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August 9th, 2012

[info]thecallofmagic in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to the magical users of the city - and against Jeremiah and Hannah

Okay, so, as I'm pretty sure most of you have seen by now, there's a beginning of a plan being formed and it looks like we're going to need to step in and help out a bit. So I figured that it would probably be best if, unlike the science types, we were all on the same page to start with. So here we go.

1. We can't make it rain. If we do, like Cordelia said, it might get into the water supply and that would be of the bad. So that's out.

2. We can amp up the wind and try to get the toxin out that way, but if we're going to go with that, we need to figure out the best direction to send it in and make sure we're not going to be spreading it even further at the same time.

3. I'm also thinking it might be a good idea for some of us, again like Cordelia said and wow, quoting her twice in one post is kinda scary and pretty sure a sign of the Apocalypse or something, to help magically reinforce the safe places folks are going to be heading to for shelter. Sure, the gas is probably going to be filtered out by ventilation systems but, well, there are all kinds of crazy folk on the street right now and we don't want them suddenly busting down doors and stuff.

And that's about all I've got, so far. I can help with any of those things, though I'm thinking that the whole wind idea - if that's what we go with - is probably where I'll be most useful. Tara is with me, and so is Loki. So not a negotiation when it comes to those two.

Anyone else who wants to help out with that, feel free to speak up. The more, the merrier. Otherwise, help with securing places in a magical fashion or, if you have other ideas, offer them up. We just need to figure something out ASAP so we can do what we need to do because I don't know about you, but I am one antsy Willow right now and that never bodes well for anyone.

[info]moreblood in [info]colligo_network

Whatever is going on here - I am fine and sane. I want to help if there is anything that needs to be done. I don't know if that gas affects me the way it does others, but I haven't suffered any effects of it so I am assuming not.

[info]slayershaped in [info]colligo_network

I can't sleep. I keep dreaming of waking up in the ground, and clawing to get out. Everything is so confusing. I can't think.

[Willow, Faith, Tara, and Anya]
Spike really is on our side right? His chip is broke. He could try to kill me, or give me to his girlfriend. He might even put me back in that coffin. I'm keeping the daggers close.

[info]newkindacharmed in [info]colligo_network

Okay so I am hoping that these crystals work. I don't want a repeat of what just happened to me, I could have been killed and almost did. The Source of all evil, has been following me. I can just tell that he's spying on me, it feels like he's close again. I'm not stepping out of the apartment. Ever since I heard stories about him from my mother, I have been terrified of encountering him, he was supposed to be vanquished, what is going on?