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November 19th, 2012

[info]tobeunmade in [info]colligo_network

Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it.

You guys think really loudly.

I don't need to know half that shit.

Also, I'm pretty sure I could kill you all with my brain.

Well...not you, Stark.

Also, I've never been happier that archery is not a superpower.

[info]newfoundheroism in [info]colligo_network

So. I'm a vampire. That's a thing now. First a werewolf. Now a vampire. I give it two months tops before I'm like...a zombie or a merman or something else equally ridiculous.

Not that werewolves are ridiculous. I'm from a town full of werewolves. Clearly they're not ridiculous. Or maybe my life is just ridiculous. On second thought, let's just go with that one.

Also, I am wired. Like...seriously. I feel like I took all of my Adderall, which is silly, because I didn't take any. I'm just feeling really, really twitchy. Is this a vampire thing?

Vampires of Colligo...or former vampires...or currently former vampires who will presumably be vampires again in a week or this a vampire thing? Can you answer that? I'd really appreciate it. If it helps, I have a kind of girly ring and I'm pretty sure I accidentally mind-controlled a guy, so I'm 90% positive I'm a Vampire Diaries vampire.

Which means amplified personality and...seriously, Morgan Freeman? Seriously? You thought it was a good idea to make my neurotic tendencies that much more prevalent? Really?

Awesome. Just awesome.

[info]onthespectrum in [info]colligo_network

If I'm a vampire now, do I have to be evil? Or can I be a good vampire? I'm not sure which vampire universe I'm from. I'm pretty sure it's not Buffy, because I appear to be able to read people's minds and alter their thoughts. But I know I'm not a twilight vampire, because I appear to respond poorly to sunlight. And I have a ring that seems to fix the sunlight problem, which is something Spike had in Buffy season 4. Do I currently have a soul? And if not, can i get one through a complex redemptive arc? Would I have to be cursed?

New information suggests that I may be a Vampire Diaries vampire. More as the story unfolds.

[info]slayershaped in [info]colligo_network

So since I can't seem to kick undead ass right now, it's a few days until Thanksgiving.

Who wants to come for dinner?

Willow, Tara, I am not taking no for an answer. Sookie, Melinda, are you in?

Anyone else?

Spike, you are helping. No is not allowed from you either.