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August 31st, 2011

[info]youvebeenmarked in [info]colligo_network

Okay, this is getting out of hand.

I was just walking home from the mini-mart and some dumb shits took a swing at me with a bat. An actual baseball bat. I moved, but I wasn't fast enough, I guess, and now I've got a lovely bruise forming over my hip and side, where the tip of the damned thing caught me. I think I got freaking bat burn or something.

[info]notsolittlerock in [info]colligo_network

( Filtered from kids, just in case )

So I know everyone's freaking out and the locals are one good round of crazy from firebombing shit, but I think we all need a distraction.

So here's a picture of a wolverine fighting a bear. It is very factual and accurate.

Very factual and accurate picture behind cut )

You're welcome, Colligo.

[info]iloveyoudanno in [info]colligo_network

I got kicked out of school. They chased me away, screaming and throwing rocks.

[info]ilovetherunning in [info]colligo_network

I enjoy running as much as the next girl, course I do, but this has gone far enough. The next one of these savages that tries to shoot me, hit me, or chase me from the streets is going to wish they hadn't. I might do my very best to avoid violence but I've certainly no objections to self-defence.

My only real issue is that I don't understand why they've so much hostility but it's quickly reaching the point that I don't care. You can't help someone if they won't let you, yeah?

[info]wrongchosenone in [info]colligo_network

The next time I get nearly stabbed in the fucking neck, I'm kicking someone's face in. And it's probably going to be theirs.

I'd be more pissed off if it wasn't starting to heal already. No wonder I keep to myself.

Fuck this fucking place.