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September 5th, 2009

[info]letherlive in [info]colligo_network

filtered against Wesker;

Has anyone else ever almost done something so stupid, you can't even look at yourself in the mirror afterward? You didn't even go through with it, but you were so close it makes you sick?

[info]x_clairebear_x in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Jim Kirk )

Filtered to Priestly )

[info]betterthanapc in [info]colligo_network

Logan it's been wonderful sharing your couch, I wish you much luck in your booty adventures, but it is time for me to move on. My PDA tells me that I am rooming with Piper Halliwell.

Hey Piper, my name is Mac, we are roomies now.

ETA: [Filtered to Veronica and Logan]

So incidentally I'm getting the vibe I am not welcome in my own home. I take back my previous statement, Logan, there might be more crashing on your couch - unless of course you say otherwise.

Vee, I will trust in you to save me, frequently!

[info]notthebeav in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Veronica and Logan

You guys FAIL SO HARD the monkeys on the moon can hear your epic failing and will tell stories of it for many years.

"They date for a few episodes until Mac meets Max, a student who sells copies of exams. After the two connect, Mac breaks up with Bronson and begins dating Max, who she is with at the end of the series."

So who wants to tell her?

Oh, here's yours, Logan.

Just to show that we really can't keep secrets around here. It's all other there for anyone to see, so quit being so fucking coy.

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_network

Seven seconds. Seven lousy seconds.

Not. Fair.

[info]old_man in [info]colligo_network

You know, I enjoy history as much as the next girl but this? Is a little much, even for me.

Now I've already figured out that I'm in a city named Colligo and that, apparently, it's 'up to me' to determine why I've been brought here. This also isn't a holoprogram, or if it is there's no way to deactivate it which means I should just play like it isn't one and What I don't know is how I came to be here or just where this Colligo is located, exactly. It certainly isn't like any city I've ever seen, or heard of, before.

So if anyone could explain those things to me, or maybe just what in general is going on? I'd really appreciate it. And so help me, if you are behind this, Quark, I'm going to

[info]daddys_riddle in [info]colligo_network

What is the meaning of this?

There are moving -

I do not recognize this city -

Are these more tricks of that witch, that whore?!

Someone tell me what is going on!

[info]gutterchild in [info]colligo_network

Dumb and Dumber is on TV. If you're not convinced it's the best movie ever...

CASSIDY. Now you've got me doing it.

[info]shinyinside in [info]colligo_network

I'm bored. Arthur's bored. A girl and her dog should not be bored!

[info]romeosaveme in [info]colligo_network

Um. Okay. I've been taking the same path home since I was six and old enough to walk home without a chaperon. That walk did not, at any point, involve a library or walking suits of armor -- or creepy blank books with your name on the spine. did the FBI do this? did valenti call them and they--

I'm going to take a wild guess and say this isn't Roswell or any place in New Mexico... And hope that this PDA always wanted one of these is working and I'm not just standing here in the middle of a street typing messages to a dead server.

[info]future_seer in [info]colligo_network

I will never understand the appeal that men find in two women sharing a simple hug. It's idiotic, disgusting, and I don't quite care if they have a right to their own reaction. If they want a bloody show, I hear that the television tends to have women doing far worse, and without the risk of pissing me off. I don't see what the big commotion is about. You'll never find me causing a big ruckus whenever Arthur hugs Lancelot or Merlin.

Men of the future are bigger animals than the men of Camelot. At least in Camelot they have the good sense to keep their lewd comments to themselves.