here and there between the constant city hall verbal beatings meetings and gremlin killings, so I dug out that question thing. Finally finished it! Good thing it wasn't on paper, or it might have gremlin gut stains.

So many questions... )

[info]frenchie_veela in [info]colligo_network

I would have been able to answer this questionnaire quicker had it not been for the fact that my poor imp has somehow lost itself in my flat. At least the questionnaire is done. Now to continue the search for my imp.

Although I cannot imagine who would be intrigued enough to read this information.. )