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July 30th, 2010

[info]toolateforme in [info]colligo_network

So. A c-note went further than I remember, but still not far enough.

'No chance anybody's hiring? I'm good with a bottle opener, a wrench, and a gun, and that's about it. But I'm not hopelessly stupid, I'm willing to learn, and I work hard. I'll even promise to keep my mouth shut.

You're the one that fixed Cas' hand, right? Thanks.

[Castiel (Present!Cas)]
You probably really don't want to speak to me, after the last time, and that's fair. But I owe you an explanation when you want it- whatever you want to know, no bullshit.

I'm talking to your? the angel Cas and D Joh Dad about everything that went on. Cas'll know more than Dad, obviously, but if there's something you don't want said, to them or anybody else, speak now. 'Should probably ask what exactly everyone's telling Ben, too. 'Not like I'd ever tell him everything, but it's not right lying to the kid. Didn't work with S

[Everybody else Dean knows is here- Sam, Ellen, Jo, Claire, Adam, Little Rock]
Most of you know I'm shit at this, and don't expect much, but I figured I'd try. I had my head lodged up my ass in a bad way when I got here. Whatever I said to offend, I'm sorry. You didn't deserve it.

[info]gracelessangel in [info]colligo_network

It's not even noon and I'm awake. Something is wrong with this picture. And the next time someone parks outside the apartment and blares their music so loud it shakes me out of my bed, I'm going to

Filtered to Aziraphale )

[info]justcallmeal in [info]colligo_network

Filtered To People From His World; Excluding Tom Riddle

[Custom Filter]
Er... right. So here's the thing.

Apparently, there are stories about us in some form or fashion. Films, too. Now, I don't think a single one of us here are unaccustomed to the strange and, at times, downright bizarre, however something tells me this is a bit different. Unusual in a way that only this place seems capable of being.

Normally I'd ignore such a thing. It isn't as though I'm unused to folks knowing who my parents are. In this instance, however, I can't help but think. If there are those who know who we are simply from a few stories and films, then it stands to reason they're going to know who Tom grows up to become. They're also going to quite possibly tell him such a thing.

Now I can't imagine that going over very well and thought that it might be for the best if someone other than me were to perhaps try to tell him a bit, ahead of time. I'm not certain how much he'll believe, of course, but it seems a far better alternative than someone who isn't even from the wizarding world telling him. Or possibly trying to harm him.

[info]righteousman in [info]colligo_network

( Dad )
Figure you're getting sick of not having something to do.

I have a place, a garage. Could always use an extra set of hands to work on the cars.

Plus I could use some help with a project I'm working on.

[info]niblet in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Adam Milligan

Do you want to get some pizza in a little bit with me?