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June 17th, 2012

[info]quelled in [info]colligo_network

( Accidental Voice Post )

( There's a shocked gasp, then the sound of someone moving around. When Maysilee speaks, her voice is soft and her tone is filled with confusion and wariness. )

What happened? I was just in the Arena and... ( a pause ) Is this a new twist in the Game? I don't remember ever seeing something like this in any of the previous years...but this is a Quarter Quell, so...maybe...did they decide to change the Arena?

( There are heavier footsteps as the knights move toward her, and she makes a soft panicked noise and there's the sound of running footsteps as she tries to get away from the knights. )

Stay away from me! This is...I don't know what to do. They didn't prepare us for this... ( quietly, speaking to herself ) It's okay. It'll be okay. You can figure this out...

( the doors open and she stumbles out, and there's the sound of the PDA clattering on the ground when the knights toss it out. )

What's this?

( another gasp when she realizes she's in a city, then nervously with a definite wariness ) is this possible? I don't know what's happening. There have never been people in the arena other than tributes...

( a little louder, not so much talking to the phone as calling out to the area around her )

Haymitch? Are you here too?

( a pause )


[info]fairestteacher in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post

Davi....Charming? This doesn't feel right. I thought for sure that purple cloud would take us... [The sound of the Knights waking up is heard and they begin walking towards Mary Margaret]

Who're you and where am I? Where's Charming?

[As they get closer a sound is heard as if Mary Margaret is searching for something on herself before remembering what has recently happened] Don't come any closer or you'll regret it.

Hey!! [The sound of struggling is heard as the Knight's grab Mary Margaret, then a door opening and early morning, Sunday traffic is audible in the background]

Where are you taking me? Let me go rig... [The door slams behind her and besides the traffic there is silence for a moment or two] .....what is going on?

[info]therightpartner in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post.

This is... [ long pause ] not where I'm supposed to be.

No offense, Colonel Phillips, but if we were moving out, I would have liked a bit of notice, not to be merely loaded up with the cargo while I'm sleeping. [ pause ] Colonel? Stark? Any- Oh!

[ the sound of shuffling metal and a gun clicking uselessly, obviously empty; voice is hushed ] Blast. I knew I should have reloaded before -- [ voice raises again ] Who are you? What do you want? Better yet, where am-- HEY! Get your hands off me! Put me down, you metal clad brutes!

[ the sound of a door opening, someone hitting the ground, and the door closing again ] Not what I meant...

[info]wannafondue in [info]colligo_network

Now that I've figured out this fascinating device that those knights gave me before rudely ejecting me from that library....anyone want to tell me where I am? Or when I am, for that matter, as I'm pretty sure I'm not in 1945 anymore.

[info]notabozo in [info]colligo_network

I've done quite a lot of thinking recently about my attempt to reverse my mutation and I have come to the conclusion that I wasn't the least bit at fault for the ultimate result. I've rewritten the formula that I used and the science was sound, which means there was a miscalculation; otherwise it would have worked perfectly and I would have become normal as opposed to transforming into a great, blue animal.