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December 17th, 2012

[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]colligo_network

Okay, so, quick question. Did someone who looks like me or one of my psycho alternate selves show up and I just somehow missed the memo? Anybody know? Or did locals start looking like us, maybe? Because I'm pretty sure I just saw someone who could pass as my twin, across the street from my store.

Or, you know, I could just be losing my mind. I guess that's also a possibility. 'Tis the season, after all.

[info]changetherules in [info]colligo_network

Distant planet, jumbled timelines, inexplicable experiments, and complete separation from customary resources. How terribly inconvenient. I gather from the tacky decorations and frivolity that it's Christmas time. Not particularly happy or merry. I do wonder if that introductory overview is current on the point of Nikola Tesla's presence here. Could anyone confirm that, preferably the man himself if he's here?

I'm Helena. If you're inclined to informality, I'll answer to H.G., and if you'd rather be formal or well-mannered, Ms Wells.

[info]beautyand in [info]colligo_network

I just wanted to announce that Molly and I will be opening the bookshop up this week. It's called The Bookshop, which I find rather nice and to the point.

We'll have how should I put this holiday prices in place, to help people with gift-shopping.

Hopefully you'll all stop in. I promise that it will be a very nice experience.