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July 25th, 2012

[info]canucklehead in [info]colligo_network

Unfiltered Voice Post

Right. Waking up as a skeleton in a library. That's new. Getting shuffled out by a pair of tin cans and tossed out naked in the street. Also new. Not having a drink, clothes, or a cigar. That's not, and it's a problem.

Last time this happened..well, lets avoid that. Answers. I'd like them. If things thing works like it looks like it does, the rest of you would really rather likely me to have them to, and clothes, and a smoke, and a drink.

[info]veryimportant in [info]colligo_network

not-so-accidental voice post.

[sounds of pacing around outside the library. agitated Irish accented voice floating around somewhere in the vicinity of the mobile's speaker.]

Little bits of sky falling everywhere--

[sounds of shoes stepping down off the library steps, arms flailing, bits of snow and wind hitting the mobile's speaker.]

Hey! Hey you! [sound of muffled people talking in the background.]


[sound of footsteps as people disappear, leaving him by himself.]

Oh... [insulted.] oh FINE then! Joost GET poisoned! -- See what I care!

[info]thetransducer in [info]colligo_network

It's snowing. It's snowing and it's July. I know it's July because all of the digital calendars say so. They say July 25, 2012. But there's snow. There's not supposed to be snow in July, not even here. Because the weather here is like the weather in the United States and my mom says it only snows in the winter in the United States. Not summer. July is in the summer. That means it should be hot. So there shouldn't be any snow.

And oh, yeah. My feet are cold. I'm not dressed for the snow. I want to go back into the library. It was warm in there.

[info]kristina_snow in [info]colligo_network

I got an old photo book from Santa.... I really think it was a kick in the ass, from reality. Oh well it's "Christmas"!

[info]little_dixon in [info]colligo_network

seriously? don't know nothing about taking care of no little fancy dog.

thing ain't done nothing except piddle then sit down and stare at me. hope jude's fine with a dog around here.

[info]fursplosions in [info]colligo_network

Nessie is gone. I woke up this morning and all her stuff was just gone. I don't know what I'm going to do without her. God, this sucks! This is worse than when she died, because at least then she came back. I practically went crazy then. This is feels different, but she's still gone. It feels like a part of me is missing. I might have to take a few days off and just go out of town. Be alone for awhile to sort myself out.

[info]fulltiltdiva in [info]colligo_network

I would appreciate knowing whether this is our host's idea of a joke, bringing my Sleipnir here when his true place is within the stables of Asgard. I would particularly like to know as it appears that he was standing outside in the cold all evening.

[info]_enigma in [info]colligo_network

Ashemogomery gave me my father's cane...his actual cane, the same one he's cracked over the Bat Family's heads for years...

I can't stop crying every time I look at it. I want to take it for a test drive, but this damn bullet wound in my hand is making it impossible.

I miss my father.

[info]ihearthatalot in [info]colligo_network

I sincerely apologize to all of the people I was forced to kiss this week. There was several of you, and it wasn't my intention to do so at all.

[info]thecambion in [info]colligo_network

I think I took a wrong turn somewhere.

[info]tonystarks in [info]colligo_network

Oh my god.

Stark Tower is here. This is officially the best not-Christmas ever. Friday night, the roof will be dedicated to a celebration of this fact.

...of course having the money to actually run the company would have been nice.

[info]bubbly_vamp in [info]colligo_network

I think that this is the best gift I've ever received after my ring. I still can't believe that this is actually mine. Huck's finished novel. The novel that I have half the manuscript for that I assisted with the research on. I knew what he was planning for it, but to actually get to read the whole thing is unbelievable. For once, I can say with complete sincerity, thanks Asaph.