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Nov. 22nd, 2010


Sirius )

Merlin )

Eames )

Juno )

ETA: Morgana )


What is this place? Those guards were not exactly friendly, I don't think my father would be pleased. 

Morgana? Are you here?

{OOC: Okay, time for an au Morgause...who wasn't sent away to be evil. She's from a Camelot where magic is fine, she grew up with Morgana and their parents and they both were taught their trade and how to use their magic for good. Oh yes, we have an angelic Morgause xD}

Nov. 21st, 2010


How wonderfully strange. Just finished being kidnapped once this week, and now Colligo again. I haven't been here in years, and it looks all the same. Even my room. Charming.

Anyone familiar still about? Regulus, I saw your things in the other room. Arthur, Morgana, or Gwen? I might even have a kind word for Sirius, it's been so long.

[ooc | jerkface merlin gone. have pleasant au!merlin for the rest of the plot. remembers his time here, went back to camelot for ages and has been plenty happy. even if he is a little scarred up from the trouble they get up to.]

Nov. 20th, 2010


Is it just me or have those knights grown rougher in their abuse? My bruises have bruises, and before you laugh, Merlin, it is not funny.

But was it really necessary to send me through the library again though? Isn't that just a bit extreme?

{ooc: Arthur is AU for the weekend. He's gone and come back from Morgana's sparkly golden dream world of episode 3x10 and is king now. Feel free to mock his highness as much as you please}

Nov. 17th, 2010


howdoyoushiti there AND !!?"?(* Right.

Listen. This flat's going to give someone leprosy. Reminds me of my old plac And this is, lets be honest, the worse prank/kidnapping/whatever that's ever happened to anyone EVER. What the hell?! You lot have gone SIRIUS SERIOUSLY downhill. I feel let down by you all.

And Merlin. Don't try to apparate out of here. Shit

Right. This isn't funny. Where's Harry? And I need to get back RIGHT. NOW. Before someone gets hexed so badly they have to carry their vital organs around in a bag.

Nov. 16th, 2010


she's so happy. I never would have I believe I can finally appreciate the lengths a parent will go to see their child smile.


q1qwhat merlin what in/ //?.>LW Bravo, Merlin. All right. I admit it. It is possible for you to get one on me. There are you happy now?

Stop pouting, love, and send me back home. Now.


ohfaf!!d howdoo!? there we go WHAT No There Would someone explain to me where I am? I was on a hunting trip with my son. If it's a ranso You cannot simply take me like this! Do you not know Where is Arthur?

Nov. 15th, 2010


Merlin )



This is not amusing. If this is because I sent Mordred away - I told him he is not allowed to be near Arthur alone. Until he understands that he can just stay with the druids. It is no fault of mine if he gets behind in his lessons.

Now I demand we return home. Cendred is trying to build up an army again, and ally himself with several sorcerers to take back his kingdom. He may not be much of a threat, but I've had enough of these pathetic attempts to fight us. King Alined, I believe, is also prepared to surrender. Perhaps Morgause would like to take the lead on this one. I believe you mentioned she liked his palace.

Nov. 10th, 2010


I know it's November and they're out of season, but I'd kill for a peach right now. Can anyone magic one up for me?

Nov. 9th, 2010


I want to go to a concert. Do they have those here? Or maybe a play. I'd also like to fly in a plane or helicopter.

Nov. 7th, 2010


Once and for all, I am not cooing over that blasted mouse. There will be no pictures or recordings. It's not happening.


I got back from walking Esme and found my husband staring at a mouse in a cage.

Merlin why do I know you had something to do with this?

Nov. 6th, 2010


I bought a camera! Look, I took pictures and finally figured out how to put them on here.

Nov. 4th, 2010


I think the baby is hiccupping. And my legs keep hurting. It really is making it harder to do things.

Nov. 1st, 2010


By God this place is boring. Doesn't anyone know how to have fun or was that banned?

Oct. 31st, 2010


Me and Phillipa found a dead dog when we were playing in the park. Someone had cut it's leg off as well.

Can someone bring it back, please? A bit like the undead people? It made Phillipa cry. And it smells.


Filtered to Arthur/Uther/Morgana/Merlin

So we decided on Abigail.

{OOC: Backdated to last night before all the plot stuffs}

Oct. 30th, 2010


So.... veterans of Colligo. How do we go about getting a new apartment? Is there someone we can ask or do we go petition at the library or something?

Failing that, anybody want a roommate? I'm reasonably quiet and tidy and I can keep my models out of the main rooms.

Oct. 29th, 2010


Filtered to Merlin )

Oct. 25th, 2010


Alright, although I know you would all love to have a piece of Sirius to carry with you always, I must insist you sneak into my room and steal a lock of hair or something. Whoever stole the vodka/cigarettes/whatever the else is missing from my flat,Reg, I would like it back. Please.

You won't like me when I'm angry.

Actually, you probably would. You kinky minxes.

And don't you dare touch my hair.

Oct. 24th, 2010


The zombies are gone.. For that I'm glad. My Papa is also, apparently, gone.

Needless to say I'm not glad at all about that.

Oct. 23rd, 2010


Thank you for the bracelet, Merlin. It's lovely. Even if you claim it helps pain and I've only really felt worse today.

Oct. 14th, 2010



Oct. 11th, 2010


You know the wheel? Yeah, I invented that.
Right after I was crowned King of Romania.

Also, you know who hasn't bothered me in a while? A Potter. Where have you all gone?

Oct. 7th, 2010


As much as I love my baby already, she really has to stop kicking me at awkward moments.

Sep. 26th, 2010


I don't want to go home. Although I know I don't belong here, what happens when I go back is so crap I'd be happy to stay in this mental city forever. And the companies not too bad either, apart from certain people who will not be named this side of the grave. Most of you are a right laugh and a half.

That is all.

Prongs )

Harry )

Moony )

Wormtail )

Hermione )

Morgana )

Rose )

Dora )

Sep. 25th, 2010



I want to go home. I want to go to Ealdor, and pretend I didn't have this destiny. It's terrifying and too much.

I have done so much that I'm not proud of, and even choices that I think are right seem wrong some how. I've killed people. I've protected people I shouldn't. Protecting Mordred had seemed natural, it was right. He's just a boy who can't help having magic any more then I can, but he'll murder Arthur one day.  The dragon warned me about him and I didn't listen, just like when he warned me about Morgana. I should have told her the truth to start with, maybe it would've been different, but I thought it would be - Gaius told me not to. Then when she went off with Mordred... She's my friend, and I care about her - But back home I'm afraid of who she'll become, of what she'll do.

I set loose the dragon that attacked Camelot. It was wrong of it to hurt innocent people, but I understand why - That's part of why I let it go. Arthur didn't kill it. He was knocked out, and I told Kilgharrah to leave. I couldn't be responsible for killing the last of its kind.

I hate that I have to keep protecting Uther for Arthur's sake. Uther would have me killed without second thought. Uther is the reason my father left, he hunted him, tried to have him killed because his abilities were too close to magic. I was only able to spend two days with my father before I had to watch him die, and he wouldn't have if I hadn't convinced him to come back to help protect Camelot. I wonder how many others continue to lose their families because Uther hates them for a magic they were born with. All because of one sorceress - because Nimueh didn't tell him the cost. You can't murder an entire group of people just because a few are evil, king or not. But I know what it feels like to lose a parent, and I couldn't let Arthur go through that...

Most of all, I hope the stories here are wrong about me, even though so much of them seems to be right. Being trapped in an enchanted tree of all things seems like my best choice because at least it will be near the lake with Freya. I hope more then anything that I'm not actually immortal because I don't think I could live with myself forever. Not if things end up like I think they will.


Filtered to Arthur, Merlin and Morgana

We're having a girl.

Sep. 24th, 2010


I'm going to be a mother in just over four months.

Sep. 20th, 2010


{filtered; Merlin}
Have you found anything out yet?

My temper has been getting the best of me this week. Guinevere, I'm sorry I was sharp with you. Talk to me?

Sep. 18th, 2010


Is there anyone here good with curing illnesses of the mind? I've heard there are. My father seems to have become undone and I can't keep watching him when he's like this. I can't drug my own father, I'm not Gaius. Someone is laughing at us. I don't know what to do about it.

{Filtered; Morgana, Merlin, Guinevere}
I'm staying with him tonight. I found him this morning crying on the floor. I can't keep up with this. I can't watch him deteriorate here

{Filtered; Morgause & Mordred}
I don't know if I'm blaming you or asking for your help.
Merlin's going to piss himself, that should be mildly entertaining at the very least

What is wrong with him? I'm certain one of you knows.

Sep. 17th, 2010


I need air I can't This isn't

I was thinking it's a nice enough day for a walk in the park and thought Esme might enjoy the fresh air, if anyone wishes to join me?


I'm tired of this. Why have some people changed and changed back, but I'm still a girl?

filtered to gwen;
How is Are Arthur and Morgana still
Do you want to do

How are you?

Sep. 16th, 2010


YES! Yes! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That will be all. That and fucking finally!

Sep. 13th, 2010


filter to arthur, morgana, and gwen )


filtered to uther

I am going to tell Arthur the truth about his birth and his mother's death. Otherwise he'll find out from Morgause, and he almost killed you last time. I will talk to him. I know - I can understand and explain but you have to be honest.


Someone really must train these Knights better. Now, where am I?


Merlin )

Arthur )

Gwen )

Albus )

Sep. 11th, 2010


You know what I realized? Even if I wanted to grow a beard, I couldn't. Unless I went to a potions class and took Snape's advice and stuck my head in a cauldron. Which actually sounds a bit appealing. That is the sadness and tragedy that is my life.

Pub, anyone?


If anyone else has decided to loathe me today, I'm listening.


hello? help

[ OOC: Any magical people might be able to hear a boy calling for help in their head ]

Sep. 10th, 2010


Well, Merlin, I suppose you're happy with this at the very least. Morgana, I don't want to hear one word about this from you.

Sep. 7th, 2010


Gwen? Morgana? May I borrow some clothes? Please. None of mine fit properly, and I can't leave the room like this.


I must ask! How did everyone happen to find themselves in this position? Was there any warning to it at all, or did it come on suddenly? Is the transformation as complete as possible? Are there any flaws that you are able to find?


What in Merlin's name is going on?

This is terribly wrong!

Sep. 3rd, 2010


[ filtered from the happy wedding couple ]

What should I get Victoire and Ted for a wedding gift? I'm not sure what they'd like. I'd appreciate some suggestions.


At least I'm used to getting around by candle light otherwise this would not be very convienient in my condition.

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