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August 12th, 2012

[info]isaidbackoff in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post

[There's the sound of someone sucking in a sharp breath, followed by a muffled grunt and some shuffling around. The voice, when it speaks, it hesitant, laced with apprehension, and clearly belongs to a young girl with a very slight, almost not quite noticeable, lisp.]

H-Hello? [a pause] Is someone there? Hello?

[A moment of silence follows before the tell-tale sound of the knights coming to life can be heard. As metal clangs lightly against the ground, the girl draws in a breath and whimpers softly in the back of her throat.]

What's going on? [clearly fearful] I don't- [a pause, then the girl's tone takes on a slightly hardened edge] Answer me!

[Another pause, the sound of footsteps running can be heard, with an abrupt scream immediately following. This time, when the girl speaks, her voice is trembling and there's a very noticeable strain to it.]

Stop! Do you hear me, you bastards? I said stop! [There's a whoosh that is the sound, for anyone who might recognize it, of fire suddenly filling a room that is all but bursting with oxygen. Over the low roar of the flames, the girl's voice can be heard, all but screaming by this point.]

BACK OFF! I DON'T WANT TO- [The sound of the library doors creaking open cuts her ranting short and, a heartbeat later, footsteps can be heard exiting the library. There's the sound of air passing by quickly, as the PDA is all but tossed after the retreating girl, then the thud of the doors swinging shut and the distant sound of traffic in the background. The girl sniffles softly and her voice trembles and sounds very small as she speaks again.]

I just want to stop. I-I don't want to hurt anybody else. I just want to stop running already. Please...

[info]ex_saviorcom829 in [info]colligo_network

Well, this is new.

And kind of awful.

What did I miss?

[info]goingonfacebook in [info]colligo_network

So who should we be thanking for the obvious lack of nasty, yellow fog? Our resident science nerds or our all powerful host? Also, who do I call about fixing this window? Some bozo broke it and I've had saran wrap over it for a week.

[info]_enigma in [info]colligo_network

Thanks for leaving my cane, Baby Crane.

[info]r_fischer in [info]colligo_network

Uh...Barbara...can I have my ring back now?

[info]newkindacharmed in [info]colligo_network

I am so glad that its all over and I can actually go out and experience life outside of my apartment. Thank you Chris for everything, you are the best brother ever. Thank you as well Sookie for being there, you are an amazing friend. Now I want to go out and have some fun, who is with me, first round of drinks on me?

Filtered to Jonathan Crane
I didn't say anything because I really couldn't prove anything yet. Until I went back to our conversation earlier about fear. Was this all you? Did you release that fear toxin?

[info]isaidquirky in [info]colligo_network

( "Accidentally" Fail Filtered to Loki )

Thank you for getting rid of the gas, Loki.

It really was very impressive the way you handled that power and didn't allow it to overwhelm you.

[info]_enigma in [info]colligo_network

[Filtered to Matt]

So, did you get a new girlfriend while I was dead?

[info]goodatcharms in [info]colligo_network

Would it be too much to ask not to have a constant worry about the threat to my son's life?

[info]blaidd_drwg_ in [info]colligo_network

Does anyone need any help after what happened?

[info]hatespaisley in [info]colligo_network

voice post.

[Sound of shoes scraping on the cement steps outside the library, shifting as he sits down on said steps with a half a resigned sigh before speaking into the phone.]

Hello? Probably whoever's out there gets asked this a lot, but does anyone know where here is?

[After a moment's deliberation.] Date, even?

[info]notasir in [info]colligo_network

I'm not sure what happened here while I was away and I'm equally unsure if I want the specifics. If someone could just tell me if I still have something to worry about, and what that something might be in that particular instance, I would appreciate it.

[info]humanmapquest in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post

[There's the tell-tale sounds of a TARDIS in the background, faint but certainly noticeable if anyone is either accustomed to hearing it/might recognize it easily, followed by a sharp intake of breath. The sounds begin to take on a slightly different pitch, before Molly's voice - slightly confused but still relaxed - comes over the line.]

Well. This is [a pause] different. Hello, Lo. I have to admit, this is probably the last place I expected to find myself.

[Footsteps can be heard, slightly muffled as though the PDA is brushing up against fabric of some sort. There's the whoosh of a door sliding opened and Molly's smile is all but audible as she speaks again.]

Thank you. Now, if you don't mind, would you please point me in the direction of the Master? Something tells me that he wouldn't appreciate my snooping around without at least letting him know that I'm back, first.

[There are some more sounds and, in the distance, another door sliding opened. Footsteps follow. Molly's voice drops a little, as though she's speaking more to herself than to the TARDIS now. Not that it matters because, hello, TARDIS, but yes.]

So, let's see. Based on how fast my reaction took place from the time I removed my mask until the time I collapsed, I'm guessing [another pause] dopamine. The toxin must have contained dopamine. Along with some sort of amphetamine, too, most likely. [Her voice raises slightly again - clearly, she's once more speaking to the TARDIS.]

I'm right, aren't I? [A few more sounds, in varying pitches.] I thought so. Thank you again, Lo. Now. Left or right?