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November 23rd, 2012

[info]whoeveryouwant in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post

[Loud hiphop music and people shouting over it can be heard; Raven - the only one whose voice is easily distinguishable - sighs heavily. There's the banging of a door and the rest of the noises become muffled. When Raven speaks, she's clearly muttering to herself.]

Well, that was about as much fun as a trip to the dentist. [a pause; there's the distinct sound of the door banging once more - with the noises from the club becoming loud then muffled once again; Raven doesn't seem to notice]

Okay, maybe a little more fun than the dentist, but still not as [a pause] Uh. Hi there. Something I can help you with? [there's a muffled voice, low and angry-sounding; the words are too garbled to make out but it's obvious from Raven's snort of derision a heartbeat later that she clearly doesn't give a damn what they're saying]

Right. Because it's my fault that your guy noticed m- [there's a loud slap and a clatter as the PDA falls to the ground - Raven's voice becomes a bit distant-sounding]

You slapped me! Who just walks up to someone and slaps them? That's seriously rude! [there's the sound of someone punching someone else; Raven's grunts softly and mutters to herself] Okay, ouch. Note to self. Figure out how to punch someone without use of your- [she trails off at the telltale sound of a gun being cocked]

A gun.

[a pause; her tone is disbelieving]

You're going to shoot me over a guy? A guy that noticed me? Are you actually nuts? We danced. Seriously. I even turned down his number. And you don't just-

[there's a loud bang and a gasp of pain; the thud of a body hitting the ground is coupled with the sound of someone in high heels running away; for a moment, there's nothing else, then a sharp intake of breath that's very wheezy and filled with pain]

Sonofa- [a couple of seconds of coughing follow then another, softer thud; then, there's nothing but silence save for the distant sound of music playing and cars driving past]