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August 31st, 2012

[info]isaidbackoff in [info]colligo_network

Can anybody see this? I don't really know how this whole thing with this phone thing works so I want to make sure I'm doing it right and people can see what I'm putting here. Thanks.

[info]tobeunmade in [info]colligo_network

Sometimes it's easy to forget this is a real city.

Then a douchebag picks a fight in a bar and I remember.

I miss the days when a marine tag would be enough to make a guy second guess that sort of stupidity.

( Tasha )
You back yet?

[info]moreblood in [info]colligo_network

I feel like myself again. Hunger and all. That was an interesting couple of weeks. Looks like I have a lot of things to take care of.

Elena )

Caroline )

Lexi )

[info]slayershaped in [info]colligo_network

I could be really stressed out about Asaph's little bit of fun until I went back to see what I missed. OMG that was hilarious. I just wish I could have seen the look on Spike's face. I can picture it but there is nothing like the real thing.

[info]wantedthedevil in [info]colligo_network

Okay. Not that there have ever been a lack of people attempting to kill me, I would rather it not actually happen again.

[ filtered to Dean Winchester ]
I guess that magical growth spurt wasn't quite so happy this time around, eh?

[info]itsnotinme in [info]colligo_network

Okay. Since I seem to have lost almost a week, I'm guessing that wasn't just a very bad dream.

[ filtered to Caroline ]
So. How much trouble am I in?

[info]drsmith_jones in [info]colligo_network

While I have wondered what my life would have been like if I'd never met The Doctor, knowing what it would be like is kind of depressing. There's so much I would have missed out on; especially meeting Mickey. So, as mental as some of the things The Doctor and I went through were, I wouldn't trade that time for anything.

Having said that, Doctor, mind if I come by The TARDIS?

[Filtered to Amy Pond]
I don't think we've properly met; atleast not this time around. I'm Martha Smith-Jones and I work at the clinic with Rory. And as you've probably guessed from my post, I was one of The Doctor's companions. Not the version of him that you know, but the one before. Although I suppose it's the same thing in a way.