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July 29th, 2010

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]colligo_network

Mary Winchester )

[info]minesbigger in [info]colligo_network

Nice little community you've got here.

I think I need to start a business.

[Added a while later]:
I have acquired a casino in town.

Plenty of positions to fill. Inquire within.

[info]heavenslancer in [info]colligo_network

[Adam Young]

I didn't know who else to ask...

Adam, I need your help.

[info]scorpii in [info]colligo_network

Albus Severus Potter, if you have decided to join your brother in one of his ridiculous pranks, I will smother you in your sleep.

[info]awesomestpotter in [info]colligo_network

what the bloody hell/1111111 opening night1111111 bloody ever lasting ..There. Now I can yell at the lot of you better. OPENING BLOODY NIGHT! MY BAND was JUST ABOUT TO OPEN FOR THE WEIRD SISTERS! THE BLOODY WEIRD FUCKING SISTERS! And WHAT happens? What the fucking shitting hell happens? I get SUCKED to some TOWN I've never even heard of. Colligo!? Bloody effing Latin Where the hell is Colligo supposed to be? Italy!? What the shitting hell! Godric. And there's a family dinner this weekend. I don't care what dad says. Any woman who can kick Bellatrix Lestrange's arse is a woman to fear. You lot can tell my Nana why her grandson couldn't make dinner. You can go right ahead and tell my mum too. And my aunt 'Mione. And my aunt Fleur. In fact, go right ahead and tell the lot of them.

And while you're at it tell my Great-Aunt Petunia. I'm sure she'll just love my missing my celebration dinner. I bet she'd love to hear about the effing knights as well. Although they are rather

I hope you don't mind while I sit back and watch. Not that I sodding care if you do.

My manners. Almost forgot them. James Potter. At your service. Sorry about the bit of ranting not really. Bloody fucking hell. Almost sat on MY GUITAR. MY GUITAR. DO YOU KNOW WH I do autographs. Even on the skin.

[info]thatswhatido in [info]colligo_network

Definitely broke my hand this time.


[info]_underabadsign in [info]colligo_network

There is nothing like a good thick steaming cup of coffee first thing in the morning.

Why would you want to put it over ice? Kind of defeats the purpose, if you ask me.

El, I'm going to meet John for an evening coffee. I'll try to be back before dark.

[info]daddydouchebag in [info]colligo_network

I've been here what, two days? Haven't slept at all. Don't like what I see when I close my eyes. Already restless.