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May 18th, 2012

[info]wealreadyare in [info]colligo_network

I do hope nobody missed me too badly. But going through the messages that my elder self put up on the network during my absence, it does seem as though I owe several of you rather substantial apologies.

Or at least, a demonstration that I'm not nearly as humourless as I apparently will be in my twilight years.

[info]becauseihaveto in [info]colligo_network

Finally I can lie again. It's about time.

[info]alsocannons_fan in [info]colligo_network

It would appear that at some point while I was de-aged and staying with Alex, Juno was sent home. I was curious as to why she didn't respond to my text before I left Alex's and now I know why.

[info]smashes in [info]colligo_network

Well. This is different.

[info]timeaftertime in [info]colligo_network

I've still got the big bear-hugging arms of a man with the bonus squishy bosom of someone's old grandma, sooo...

Free, bosomy hugs! Get them while you can!

[info]tobeunmade in [info]colligo_network

So, just checking, since things have been kinda crazy lately.

I'm not insane, right?

[info]sonof_ in [info]colligo_network

Found Blackjack a few days ago circling the library. He thought it was pretty funny to make me run all over town, but I finally got him to come down and follow me to the stables. Peter's letting me house him there, which is pretty cool of him and I think Blackjack is getting along with the other horses, so that's good.

I've been feeling really restless lately, what with having no monsters coming after me every other day. Peter has sparred with me a few times, but our fighting styles are pretty different. This might be a long shot, but is anyone else in town good with a sword and interested in sparring?

[info]doppelgangs in [info]colligo_network

Ric's gone. I went back home and all of his stuff is just.. gone. </s>And he's back to being that... thing. Or dead.</s>

Guess I'm living by myself.

And apparently I can't lie at the moment. Great.