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Mar. 16th, 2011


Filtered to Morgana
How have your visions been since your sight was restored?

Filtered to Merlin
We could be of a great asset to each other. You're still learning, perhaps you could do with the training those of us still in the Old Religion experienced?

Mar. 14th, 2011


I have an excellent idea. Do you want to hear my excellent idea? Of course you do, because it's excellent.

We need to have a Mario Kart League.

See? Excellent idea.

Mar. 11th, 2011



{Somehow put onto voice post}

There is lots of cooing. And giggles and a sneeze before yes, Abigail laughs at her own sneeze

{OOC: Okay this is what happens when I'm bored. The baby is now getting a hold of the PDA XD}

Mar. 6th, 2011


Filtered to Morgana

How do you feel about taking care of Abigail for a couple of hours tonight?

Filtered to Arthur

Let's go out for dinner tonight.

Filtered to Merlin

I need a favour.

Mar. 1st, 2011


I don't care what anyone else says. I'm quite certain that I have the most magnificent godchild in the entire universe. Mayhap in other ones as well.

[Filtered to Neria]

Thank you again. Should you ever be in need of anything, simply ask.

Feb. 28th, 2011


[Voice Message - Gwen, Arthur, Mordred, Morgause, Merlin, Sirius, Freya, Leon, Gwaine, and Uther]

Mordred asked Neria to see if she could repair my sight. I didn't think that there was any harm in trying and I've agreed to meet with her tomorrow evening. I just thought that you all should know. Please, don't get your hopes up. I'm certainly not

[Voice Message to Faith]

I wanted to thank you for a good week. I was wondering if you were free for lunch later in the week.

[Voice Message to Rory]

I never formally thanked you for putting up with my dragging you about the first day that we were stuck together. I apologize again for the exploding vases. I hope that you're well.


I must admit that, while I am glad to no longer be shackled by the bonds of marriage, there are certain things I will miss.

( Filtered to Mordred )
I am happy to have had the opportunity to get to know you, and I would be happy to continue our lessons if you wish.

I will miss having you around.

( Filtered to Merlin )
I enjoyed your company over the last week. Please do not be a stranger.

( Filtered to Morgana - Voice Post )
Mordred informed me of your difficulties, and I wish to offer my assistance with the problem of your vision.

( Filtered to Alistair and Zevran )
I trust you both survived this terrible ordeal without too much damage?

Feb. 27th, 2011


Voice Post to Morgana/Merlin/Arthur

So tomorrow night for dinner?


Merlin I missed my bed.

Feb. 26th, 2011


[Voice Post: Morgana, Merlin, Gwen]

Once this is over, I want us to get together for dinner one night. Only the four of us.

Feb. 25th, 2011


Filtered to Merlin

You've been quiet. Everything okay?

Filtered to Arthur

She knows you're not here.

Feb. 21st, 2011


I've found a puppy!

Click to see! )

Feb. 19th, 2011


In which Morgana sends a bunch of voice messages and I decide not to spam things.

[Voice Message to Regulus]


[Voice Message to Arthur and Gwen]

Are the both of you alright? Arthur do you still have Abigail?

[Voice Message to Freya]

Are you alright?

[Voice Message to Mordred]

Where are you? Are you alright?

[Voice Message to Merlin]


[Voice Message to Morgause]

Thank you. Again. Always. I truly don't know what I would have done during all of this without both your spell and your help.

[Voice Message to Juno]
Tag team texting Regulus until he answers one of us? I'm going to ask Molly where he is and then I'll see if I can drag my wife along to check up on him.

[Voice Message to Molly]

I apologize for bothering you during all of this, especially after all of your help; however, I was wondering if you could find where Regulus is.

Feb. 12th, 2011


The more these things happen here the more I want to be back home.


[ filtered to Arthur ]

You're the biggest dollop-headed, stubborn, idiotic, clot-pole, toad-breathed, prat that I know. I'm really glad you're my friend.

Everyone I know from those Harry Potter books are arguing now, and none of them have ever been taught to turn the other cheek or something. They get all up in arms about name calling. I don't understand. I've had to muck out stalls, and get put in the stocks, and sacked, been imprisoned, and nearly executed, and don't hold grudges like these people for a name.

I don't know how to stop them or make them calm down!

Also, I just told Leon I was a sorcerer, and I think you should talk to him. I'm going to see if Molly with get out of this room with me and do something fun.


So it's true Merlin's here, yes? Because that's the most incredible thing ever

Feb. 11th, 2011


Vost Post - Merlin, Arthur, and Gwen

Have any of you heard from Uther? It's been little more than a day since we've all been married, or "remarried" at any rate. Surely that's enough time for even Uther to let us know who he has been shackled with.

[Unless his person has killed him]

Feb. 10th, 2011


Voice Post

This is strange, but I suppose not the worst thing that this place has done. I wonder how long it will take to wear off.

James, is there something in particular you'd like for dinner since we have to have meals together? Or maybe you and Molly would like to cook with me so it's something we all like?

Freya, are you alright? You're with someone nice, I hope.


Voice Post

If someone could kindly tell me who has Mordred, I would greatly appreciate it. [The tone is measured and icily calm.]

Feb. 8th, 2011


Regulus. Every time I try to lay down for a nap, I get aroused by a that insistent cock of yours. We're going out tonight whether you like it or not.

Jan. 29th, 2011


[ filtered voice message to morgana ]

Regulus is in the clinic for hurting himself. They'll let him out in a few days then he's staying with me.

Jan. 27th, 2011


I think I'm starting to get better at this.

[Voice Posted to Morgana/Freya and filtered to Merlin/Uther/Arthur]

I was thinking we could all have dinner together tonight? A sort of...official welcome to Abigail, like what would have happened in Camelot.

Jan. 21st, 2011


I just picked up the pillow lying next to Abigail rather than her when she was crying...I think I'm sleep deprived.

[Filtered to Juno/Dawn/Claire/Amy}

How are you all?

Jan. 20th, 2011


So I guess
I guess you should be informed
Fuck this
Anyone here who still knows

I'm back.

[OOC EDIT: Forgot to add, for reference as I am sure he's not going to offer the information, Reg had his magic taken away and then was forced back to living.]

Jan. 15th, 2011


Voice Message

[... the sound of buttons being pounded on.] .. Why won't this bloody thing - [Pause]

Arth .. [shaky breathing] Morgause? It's ... it's really me. Morgana. I need you to come to the library.

I'll be waiting by a tree next to the library. It ... I .. Just hurry. Please.

Jan. 8th, 2011


Voice Post

There is a man with green skin and horns in my rooms. He's very nice, don't worry, but is this normal?

Jan. 3rd, 2011


I'm a father. She's so small, I'm afraid I'm going to crush her. How do people do this all the time and not exist in perpetual dread?

EDIT: I've taken a picture.
Meet Abigail Pendragon )

Jan. 1st, 2011


Does anyone have a way we can get to the hospital without being killed? It would be quite appreciated.

[Merlin & Uther;]
Guinevere has gone into labor.

Could you take Mordred? He wouldn't enjoy being trapped at the hospital and I don't want to leave him alone.

Dec. 30th, 2010


Rose is gone.

She absorbed the Time Vortex. She destroyed a large number of the Toclaphane but they'll probably be back. But she burnt. It destroyed her.


My Brother's
I tried to

They killed Regulus.

Dec. 28th, 2010


Those things. The toclafane. They are evil metal things with human faces and they talk. Not only that - they laugh.

Doctor, I'll get you however many you want to talk to if it'll help you get rid of them. I've got one for you already. I might've made the first one explode when it said it killed because it was fun and laughed

filtered to Arthur, Gwen, Uther, Morgause, Regulus, and Sirius )

Dec. 25th, 2010


Of course, electricity I can start fires with my mind but of course this bloody place couldn' I'm not exactly certain who to filter this to; therefore, I decided to leave this open. If anyone has a suggestion or options that can help, please say so now. I believe now would be a good time to start preparing an offensive. As well as a defensive, as Regulus pointed out.

I'm still learning about magic but I'm certain that there are spells that are electricity based. Mayhap there is a certain way to combine them into something powerful enough?

If anyone knows any protection spells or force fields or anything of that effect please contribute those as well.


Of course. A normal Christmas was too much to hope for, wasn't it? Typical. Whatever happened to good will and peace and all that kind of stuff. I mean, the snows lovely but anyone can generate snow if they nudge the clouds right and they didn't have to bring

Right. Hello! Merry Christmas! You may have noticed a few hundred shining metal ball things zipping around the place. They're called the Toclaphane and basically they're just... you lot. Well, you don't need all the details. Well, not really. They're from another place. Another time. I've met them before. Stay inside. They will kill you. Sorry about that.

Don't try and reason with them. Won't work. They just do it for fun.

Don't try and fight them. Unless you happen to have something that can send out a very precise electrical charge to disable them. That's an electrical surge of 58.5 kiloamperes, transferred charge 510 mega joules. If anyone else people can do that, please let me know. I'm not sure about magic. I wouldn't risk it. Don't risk it!!!

Stay inside. Hide. Run. Me and other me are working on it.

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

Eleven )

Master )

Dec. 23rd, 2010


Filtered to Arthur/Morgana/Merlin/Uther

You'll all be coming on Christmas Day wont you? Anything in particular you want?

Arthur you have no choice.

Dec. 17th, 2010


Merlin - what are 'the movies' that Sirius fellow told me to find - he made it sound like dangerous good fun.
Tags: ,

Dec. 16th, 2010


I am g
sir Gwaine

How does this

Well, isn't this a wonder? Almost as so with hot running water.

Arthur, Merlin tells me you are here, and that you've gone and actually married Gwen! but that you're from before we met. I'd like to change that, I'm Sir Gwaine.

Dec. 9th, 2010


Filtered to Merlin )

Dec. 8th, 2010


Are the Christmas songs necessary? They were cute last year. This year it's ridiculous. Every store. Every store. It's like a plague of horrible music.

Dec. 6th, 2010


[Voice Post]

Is there anyone who could teach me how to read? I'd like to learn.

Dec. 5th, 2010


I never thought I'd see these again.

Dec. 3rd, 2010


I have only been in this place a short time and already I find myself in awe of all the marvels of your modern culture.

Showers may well be the most brilliant invention ever!

Perhaps now, Alistair, you will finally cease resembling my hound in smell.


If I can't get to sleep because of the huge thing that is my bump, I'm getting up and down because she's against my bladder. And if it isn't that, it's the most unnerving, weird and vivid dreams.

I know she's worth it, but I kind of would just like a decent nights sleep.

Dec. 1st, 2010


Okay, the replica locket he's wearing is creepy, and the uncontrollable joyful sobbing is getting tiresome but

Today is rather fucking brilliant.




Nov. 30th, 2010


( Voice Post )

What in the name of Andraste?

I must confess, I haven't the faintest idea how I have come to be in this place, but I must return to Ferelden. There are pressing matters to which I must attend, and this delay could prove quite costly.

As for the knights in that library, perhaps they will now understand why it is unwise to provoke a Grey Warden and a mage of the Circle.

Nov. 29th, 2010


Teleport, Emrys? A little cowardly, I must say. Even for you.

[OOC: For the last bit of the plot - adult Mordred, from Camelot. Have fun!]

Nov. 28th, 2010


Settle down girls. I am here.


Well. I can certainly say that this is not even remotely what I expected.

Nov. 26th, 2010


The books didn't tell me that it would become impossible to tie my own shoes.

Nov. 24th, 2010


I love this place. Showers are heavenly, and the food is so much better. How I've survived so long without the delicious treats like cinnabon or ice cream, I'll never know.

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