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September 27th, 2010

[info]metamorpheus in [info]colligo_network

All your thoughts taste like fever dreams.
I wonder if mine are the same.

[info]a_royal_prat in [info]colligo_network

Guinevere )

Uther Pendragon )

Morgause )

Mordred )

[info]blaidd_drwg_ in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Sirius

As great as you were to sleep with, it has to stop.

[info]_ten_ in [info]colligo_network

Sometimes I wish I was human, because you lot are amazing. But then I see the way you treat each other sometimes, and I feel like giving up. I don't understand how one group of people, on such a small, innocent little planet, can be so wonderful and terrible all at the same time. You fascinate me, and I love you, but you also horrify me.

Other times I wish I could just die, because I'm so old now and I've done and seen so many terrible things. I saw the skies of my home burn crimson, and in turn I've made other places rain fire. I've killed so many people, whole races, since my own died away. I miss my home, and my family. People, planets, are afraid of me, and I don't blame them. I wonder if I've lived too long now, because at times I'm more tired and lonely than I thought it was possible to be.

Rose )

[info]heavenslancer in [info]colligo_network

Gabriel )

[info]winchestersmile in [info]colligo_network

Claire and Dad )

[info]thegoodbrother in [info]colligo_network

Mom )

Claire )

Future!Claire )

Gabriel )

[info]pushalittle in [info]colligo_network

filtered to Elle Bishop )

[info]oncemighty in [info]colligo_network

My name is Nikola Tesla. And if you don't know who I am, I pity the way the school system has deteriorated.

That is all.

[info]humanmapquest in [info]colligo_network

I have to wonder, if we all agreed to turn off our PDAs and lock them up somewhere, if we'd just end up babbling confessions to strangers in the streets next.

Filtered to Mohinder Suresh )

Filtered to Gabriel Gray )

[info]_yellow_eyes_ in [info]colligo_network

Here's a question for you, boys and girls:

Just who here is afraid of me? Color me curious.

Come on now, don't be shy.

[info]robinofthehood in [info]colligo_network

Leaving Marian to go to war was the worst mistake I have made in my life, irrespective of the things I saw and did in that time. And though I know that people are dependent on me back home, for food and protection, I would gladly stay here forever, where I can spend the rest of my days with her in relative peace. For the longest time that was only a dream.