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November 15th, 2012

[info]halamshivanas in [info]colligo_network

I must admit that I'm a bit surprised by this stretch of quiet. I can only imagine some new surprise is coming soon to shake things up, but I rather enjoy this respite.

( Fail!Filtered to Alistair )
How are you settling in, my king?

I do hope you do not miss your lovely queen too much. I do not imagine Anora would have a very favourable opinion of Colligo.

[info]aproudmother in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post

[There's a sharp intake of breath then a feminine voice muttering under her breath.]

What trickery is this? This is not-

[The sound of metal clanking causes her to trail off, only to immediately speak up in a much harder sounding tone.]

Identify yourselves! Do you hear me? I said identify yourse-

[a pause then there's a loud clang that reverberates throughout the library followed by another pause; the woman's voice is steady but with a hint of wariness]

Should you attempt to place your hands upon me, you will befall the same fate as that of your compatriot. The same shall be said if you do not grant me an exit at once.

[another pause before the low creaking of a door opening can be heard; the woman's tone becomes a touch less hostile]

I thank you for your cooperation. Nay, I have no need for your trinkets, I merely- [a pause] Very well. At your insistence. [the rest becomes muffled as the PDA is placed in a pocket]

Good day, sir. May your compatriot someday learn the wisdom which you clearly possess.

[slow, steady footsteps can be heard then the squeaking of the door sealing shut behind her; she draws in another sharp breath]

Where in the Nine Realms... [a pause; faintly bemused] What a particularly strange abduction.

[info]daretobelieve in [info]colligo_network

This city truly is extraordinary. I cannot say that I am thrilled that my mind was tampered with upon my arrival but, nevertheless, I have never seen a place quite like this. I daresay I would love to learn more about our host and this city.

( Ashley )
Are you really here?

( Nikola )
Did I imagine it, or did you tell me you married Kate?