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May 30th, 2011

[info]reasonbackward in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post.

[ There's the sound of game pieces being knocked over and rearranged as well as being pushed across a game board. It's accompanied by the occasional meow. ]

No, no, not like that. Diagonal. And only when the path is unblocked. Yes, yes, that's much better. Bishop to... C5, is it? Capture my pawn. Clever. Hm.

[ meow ]

[info]humanmapquest in [info]colligo_network

[Fail!Filter to Jude Harvelle]
You know, sometimes I wonder just how many people in this city even know who I am. Not counting the dozen or so that I've managed to befriend, I mean, I bet I could probably count on one hand the number of people here who know my name, anything even remotely personal about me, and take the time to think about how it might be for me to look for their friends and loved ones whenever they go missing.

Sometimes, I want to wait until there is some major city-wide tragedy then tell everyone who asks to just look for people themselves and leave me alone. I won't, because it would be horrible of me to do, but I really want to.

And feel free to ignore this. I guess I'm just feeling a little sorry for myself or something. Stupid insomnia.

[ooc: totally unfiltered]

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_network

Bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. I need to be doing all sorts of stuff right now but guess what? I'm still bored.

[Fail!Filter to Crowley]
Question! How can I not get old and wrinkly so Cas won't be alone and sad?

[info]nofeargene in [info]colligo_network

Penis is here. One with pinecones and one with lots of penises. See, Danielle, I can be nice when I fuck you.

[Also brought to you by DYAC/I can't delete this! Posted after this.]

[info]rookie5o in [info]colligo_network


Hopefully my physical will beehive tombstone.

[info]minesbigger in [info]colligo_network

[Accidental Voice Post]

[Crowley's device is in his pocket, therefore his voice, though sing-songy, is muffled]

What he had yearned to embrace was not the flesh but a downy spirit, a spark, the impalpable angel that inhabits the flesh.*

What to do, what to do?

To destroy or not to destroy, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous Winchester tempers, or to take arms against the sea of their insanity, and by opposing, end them. End them!**

[Louder, almost shrill] End them! [Punctuated by the sound of a door shutting and the click of a lock snapping in to place]

*~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939, translated from French by Lewis Galantière
**~Crowley's own version of Hamlet's To Be Or Not To Be.

[info]daddys_angel in [info]colligo_network

Mommy Daddy when's my birthday? I've been five and three quarters foreverrrrrr!

[info]faithinthem in [info]colligo_network


I taught I breathed mine phonetics. Samurai hell?

[info]awerewolf in [info]colligo_network

I think Caroline's best physical feature isn't her hair - which is still nice and smells great.

It's her eyes. I really love her eyes.

[Brought to you by secrets Tyler Lockwood does not want to share with anyone!]

[info]threestepsahead in [info]colligo_network

I am sick unto death of everyone attempting to guess at my motivations. You're wrong. Every single one of you. And the worst part is that everyone takes Damon's word as gospel, as if being obsessed with me for more than a century makes him some sort of expert. I honestly don't know why I bother to care about this at all, but it's annoying- Both the caring and the assumptions.

I'm going to go find me a few locals to drain, maybe a bar to frequent, and a boy, or a girl, to fuck because I don't want to deal with this shit any more today.

[Hello, this was supposed to be a secret!]

[info]ilooklikeher in [info]colligo_network

Je ne peux pas recevoir cette chose à arrêter de parler le français!

[info]oceanstorm in [info]colligo_network

[FAILED Private Filter; Open to All]

This is all so different from home. Oh, some things are the same. People still die, souls still need guides, and there are reapers to look after them, though as of yet I am the only shinigami. But for everything that's the same, there seem to be twice as many differences. I can perform soul purifications, but where they send the souls certainly isn't Soul Society. Not if those souls can so easily be brought back to life without need to worry about the balance between the living and the dead.

I think perhaps Sogyo no Kotowari is as uneasy here as I am. We've never been so far from Soul Society without the ability to open the Senkaimon and return at our discretion, and never on our own. Genryusai-sensei worries too much to even think of it. As a captain, I have to agree with his judgment. Although, that doesn't help much now. Reasoning with a zanpakto that has a child's spirit can be next to impossible, and I draw the line at reading bedtime stories to a sword where Tessa might notice.

[info]notyourmate in [info]colligo_network


I got ten puffies </s>so I won't feel so lonely</s> and he's abomination. I'm going to tampon him to read parakeets.

I took porcupines.

Porcupines )

They need a narwhal.

[info]russiandoll in [info]colligo_network

Private Filter Fail.

As much as I'm enjoying being free of Division, I can't help but wonder if Nikita is okay.

I don't know how to live on my own anymore. The drugs are too tempting.

[info]politicallygray in [info]colligo_network

[private filter fail]

I miss Heidi, and the boys. Being here is so hard this time, I feel like I don't deserve to be a part of Peter or Claire's lives. I used to be such a good person. I don't know where I lost my way, or how to find my way back.

Sometimes I wonder if it was better when I was dead.

[info]pad_foot in [info]colligo_network


[Failed Filter to James Potter]

Donut you thistle the Pinapple is anna fish magnet?

[info]diedforcamelot in [info]colligo_network


You know, despite never having a job before I really do enjoy it. It is so thrilling, getting to ride the whores so often.


What on earth...

[info]blaidd_drwg_ in [info]colligo_network

Private Filter Fail

It kills me a little bit every day knowing that someday I'll have to leave him. End up back in the parallel world, or die. I wish I could change who I was. Be able to give him back that family.

He loves the humanity. But it's what will shove us apart and it terrifies me.

[info]futurequeen in [info]colligo_network

[Failed Filter to Uther]

Would you like to come see Abigail tonight, and stay for dinner?

</s>Not that it would make much difference if I asked you, you'll come for Abi and still treat me like a servant, simply ignoring me the entire time. Though perhaps a miracle may happen and you will bother acting like I exist. </s>

{OOC: SO yes, erase!fail and filter!fail so it can be seen}