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November 13th, 2011

[info]thenameofsanity in [info]colligo_network

Oh Doctor, Doctor, Doctor. When will you learn to put your playthings away properly? Maybe, if you did, they wouldn't be so easy to find and break. Oopsies!

I'll just borrow another one then, shall I?

[info]pad_foot in [info]colligo_network

Does anyone fancy telling me why the hell I've woken up in some bloody expensive-looking hotel with a load of?

[info]leaderoftheflck in [info]colligo_network

Either my PDA is off or I'm in 2011 again. I suppose the other tell tale sign I'm not in my own time is the fact that I just woke up in my old room at The Sanctuary.

[ooc: Meet Future!Colligo Max! Aka Max Pevensie, Edmund's wife from 2031.]

[info]humanincarnate in [info]colligo_network

I'm thinking maybe I should stay with some folks for a bit. I know I've got a flat of my own that's gonna have someone else here, but he's a little dead right now. So, way I see it, I reckon staying with somebody else until he comes back might be smart on account of me only being eleven.

Filtered to Michael and Lucifer )

[info]amadmanwithabox in [info]colligo_network

( Filtered to the Whoniverse and the Doctor's friends in Colligo, minus the Master and River )

Right then.

Roll call.

All you lot. I need to know where you are. Now. It's very important.

[info]roadhousehbic in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post

[ooc: follows after this]

[The following conversation/situation is muffled as Ellen's PDA turned on when she put it in her pocket after arriving at Nate's apartment.]

Duke, you wait here. Anything moves in this hallway, you shoot first and forget the damn questions. Damon, you're with me. Stay close and alert. Kate, cover the perimeter. Living room and hallway. Something happens, you get Duke and get the hell out of here. Now everybody stand back.

[There is the sound of a door opening & a few seconds of silence.] Right then. Damon, let's- [Ellen's words are cut off by a low, ominous growling. She sucks in a sharp breath of air.]

Sonofabi- [She grunts as she hits the ground, the PDA sliding out of her pocket and across the floor. Ellen's cry of pain is followed by a shotgun blast. Hello hellhound that demon!Jo left for the group! >.>]

[info]queenofthehorn in [info]colligo_network

excuse me can someone tell me what is going on

i dont know where i am and this is rather confusing

[OOC: Meet AU future!Susan. This Susan is book Susan, who lost her faith in Narnia and didn't go back during The Last Battle when her siblings did, as Susan lost all of her faith in Narnia and believed that it was just a game that her and her siblings played when they were kids. This Susan lost her siblings when they died in a train crash during the book. She's in her early thirties and currently works as a receptionist in a doctor's office in London.]

[info]theboywhowaited in [info]colligo_network

[Meant to be private to River, but very much public]

...Mels. Melody. Listen to me. I...can't say I understand. I don't know what's happening exactly, but we've known each other our whole lives. I know...I know you might be angry at me, I'm angry at me. I didn't protect you. I didn't help you. I wasn't there for you and you deserve better. But more importantly...all of this is my fault.

If you want to blame anyone, blame me. Not the Doctor. The Doctor saved me. He saved Amy. He made our lives have meaning and...he's my best friend. It's my fault that this has happened to you. It's my fault you didn't have a dad, didn't have a childhood, that things turned out this way.

Please. Talk to me. Let the Doctor's friends go.

[Actually private to Jack]

...I need your help. I'm going to try and find River. Do you think you could maybe give me a hand...?

[info]newkindacharmed in [info]colligo_network

Wow, I can't believe that I'm in my old apartment. It feels, well, really strange. I see all these pictures, one from a long time ago. I remember it was Peter's birthday, now that was a fun time. I guess the only regret I have in life is breaking up with him because of something really stupid. As the years went by, I dated man after man after man. Peter was great, and I had to let him go. Why was I so stupid all those years ago?